This Week at UUP: January 4-9, 2008
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
~~ Happy New Year! ~~
Second-ever Men's Group
Topic: Forgiveness
Tonight, January 4, 7 pm at Dick Allen's house
Directions: West on Bodega Hwy about 5 miles. Right on King. Go 2 stops to Queen. Right on Queen to end of road. Park carefully. Walk up to #6.
Greenies meet in City Hall Parking lot 6:45 pm to car pool.
~~If you have no one to forgive or nothing to be forgiven for, you may remain home assured of Paradise.~~
Religious Education Planning Meeting with Rev. Ben
This Saturday, January 5, 10 am- noon
All members and friends of UUP are warmly invited to meet with Rev. Ben, UUP Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, and members of the RE committee to discuss our hopes and dreams for children's/youth Religious Education at UUP! The meeting will be this Saturday morning, 10 am- Noon. The meeting will be hosted by Ellen and George Beeler. Questions? Contact Marlene Abel.
Annual All-Congregation Photo This Sunday!
For the past few years, we've taken a photo of members and friends of UUP gathered on the front steps of the Woman's Club. This Sunday, immediately following the service, Hope Stewart, our resident professional photographer, will shoot this year's photo. Please plan to participate!
UUSC/Guest At Your Table
Thanks to all at UUP who are participating in Guest At Your Table. Please bring your GAYT boxes or donation envelopes to church this Sunday when your gifts will be received as part of our worship service. If you would like to count the cash in your box and replace it with a check made out to "UUSC" that would be most helpful. Also, please fill in the blanks on your box or envelope so that UUSC can acknowledge our congregation's participation and your tax-deductible contribution. There will be additional envelopes available before the service if needed. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the important humanitarian work of UUSC. Questions? Contact Jan Crosby.
Poets and poetry lovers: Let us gather!
Sharron Belson, Ellen Beeler and Dick Allen are the first three to say "YES". Join them! We'll figure out when and how often to gather. You get to vote, if you speak up. There are no qualifications other than willingness to be present. Sharron is the contact person. Talk to her after church on Sunday.
Photos From Solstice, Santa Lucia, Now on UUP's Flickr Page

Hope Stewart's wonderful photos from the Solstice drumming cricle, as well as her pictures of the Santa Lucia procession, are now available on the UUP Flickr pages. See the drumming photos and the Santa Lucia pics.
Or view the entire UUP photo album on Flickr, now over 250 photos from 2006 through 2007.
Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.
Fabulous classes at SSU for seniors
Life Long Learning classes begin next week. Jean Conrad, David and Florence Strange and Dick Allen have been taking these classes for years. Talk to them after service Sunday. They will have class schedules and other information.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, January 6, 2008: "To Savor the World or To Save It?"
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers: Speaker
Lara Abel: Worship Associate
Throughout our lives we may be compelled to choose one or the other—to immerse ourselves in the world's beauty or to engage ourselves in some cause on its behalf--to savor or to save it. Can we balance both our longing to 'make a difference' and to 'make the most' of life?
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers is a Unitarian Universalist minister, storyteller and musician, and currently serves as Consulting Minister to the UUP congregation.
The next Adult Forum Conversation Cafe session is scheduled for January 6 with "Islam and Us" as the topic.
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