This Week at UUP: April 12
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)
Easter Sunday, April 16:
"Easter Is Come, and the Shadows Flee Away"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister
The title for our Easter service is a happy conjunction of pagan celebration, New Testament theology, and Old Testament poetry. Let us celebrate the end of the long wet winter, and recall all the ways we and our world are reborn.
Sunday, April 23
Earth Day Celebration & Flower Communion
Spiritual Film Club TONIGHT at 7:30pm
The film we are showing is Seoul Train. The movie is about Korea and has won impressive awards. Please RSVP to Elaine Ellsworth if you plan to attend.
Easter in Religious Education-
The children will learn about the origins of our Easter symbols and traditions: colored eggs, the Easter Bunny, and the origin of the word, "Easter". Why do we hunt Easter Eggs? Why is Easter always celebrated soon after the Spring Equinox? The children will also create a Unitarian-Universalist Easter Egg Tree and enjoy special holiday treats.
Hospitality Duty:
A huge thank you to everyone who signed up to bring bagels and beverages over the next few weeks! Elaine is updating the online calender. Remember that you'll be getting a reminder email with instructions the week before your turn comes.
Pledge Drive: Still Underway
"To Build the Common Good," UUP's pledge drive for fiscal year 2006-2007,has made progress, but is not yet complete. So far, we have received 19 pledges totalling just over $15,000. If you have not yet pledged, please talk to, call, or email David Dodd to arrange a time for a Board member or a member of the Stewardship Committee to meet with you and take your pledge for the coming year.
Time & Talent Auction, May 7:
Stay after the service (and invite friends and family!) on May 7 for lunch
and our major annual fundraiser, the Time & Talent Auction! Two things are necessary: bidders (that's where friends and family come in...) and stuff to bid on (that's where we all come in). Donation forms are available online at
Highlights of items already donated include a consultation by member and
interior designer Martha Murphy, and a very full basket of Grateful Dead
related items from the band itself and from Bill Walton.
If you are wondering what you could possibly donate, give a thought to
your hobbies and vocation! If you are an entrepreneur, this is an excellent
opportunity to let the UUP and wider community know about your business!
Do you have a truck? An expertise that you could share? Do you own a cabin in the mountains where a high bidder could stay? Do you like to whip up a dinner party? Let your imagination run wild.
We are also looking for a few high-quality items for the silent auction
portion of the event. And, at the start of the auction, we'll be auctioning
off desserts, so if you bake, please consider adding to our store of
Questions? Ask David Dodd, who will also happily accept your filled-out
donation forms.
Looking Good for the New UUP Family Photo Album!
The Membership & Hospitality Committee will make appointments next
Sunday for professional-quality photographs by our own Hope Stewart for a UUP family photo album.
Your individual or family photographic portrait will be taken at a scenic downtown Petaluma site and recorded on a compact disc given to you. A $5 materials fee payable to Hope covers cost of project. Pick out your best outfit, polish up your smile, and head to the "Member Welcome" table this Sunday!
Time to Sign Up for the Annual Memorial Day Retreat
It's time once again to sign up for our annual retreat. Last year a great time was had by all. You can sign up by adding your name to the sign up sheet at church this Sunday or by emailing T Hathaway ( Please let T know by April 30 if you're planning to go.
There is still a great need for volunteers to make this retreat as wonderful as it can possibly be. Email T if you would like to help organize this gathering.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
-Spiritual Film Series will meet Wednesday, April 12 at 7:30 pm at the Ellsworth's.
-The UUP Women's Group will meet at 7:30pm on Monday, April 17 at KC's home.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at
Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)
Easter Sunday, April 16:
"Easter Is Come, and the Shadows Flee Away"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister
The title for our Easter service is a happy conjunction of pagan celebration, New Testament theology, and Old Testament poetry. Let us celebrate the end of the long wet winter, and recall all the ways we and our world are reborn.
Sunday, April 23
Earth Day Celebration & Flower Communion
Spiritual Film Club TONIGHT at 7:30pm
The film we are showing is Seoul Train. The movie is about Korea and has won impressive awards. Please RSVP to Elaine Ellsworth if you plan to attend.
Easter in Religious Education-
The children will learn about the origins of our Easter symbols and traditions: colored eggs, the Easter Bunny, and the origin of the word, "Easter". Why do we hunt Easter Eggs? Why is Easter always celebrated soon after the Spring Equinox? The children will also create a Unitarian-Universalist Easter Egg Tree and enjoy special holiday treats.
Hospitality Duty:
A huge thank you to everyone who signed up to bring bagels and beverages over the next few weeks! Elaine is updating the online calender. Remember that you'll be getting a reminder email with instructions the week before your turn comes.
Pledge Drive: Still Underway
"To Build the Common Good," UUP's pledge drive for fiscal year 2006-2007,has made progress, but is not yet complete. So far, we have received 19 pledges totalling just over $15,000. If you have not yet pledged, please talk to, call, or email David Dodd to arrange a time for a Board member or a member of the Stewardship Committee to meet with you and take your pledge for the coming year.
Time & Talent Auction, May 7:
Stay after the service (and invite friends and family!) on May 7 for lunch
and our major annual fundraiser, the Time & Talent Auction! Two things are necessary: bidders (that's where friends and family come in...) and stuff to bid on (that's where we all come in). Donation forms are available online at
Highlights of items already donated include a consultation by member and
interior designer Martha Murphy, and a very full basket of Grateful Dead
related items from the band itself and from Bill Walton.
If you are wondering what you could possibly donate, give a thought to
your hobbies and vocation! If you are an entrepreneur, this is an excellent
opportunity to let the UUP and wider community know about your business!
Do you have a truck? An expertise that you could share? Do you own a cabin in the mountains where a high bidder could stay? Do you like to whip up a dinner party? Let your imagination run wild.
We are also looking for a few high-quality items for the silent auction
portion of the event. And, at the start of the auction, we'll be auctioning
off desserts, so if you bake, please consider adding to our store of
Questions? Ask David Dodd, who will also happily accept your filled-out
donation forms.
Looking Good for the New UUP Family Photo Album!
The Membership & Hospitality Committee will make appointments next
Sunday for professional-quality photographs by our own Hope Stewart for a UUP family photo album.
Your individual or family photographic portrait will be taken at a scenic downtown Petaluma site and recorded on a compact disc given to you. A $5 materials fee payable to Hope covers cost of project. Pick out your best outfit, polish up your smile, and head to the "Member Welcome" table this Sunday!
Time to Sign Up for the Annual Memorial Day Retreat
It's time once again to sign up for our annual retreat. Last year a great time was had by all. You can sign up by adding your name to the sign up sheet at church this Sunday or by emailing T Hathaway ( Please let T know by April 30 if you're planning to go.
There is still a great need for volunteers to make this retreat as wonderful as it can possibly be. Email T if you would like to help organize this gathering.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
-Spiritual Film Series will meet Wednesday, April 12 at 7:30 pm at the Ellsworth's.
-The UUP Women's Group will meet at 7:30pm on Monday, April 17 at KC's home.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at
Labels: This Week at UUP
At Thursday, 13 April, 2006,
Joseph Santos-Lyons said…
thanks for this blog, I'm excited to pay another visit. is there still the milk and eggs fair there? i used to be in touch with a member - Heather Freiman, does she still attend?
At Saturday, 15 April, 2006,
ddodd said…
Hello radical hapa,
Yes, the Butter and Eggs Day still happens. This year it's on April 29, I'm pretty sure.
I don't know your acquaintance, but I look forward to meeting you!
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