This Week at UUP: January 11-17, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, January 14: " Choice in Doing Worship"
If we are uncertain, ambivalent or downright disbelieving of divinity, what relevance and form does worship have in our lives? Is this a personal choice? A community creation? What is it we UUs DO on Sunday anyway. Worship Associate Elisabeth Hathaway explores what is worship, and how can we choose and create it. As we begin a new year, come and consider how we can embrace and create new traditions together. This Sunday will be a Share-the-Plate Sunday, when we will share our offering with the Petaluma Education Foundation (see below).
Sunday, January 21: "Problems in Islam and Christianity"
Regular Guest Minister Leland Bond-Upson
In a way mostly absent at the time of Desert Storm 15 years ago, we are learning we need to understand more about Islam. Although not an expert, I hope to articulate some of the impressions, questions, prejudices, perceptions and misconceptions about the worlds' two most popular religions, and about the Arab/Persian/Islamic and Western/Christian/secular cultures. Is there common ground to be found in any of this?
This Weekend is a Share-the-Plate Sunday
In keeping with our commitment to supporting our community, on Sunday UUP will share its non-pledge offering collected during the Sunday service with the Petaluma Educational Foundation. PEF is a broadly based community foundation which secures and distributes contributions from the private sector (local businesses, parents, individuals, service clubs and private foundations) to benefit the educational program in Petaluma area schools. PEF provides grants to teachers, offers scholarships to graduating seniors and manages designated funds for school programs and activities. Founded in 1982, PEF serves 10 school districts incorporating 31 public and non-profit private schools in our community.
UUP's Spring Women's Retreat!
March 2-5, 2007. Sign up now--deadline is February 7th--for the next women's retreat. We will rent our favorite house on Bodega Bay and enjoy the usual good company, ritual talking circles, creative endeavors, walking on the beach, sitting in the hot tub, and cooking and eating delicious food in community. Call T Hathaway ASAP to reserve a spot; cost is dependent on the number of people participating but expect about $130 per person for the weekend, plus cooking one meal with another.
You are invited to a Baby Shower for Heather Mills!
Friday, January 19th at 7:00 pm
Desserts and punch will be served. Kids are welcome.
Heather and husband, Chris, will be surprised by the gender.
Elaine Ellsworth
103 Dublin Court, corner of Windsor Drive between Western and D Streets.
After Leland 's Service on Islam, January 21 …
Join Leland and the Book Study Group for an informal discussion about Islam after the service. Everyone is welcome! We will be discussing Leland's sermon over a turkey and baked potato lunch at the Women's Club. Please let Marlene Abel know in advance if you'll be joining us so we'll have enough food.
Guest at Your Table boxes
If you've been dropping coins and bills into a Guest at Your Table box daily since November your box probably 'runneth over' by now! Diana Spaulding, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee rep at UUP, is collecting boxes on Sundays. Although it's fun to hear the boxes chime, checks to 'UUSC' rather than cash cut down on our administrative tasks. Didn't get a box? Envelopes with donations to benefit the UUSC are also available. Membership in UUSC comes with donations of $20 seniors, $40 general, $75 dual, or $10 student, so why not add to your box total to bring it up to a membership level?
Updated Church Directory
The 2007 UUP Church Directory will be available for pick up again this Sunday. If you haven't already done so, please pick up your copy this weekend.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- Larking About (UUP Choir): Rehearsal Sunday, Jan. 14th, 9:30 am at the Woman's Club.
- Monthly Meeting of the UUP Board of Trustees : Sunday, Jan. 14th, 8:30 am at the Woman's Club.
- Larking About (UUP Choir): Rehearsal Tuesday, Jan. 16th, 8 pm at David and Diana's house.
- The Membership/Outreach/Hospitality Committee will be meeting on Monday, January 22. Location TBA.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com
Labels: This Week at UUP
At Monday, 15 January, 2007,
Earl Cruser said…
David et omnia alia,
Some comments: I expienced the Sunday, Jan 14 service as a particularly spiritually nourishing and informative service. Everything worked together, the liturgy, the hymns, the readings, and most especially T's address that I will call "A verbal essay." It was well-researched, well-written, well-presented. No seminary graduate could have done better. I commend to all, those who heard it and especially those who did not, to download it -- already on this Blog!! and study it. It is worthy of publication in the UU literature as well.
And thanks to David for including "We Shall Overcome" as offertory music. It was most moving to this old Freedom Rider who was visited during my brief incarceration in Albany, Georgia by the Great Man himself. I attended the famous March on Washington, too, and heard the "I have a dream" speech in person.
And I am impressed that the new congregational picture is already on the Website. What a do it now guy David is.
I should also mention to all concerned that Diana, Jean C., Marlene and I attended a Conference on Growth in Berkeley last Saturday. I am still not sure how helpful it was, but some of the methods suggested are worthy of consideration for us at UUP. It was inspiring and an eye-opener to me as to the enthusiasm and good humor of UU folks. I would like to have gotten to know everyone there -- I bet they each have a fascinating story. But where were the people of color? Yes there were one or two, and some Latinos, but very few. I know that there is relatively little racism in the UU heart, and I don't have any clever ideas about how to correct the situation. The PCD Website has remarks from our President Bill Sinkford about the problem. It is something we should keep high on our agenda to do something about.
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