New Book Study to Begin on July 1

Submitted by: Earl Cruser
There will be a new adult book and discussion group in the Fireside Room beginning on Sunday, July 1. The time will be as soon as we can begin following the regular Sunday morning service, or about 11:50 A.M. The number of sessions and their frequency will be discussed and decided on at the first meeting.
Led by Earl Cruser and other volunteers, the book selected is: "The Left Hand of God: Healing America's Political and Spiritual Crisis" by Rabbi Michael Lerner. It could be the most important book of the decade in that it sets forth a credible, if ambitious, plan for providing a spiritual alternative to the unholy alliance of fundamentalist religion and neo-conservative, unfettered capitalism that has held sway in our country increasingly since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Lerner proposes no less than to change America's "bottom line" from money and power to love and caring.
The instrument of change he advocates is the NETWORK OF SPIRITUAL PROGRESSIVES, that already has thousands of members across the country. We will also consider how we at UUP can become part of this exciting new movement.
An outgrowth of his Tikkun community and magazine, the Network of Spiritual Progressives unites and motivates the liberal religious community to put a new face on spirituality and politics. This is quite in line with UU teachings and actions, and gives us common cause with progressive Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, Bahais, Wikins, and so forth. Our study group will consider such topics as: The spiritual crisis of our time, a new Bottom Line for America, the true nature of spirituality and its relationship to social justice, the environment, peace and civil rights. Heavy stuff! But we are going to have an exciting time exploring important issues.
Earl will have s supply of the new, revised edition of "The Left Hand of God" in paperback format available at the discounted price of $12.00 each.
Join us beginning after the Service on Sunday, July 1. You can call Earl Cruser for more information.
Labels: Religious Education Updates (Weekly), Social Justice
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