Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This Week at UUP: January 31-February 6, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


UUP Men's Group
The UUP Men's Group will be meeting at Dick Allen's House on Friday, February 8th at 7:30pm. The subject of discussion will be 'Parenting You as a Father, You as a Son". Contact Phil Boyle for directions if you need them. Carpoolers meet at 7pm at Petaluma City Hall.

Larking About (UUP Singers) To Sing Again! You're Invited to Join!
After a break of several months, the UUP choir, known as Larking About, will begin weekly rehearsals once again, and you are invited to come sing with the group. No experience necessary, just a love of singing. We'll meet on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd: 716 Bassett St. (just off Webster, up the hill from Petaluma High School), beginning on Wednesday, February 6. If you have any questions, please ask David Dodd.

Come on out for All You Can Eat Crab!
You are invited to join new UUP member Janette Morrow at a fundraising All You Can Eat Crab Feed at the Marin Congregation on Saturday, February 2 at 6:30 PM. Cost is $35 for all you can eat crab, homemade clam chowder, sourdough bread, Caesar salad and dessert. More info at www.uumarin.org or call 415-479-4131.

This Sunday UUP Adult Forum "Sharing and Learning, Faith and Life"
Topic: Dealing with suffering: your own and that of others
We'll gather in the upper room of the Woman's Club following the Sunday Service until about 1:15 pm. Bring a beverage for a "Conversation Cafe."

Membership photos!
Hope Stewart is taking membership photos again. Please sign up for yours so we can include it on the board and in our book. Sign up sheets will be by the photo display.

UUP Bi-Annual Women's Retreat!
We have two UUP Women's Retreats a year, in March and October, and this year the retreat was full before it was announced! Apologies to those of you who may have wanted to go, but we're not sure who you are! Or how much unmet interest is out there. PLEASE: if you are interested in the Women's Retreat (or the Women's Group) contact Elizabeth Hathaway as soon as possible to let us know, so we can plan accordingly for October. We may be at a critical point of change, needing to find a new venue or change our format or start a second group, and this will take some advance planning. Contact: Elisabeth Hathaway.

Global Sisterhood, Spring Renewal
A weekend of Retreat, Relaxation and Rejuvenation
March 7 through 9 in Enchanted Hills, Napa
All UU women are invited. The retreat begins at 3:00 on Friday and runs through lunch on Sunday. Join with about 50 other UU women from throughout the District for conversation, singing, laughing, crying and learning. Contact Clair Trujillo (clair.trujillo at sbcglobal.net) to receive a registration form. Space is limited, and registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis. The cost for the weekend is $225 by Feb. 4 or $250 after that date. Delicious meals and lodging included.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, February 3rd, 2008: "True Religion?"
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers, preaching
Elisabeth Hathaway, Worship Leader
Join us for this special service featuring reflections from someone who had true religion, lost it, and later rediscovered it to be both essential and beyond belief.


The UUP Board of Trustee will meet this Sunday, Feb. 3rd at 8:30 am at the Woman's Club.

The UUP Worship Associates will meet on Sunday from 12:30 to 2:30 at T's office.

The next UUP Membership meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 10 at 1 pm at Hope's house.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Religious Education Update: January 20, 2008

Our Amazing UUP Kids

Last Sunday, I talked to the 3-6 year olds about how clouds are named. I pointed to the low, overcast gray sky, and asked them to name the type of clouds. Immediately, 6 year old Eva replied, “stratus.” (She was right, of course!) Later, I watched 4 year old Raj draw a rainbow using chalk on construction color. He carefully drew the rainbow in perfect color order. His mom later explained that he learned about rainbows from his 7 year sister, Maya. I learned two things from this lesson: that UUP kids are truly amazing and that they are fortunate that older members of their families take the time to talk about how the world works.

I’ve observed that UUP children have more general world knowledge, more social and environmental awareness and much less sense of entitlement than the typical young Petaluma child. (If you ask how I know, I spend lots of time in elementary schools each week.)

I am blessed to spend lots of time with UUP children. However, I’m willing to share in the fun. The Religious Education Committee will meet next week, immediately after the service, and we’ll be talking about social action projects, social events, Junior Worship Associate training for our youth, and much more. There are lots of opportunity to be involved, whether on one Sunday or several. Childcare will be provided.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Religious Education Update: January 13, 2008

Celebrating Our UUP Family-

“Think of a time when you have felt truly welcomed. Maybe it was coming home after a long time away. Maybe someone took you in when you were far from home. Relive those feelings for a moment. Feel that warmth again; see those smiles and feel those arms embracing you. What a gift it is to be welcomed.”
-Rev. Peter Morales, UU Minister

The Rev. Peter Morales teaches us that this physical or emotional embrace is spiritually moving. He writes, “It touches something very deep in us—our profound human longing to feel accepted, to belong, to be loved, to feel safe, to be valued and respected.”

I have seen the hospitality Rev. Morales describes in action. When teens arrive at UU youth conferences, they are immediately embraced by their peers. When I pull into the parking lot at our district’s UU Family Camp, someone will shout, “Marlene is here!”, and I receive hugs all around. And, I see it at UUP on Sunday mornings, when our wonderful greeters welcome friends and strangers to our community.

I believe that one of the most important tasks of a religious community is to build connections between its members. Children long for this, and will describe it as wanting to have friends at church. Often, who is in their RE classes on a given Sunday is more important to them than what is taught. Children also need to feel valued and respected by the adults here at UUP. It matters deeply when you chat with them and learn their names.

This spiritual discipline of hospitality can fortunately be lots of fun. We won’t ask you to fast or walk over hot coals. Everyone has an opportunity to practice this art next Saturday evening, right here at the Women’s Club. Please come to our Community Celebration Potluck! We’d love to see you there!

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Religious Education Update: December 9, 2007

Religious Education Update
The Winter Solstice

Imagine living in Sweden hundreds of years ago, around the time of the winter solstice. Living so far north, the land would be very cold, and your family would huddle around a fire, trying to keep warm. If the harvest had been poor that year, you’d be hungry and weak. As you shivered, you’d think about the evil spirits that roamed the earth on the shortest days. You might perform a special ritual to try to keep your family safe.

You might also tell a legend about a young girl dressed in white, with a crown of candles in her hair, bringing food and drink to Sweden’s starving people. The young girl in the legend was known as St. Lucia, as “Lucia” means light. You’d believe that on St. Lucia’s Day, the evil spirits’ spell over the sun would be broken, and light and warmth would begin to return to the land.

Long ago, the winter solstice had great religious significance. People in Northern Europe built huge bonfires to celebrate the sun’s return. Other ancient people practiced animal sacrifice to appease the gods. In the British Isles, people built great stone circles, such a Stonehenge, to track the sun’s southern trek across in the sky. In our hemisphere, the Hopis had slots in the walls of their Kivas to mark the changing location of the sun.

Today, with our understanding of the earth’s rotation around the sun and the resulting seasons, we approach the Winter Solstice with less fear. We don’t believe in evil spirits roaming the earth, threatening to punish disobedient children. We have certain faith that the sun will return. Yet, even so, many of us experience sadness or gloominess on dreary, rainy days with early sunsets. The festivals of light, whether we celebrate them as Hannukah or Christmas or the Winter Solstice itself, serve to bring hope, warmth and light into our cold December nights.

We will be preparing for next week’s Santa Lucia’s pageant in RE today. Next week’s Winter Solstice service and Drum Circle are not to be missed!

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Religious Education Update: November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving and Stone Soup

I didn’t cook a turkey this Thanksgiving, for the first time in decades. Instead of my usual tradition of chopping onions and celery and peeling potatoes all Thanksgiving morning, my husband and I hiked in the Mayacamas Mountains in balmy sunshine. In the afternoon, I sat down to a traditional feast cooked by my middle child, now the chef at the Mountain Home Ranch retreat center near Calistoga. The owners of Mountain Home Ranch, John and Suzanne Fouts, welcomed Dan, Lara and myself as the newest members of the Mountain Home family. I felt welcomed and honored.

Like many Americans, I sat down to a bountiful feast. The kitchen crew had prepared four 20 pound turkeys, multiple pies, and many pounds of potatoes. Other families less fortunate than mine also ate turkey last Thursday, but provided by charitable organizations that depend on volunteer contributions and labor. One UUP family spent Thanksgiving helping others. David Dodd and Diana Spaulding and their children Rosemary and Alex, helped served the hungry crowd at the Petaluma Kitchen. Rosemary and Alex learned that some of Petaluma’s hungry are homeless and unemployed, but others just don’t earn enough to be able to buy groceries by the end of the month.

As we learn in the Stone Soup stories, sharing our resources is
one way to prevent hunger. We will share vegetables with each other in today’s lunch. We can contribute to the Redwood Empire Food Bank in our Share the Plate offering, and help the hungry in Sonoma County. These are ways we can help immediately. In the long term, we can work towards changing our social structure so that families are able to be self sufficient. If we, as a society, worked towards providing affordable housing, universal health care, living wages and educational opportunities for all, we wouldn’t have over 50,000 people needing assistance from the Redwood Empire Food Bank. If a village can make soup from a stone, couldn’t we as a country raise healthy, educated children who never go to bed hungry?

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education

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January 2008 Potluck: Happy Worth Day

Photos from our January 12 potluck have been added to the UUP Flickr site. Here, KC cuts the "worthday cake" while hungry eyes look on in anticipation. A fine time was had by all.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

This Week at UUP: January 25-31, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Religious Education Committee Meeting this Sunday, January 27, immediately after the service
All are welcome to attend the monthly RE meeting to plan RE events, social action projects and classroom activities. Childcare will be provided. Questions? Contact Leslie Harrison, RE Chair or Marlene Abel, DRE.

UUP Men's Group
The UUP Men's Group will be meeting at Dick Allen's House on Friday, February 8th at 7:30pm. The subject of discussion will be 'Parenting You as a Father, You as a Son". Contact Phil Boyle for directions if you need them. Carpoolers meet at 7pm at Petaluma City Hall.

Larking About (UUP Singers) To Sing Again! You're Invited to Join!
After a break of several months, the UUP choir, known as Larking About, will begin weekly rehearsals once again, and you are invited to come sing with the group. No experience necessary, just a love of singing. We'll meet on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd, beginning on Wednesday, February 6. If you have any questions, please ask David Dodd.

UUSC/Guest At Your Table
Thank you one and all for the success of this year's Guest At Your Table program. Together we have donated $905 and qualified for $340 in matching funds for a grand total of $1245 to support the social justice work of UUSC. Because 18 donations (25% or more of our UUP membership) were at or above the UUSC membership level, we will also be honored as a "Creating Justice Banner Society" (for the 4th time!), and we will be listed as an honored congregation in UUWorld magazine, UUSC's annual report, and online at www.uusc.org! Together we can make a difference.
- Jan Crosby, for Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Words of Encouragement
And the words are...."Name Tags!" It has been very exciting to see many new faces each Sunday at UUP - both new and returning visitors and several recently joined members. It would be wonderful to be able to greet each other by name but there are a lot of names to learn, especially for the newer folks. The Membership/Hospitality/Outreach Committee encourages all of us to wear our name tags so that we may become better acquainted and help others feel included in our warm and welcoming community. If you don't have your name tag at home it should be in the name tag box in the foyer. If it's lost just let us know and we'll see that you get a new one.
- Jan Crosby, for Membership/Hospitality/Outreach Committee

Come on out for All You Can Eat Crab!
You are invited to join new UUP member Janette Morrow at a fundraising All You Can Eat Crab Feed at the Marin Congregation on Saturday, February 2 at 6:30 PM. Cost is $35 for all you can eat crab, homemade clam chowder, sourdough bread, Caesar salad and dessert. More info at www.uumarin.org or call 415-479-4131.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, January 27, 2008: This I Believe
Speakers: Bruce Eriksen and Joyce Tischler
In quarterly "This I Believe" services at UUP, members of our community trace their religious and spiritual awakening and personal narrative through the events and practices of their lives, highlighting their religious histories, beliefs and catalytic experiences. Through these services we get to know one another better and see the range and variety of ways to think and act in the process of seeking to pursue and fulfill what we might call a spiritually informed and enriched life.


Friday, January 18, 2008

This Week at UUP: January 17-23, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Community Celebration Potluck: "Happy Worth Day"
This Saturday, January 19

All members, friends and guests of UUP are invited to a potluck from 6-8 pm this Saturday at the Petaluma Woman's Club. Enjoy good food, songs, games and stories about "worth", with Rev Ben and our Potluck Task Force members: Janette Morrow, Diana Spaulding and Ellen Beeler. Three of our youth- Amy, Bailey and Lizzie- will provide childcare, fun and games for the kids. Please your own beverage, a cup to drink from, plus a potluck dish. If your last name begins with A through G bring a salad or main dish, H through P bring an entree, and Q though Z bring a dessert.
Questions? Contact any task force member, Rev. Ben or Marlene Abel.

Questions about Unitarian Universalism or UUP? Come to a "New to UU" Visitors' Orientation!
On the third Sunday of each month, informal conversations are held after the service (11:45-12:15) about Unitarian Universalism and liberal religion. If you've been wondering about Unitarian Universalism or the UUP congregation, here's your chance to find out! This month's conversation will be held this Sunday.

UUP Adult Forum this Sunday
This month's topic: Graceful aging
This month's session of the Adult Forum - Sharing and Learning, Faith and Life - will take place this Sunday. We'll gather in the upper room of the Woman's Club following the Sunday Service to 1:15 pm. Bring a beverage for a "Conversation Cafe."

Religious Education Committee Meeting Sunday, January 27, immediately after the service
All are welcome to attend the monthly RE meeting to plan RE events, social action projects and classroom activities. Childcare will be provided. Questions? Contact Leslie Harrison, RE Chair or Marlene Abel, DRE.

UUP Men's Group
The UUP Men's Group will be meeting at Dick Allen's House on Friday, February 8th at 7:30 pm. The subject of discussion will be 'Parenting: You as a Father, You as a Son". Contact Phil Boyle. Carpoolers meet at 7pm at Petaluma City Hall.

Announcing "Changing the Forecast" Workshops
Climate Action Workshop for Unitarian Universalists
Saturday, February 2, 2008 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Mt. Diablo UU Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA UU Legislative Ministry-CA invites UUs to Changing the Forecast, a one-day climate action workshop presented in partnership with the Planning and Conservation League. Learn how to harness the power of the California Environmental Quality Act and new state climate policy to inform local community planning. Find out how to engage your congregation in reducing carbon emissions by taking UULM Low Carbon Challenge. Featured presenters are Matt Vander Sluis, Global Warming Project Manager for the Planning and Conservation League; and Rachel Morris, President of VCCool, a Ventura County grassroots organization dedicated to stemming global warming.
Email: workshop at uulmca.org or call (530) 848-2920 to reserve your seat. $15 donation includes lunch.

Announcing the 6th annual Asian/Pacific Islander UU Community Building Weekend
The 6th annual Asian/Pacific Islander UU Community Building Weekend will take place Feb. 15th to 17th at Throop UU Church in Pasadena. We are anticipating a record turnout of UUs from across the country who identify wholly or in part as Asian or Pacific Islander. Programming for children and a field trip to Little Tokyo and Chinatown are included. The highlight is the Saturday 9 a.m-5 p.m. workshop on "Creating the Community We Dream About." Registration forms available here.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, January 20, 2008: Remembering the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Worship leaders: The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers and Stacey Meinzen
Music by David Dodd
Greeters: Leslie Balestreri, Ingrid Larnis, Karen Barlow and Jan Crosby
This day we celebrate the life and impact of one who was great among us. A man who led this country to reexamine what it means to be American and what it means to live out the idea that all people should be free, and treated equally under the law. The service will include an opportunity for the congregation to share what his life and legacy means to them.

Sunday, January 27, 2008: This I Believe
Speakers: Bruce Eriksen and Joyce Tischler
In quarterly "This I Believe" services at UUP, members of our community trace their religious and spiritual awakening and personal narrative through the events and practices of their lives, highlighting their religious histories, beliefs and catalytic experiences. Through these services we get to know one another better and see the range and variety of ways to think and act in the process of seeking to pursue and fulfill what we might call a spiritually informed and enriched life.


The Women's Group meets Monday Jan 21 at 7:30 pm at the home of Jean Conrad. The topic for this month is "The Best Thing I Did in 2007".


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ric Masten Fundraiser

Countless Unitarian Universalists and others have had their lives touched by the ministry and writings of Ric Masten. Others know him as the author of the hymn, "Let It Be a Dance," or as a prolific writer and musician. He spoke at UUP last summer.

Ric Masten reads "Official Portrait"

And as many also know, Ric has been bravely fighting metastatic prostate cancer for the past ten years. On Sunday, January 20, our Monterey congregation will hold a very special tribute and fundraiser for this remarkable man-- a chance to raise funds to bring one of his books, lost in a flood, back into publication, a chance to sing and socialize with Ric, and to tell him of the ways his life has meant so much to others. For more information, please see their flyer.

Those wishing to write up a testimonial should send them in to Itwillbeadance at comcast.net by January 15, and those wishing to make a donation should make their checks out to Masten Publishing Fund, and send them to UUCMP, 490 Aguajito Road, Carmel, CA 93923


Friday, January 11, 2008

Asian Pacific Islander Caucus Conference: Feb. 17, 2008

Announcing the 6th annual Asian/Pacific Islander UU Community Building Weekend Feb. 15-17, 2008 at Throop UU Church in Pasadena. We are anticipating a record turnout of UUs from across the country who identify wholly or in part as Asian or Pacific Islander. Programming for children and a field trip to Little Tokyo and Chinatown are included. The highlight is the Saturday 9 a.m-5 p.m. workshop on "Creating the Community We Dream About."

Registration form available here.

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This Week at UUP: January 10-16, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


This Sunday is a Share-the-Plate Sunday: the Petaluma Educational Foundation
In keeping with UUP's commitment to supporting our community, we will share our non-pledge offering this month with the Petaluma Educational Foundation. PEF is a broadly based community foundation that secures and distributes contributions from the private sector (local businesses, parents, individuals, service clubs and private foundations) to benefit the educational program in Petaluma area schools. PEF provides grants to teachers, offers scholarships to graduating seniors and manages designated funds for school programs and activities. Founded in 1982, PEF serves ten school districts incorporating 31 public and non-profit private schools in our community.

Community Celebration Potluck "Happy Worth Day" Saturday, January 19
All members, friends and guests of UUP are invited to a potluck from 6-8 pm, Saturday, January 19, at the Petaluma Woman's Club. Enjoy good food, songs, games and stories about "worth", with Rev Ben and our Potluck Task Force members: Janette Morrow, Diana Spaulding and Ellen Beeler. Three of our youth- Amy, Bailey and Lizzie- will provide childcare, fun and games for the kids. Please your own beverage, a cup to drink from, plus a potluck dish. If your last name begins with A through G bring a salad or side dish, H through P bring an entree, and Q though Z bring a dessert.
Questions? Contact any task force member, Rev. Ben or Marlene Abel.

UUSC/Guest At Your Table
Many thanks to those who brought their Guest at Your Table Boxes, envelopes and checks to church last Sunday to participate in our community's offering to UUSC during the worship service. Your generous donations enable the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee to put our UU values into action around the world. There will be a second donation opportunity this Sunday, January 13, for those who were unable to attend last week. Donation envelopes will be available for anyone who needs one. Checks should be made out to UUSC. Questions? Please contact Jan Crosby.

Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, January 13, 2008: Secrets of the Kingdom
Guest Minister, Timothy Locke, PhDWorship Associate: Elisabeth Hathaway
Greeters: George Beeler, Dennis Zerbo, Michael Pool and Earl Cruser
Join us with returning Guest Minister Timothy Locke as he facilitates an imaginative exploration into meanings that the " Kingdom of Heaven" might hold for us as Unitarians. Inquiring into three parables of Jesus, we will consider together what these images evoke, and what they may tell us about a reality that Jesus taught was "at hand," or "within reach".

Sunday, January 20, 2008: Remembering the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Worship leaders: The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers and Stacey Meinzen
Music by David Dodd.
This day we celebrate the life and impact of one who was great among us. A man who led this country to reexamine what it means to be American and what it means to live out the idea that all people should be free, and treated equally under the law. The service will include an opportunity for the congregation to share what his life and legacy means to them.

Sunday, January 27, 2008: This I Believe
Speakers: Bruce Eriksen and Joyce Tischler
In quarterly "This I Believe" services at UUP, members of our community trace their religious and spiritual awakening and personal narrative through the events and practices of their lives, highlighting their religious histories, beliefs and catalytic experiences. Through these services we get to know one another better and see the range and variety of ways to think and act in the process of seeking to pursue and fulfill what we might call a spiritually informed and enriched life.

The Women's Group meets Monday 1/21 at 7:30 pm at the home of Jean Conrad. The topic for this month is "The Best Thing I Did in 2007".


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Changing the Forecast - UULegislative Ministry Workshops

Changing the Forecast - UULM-CA Workshops
Climate Action Workshop for Unitarian Universalists

UU Legislative Ministry-CA invites UUs to Changing the Forecast, a one-day climate action workshop presented in partnership with the Planning and Conservation League. Learn how to harness the power of the California Environmental Quality Act and new state climate policy to inform local community planning. Find out how to engage your congregation in reducing carbon emissions by taking UULM Low Carbon Challenge. Featured presenters are Matt Vander Sluis, Global Warming Project Manager for the Planning and Conservation League; and Rachel Morris, President of VCCool, a Ventura County grassroots organization dedicated to stemming global warming.

Saturday, January 26, 2008 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Neighborhood UU Church, 301 N. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA
Email: workshop@uulmca.org or call (626) 795-8625 to reserve your seat. $15 donation includes lunch.
Saturday, February 2, 2008 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Mt. Diablo UU Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA

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Community Celebration Potluck: "Happy Worth Day"

Don't Miss...
The Community Celebration Potluck

"Happy Worth Day"
(Celebrating the Worth and Dignity of Every Person)

When: Saturday, January 19, 6-8 pm
Where: Petaluma Woman's Club
Who: All members and friends of UUP and their guests
What: Join Rev. Ben, the Religious Education Committee, and UUP members and friends in celebrating our UUP Community. Enjoy good food, good friends, stories and songs

What to Bring: Bring you own beverage plus a glass, cup, and a Potluck Dish

People with last names beginning with
A through G--bring a salad or side dish
H through P--bring an entree
Q through Z--bring a dessert

Questions? Ask any RE Potluck Task Force member: Janette Morrow, Ben Kocs-Meyers, Diana Spaulding, or Ellen Beeler.


Monday, January 07, 2008

2008 Annual Photo

And...ta-da! This year's photo.


UUP front steps Jan 2007

2007--better still...


Annual Photo 2005

2005--looking better than ever!


Annual Photo 2004

Here's the photo from 2004, taken, I believe, in January, on the front steps at the Petaluma Woman's Club.


Annual Photo November 2003

Here's the photo from November of 2003, taken inside the Petaluma Woman's Club, where we've been meeting since September 2002.


First meeting: January 6, 2002

Here's the photo taken of the eight adults who were in attendance at the first meeting of UUP. Back row: Christian Boatsman, KC (Boatsman) Greaney, David Dodd, Diana Spaulding. Front row: Stephen McMillan, Susan Sanford, Barbara Marlin-Coole, William Coole.


UUP Annual Photo

Yesterday, we had our annual photo on the front steps of the Woman's Club, something we've managed to do nearly every year since 2004. Before that, we had two others, not on the front steps.

You can see the new annual photo, and a big batch of photos from the past couple of years, on the UUP Flickr Page. It's fun to see how we've grown!

I'll blog some more of the photos soon.

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

YouTube UU Videos (UUTube?)

Quite a number of excellent videos have been posted on YouTube about Unitarian Universalism. The favorite of many is the famous lecture by an alien on how humanity needs to pull its act together, based, of course, on the UU Seven Principles, entitled "How To Save The Planet."

Another batch have appeared recently. Take a look at "Why I Am Unitarian Universalist."

Is God Keeping YOu From Going to Church?" is another.

And, lastly, though there are many more, take a look at "Unitarian Universalism--You're a Uni-what?"

These are great to forward to friends who have an interest in UUism.

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New Blog From Beacon Press!

Beacon Broadside, a project of Beacon Press, ("Unitarian Universalism's Voice for Good in the World") is a new blog featuring essays, news items, and dispatches from Beacon authors. Contributors already include Lois Lowry, Chris Finan, and Sarah Levine. Upcoming contributors include Howard Zinn, Stacey Mitchell, and Meredith Hall.

These and many other Beacon authors will provide regular postings on issues in their respective fields of interest. Additionally, Beacon staff members will weigh in on topics ranging from newly released books to the role of an independent press.

Take a look!

For your ongoing convenience, UUP has added Beacon Broadside to the links to the right-hand side of the blog page.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Shepherd Bliss Notes Article on UU Ad Campaign

Sometime UUP attendee and speaker Shepherd Bliss sent out this note via email today (reprinted with permission):

Today’s Press Democrat has an informative article on the Unitarian Universalist (UU) church nationwide. You can find it online at www.pressdemocrat.com by clicking “Home & Garden” or doing a search for “Unitarians.” It is on page D6 of the Sunday “Home & Garden” section.

From the Chicago Tribune, it describes the group “that holds no creed and welcomes all comers” and includes “atheists, Christians, and Buddhists,” as well as Jews and practitioners of earth-based spirituality. The article reports that UUs “have pushed for broader acceptance of the gay, lesbian and transgender community” and “lobbies for environmental protections and against the war in Iraq.” An African-American president heads its national association.

I will be speaking “In Praise of Sweet Darkness” (you can read this sermon as presented at UUP not long ago on our sermon archive pages. at the UU Santa Rosa congregation on Feb. 17, Sun., at their regular 11 a.m. service. The Kokopelli Players will accompany me with live music and recited poetry at 547 Mendocino Ave., which is made available as the Glaser Center to various artistic, cultural, social, political, and social groups. It used to be a cinema. The UU Petaluma group meets on Sunday mornings at 10:30 at the Petaluma Women’s Club at 518 “B” St. for their regular service.

Though I am not a member, I find myself comfortable with the diversity when I go to UU gatherings. For example, Santa Rosa’s Rev. Chris Bell is currently leading a three-times-a-month “Spirit of Life” educational series. I dropped in last week to the session on “Blow in the Wind, Rise in the Sea: Nature and Spirit.” I found it to be fun and was delighted by the group of a couple of dozen people who engaged in lively discussion. The group meets again Jan. 16 & 30 and Feb. 6, 20, and 27, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Lets not leave churches to those who support war, racism, sexism, homophobia, or pollution. At a time when it is important to come-together in community as our society seems to be falling-apart, UU groups present a good option.

For example, the Veterans’ Writing Group that I am a part of will read from our book “Veterans of War, Veterans of Peace” on Jan. 13, Sunday, at 2:30 at the UU fellowship at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley. Our teacher the award-winning author Maxine Hong Kingston will be reading with us.

It is a good time to embed ourselves within institutions, in my opinion, to help weather the pending strong political/economic/ social storms that are likely to come our way in the possibly difficult 2008 year and the time to come.

For more information, the UU Santa Rosa congregation can be reached at www.uusantareosa.org. and 568-5381. [The Petaluma congregation is at www.uupetaluma.org]

Shepherd Bliss


Friday, January 04, 2008

This Week at UUP: January 4-9, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


~~ Happy New Year! ~~

Second-ever Men's Group
Topic: Forgiveness
Tonight, January 4, 7 pm at Dick Allen's house
Directions: West on Bodega Hwy about 5 miles. Right on King. Go 2 stops to Queen. Right on Queen to end of road. Park carefully. Walk up to #6.
Greenies meet in City Hall Parking lot 6:45 pm to car pool.
~~If you have no one to forgive or nothing to be forgiven for, you may remain home assured of Paradise.~~

Religious Education Planning Meeting with Rev. Ben
This Saturday, January 5, 10 am- noon
All members and friends of UUP are warmly invited to meet with Rev. Ben, UUP Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, and members of the RE committee to discuss our hopes and dreams for children's/youth Religious Education at UUP! The meeting will be this Saturday morning, 10 am- Noon. The meeting will be hosted by Ellen and George Beeler. Questions? Contact Marlene Abel.

Annual All-Congregation Photo This Sunday!
For the past few years, we've taken a photo of members and friends of UUP gathered on the front steps of the Woman's Club. This Sunday, immediately following the service, Hope Stewart, our resident professional photographer, will shoot this year's photo. Please plan to participate!

UUSC/Guest At Your Table
Thanks to all at UUP who are participating in Guest At Your Table. Please bring your GAYT boxes or donation envelopes to church this Sunday when your gifts will be received as part of our worship service. If you would like to count the cash in your box and replace it with a check made out to "UUSC" that would be most helpful. Also, please fill in the blanks on your box or envelope so that UUSC can acknowledge our congregation's participation and your tax-deductible contribution. There will be additional envelopes available before the service if needed. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the important humanitarian work of UUSC. Questions? Contact Jan Crosby.

Poets and poetry lovers: Let us gather!
Sharron Belson, Ellen Beeler and Dick Allen are the first three to say "YES". Join them! We'll figure out when and how often to gather. You get to vote, if you speak up. There are no qualifications other than willingness to be present. Sharron is the contact person. Talk to her after church on Sunday.

Photos From Solstice, Santa Lucia, Now on UUP's Flickr Page

Hope Stewart's wonderful photos from the Solstice drumming cricle, as well as her pictures of the Santa Lucia procession, are now available on the UUP Flickr pages. See the drumming photos and the Santa Lucia pics.
Or view the entire UUP photo album on Flickr, now over 250 photos from 2006 through 2007.

Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.

Fabulous classes at SSU for seniors
Life Long Learning classes begin next week. Jean Conrad, David and Florence Strange and Dick Allen have been taking these classes for years. Talk to them after service Sunday. They will have class schedules and other information.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, January 6, 2008: "To Savor the World or To Save It?"
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers: Speaker
Lara Abel: Worship Associate
Throughout our lives we may be compelled to choose one or the other—to immerse ourselves in the world's beauty or to engage ourselves in some cause on its behalf--to savor or to save it. Can we balance both our longing to 'make a difference' and to 'make the most' of life?
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers is a Unitarian Universalist minister, storyteller and musician, and currently serves as Consulting Minister to the UUP congregation.

The next Adult Forum Conversation Cafe session is scheduled for January 6 with "Islam and Us" as the topic.
