UU Books--New Catalog From Skinner House

We received a wonderful new catalog from Skinner House Books, the publisher of the Unitarian Universalist Association. It has a wide variety of resources for worship, religious education, and UUA history studies.
The Publishing Director, Patricia Frevert, says in her introduction to the catalog:
Welcome to the 2008 Skinner House Catalog! From thought-provoking essays and reflective meditations to worship resources and books for families and children, there is something here for everyone.
In our new worship resource Come Into the Circle, Michelle Richards offers practical and creative advice on how to design worship for children, as well as a generous collection of chalice lightings, prayers, guided meditations and other child-friendly worship resources. Makanah Morriss, former director of the UUA Religious Education Department, calls this book “a gem for the bookshelves of every minister, religious educator, worship leader and church library.”
Wayne Arnason and Kathleen Rolenz take a broad and careful look at the art of worship in Worship That Works. The authors “dive into the practical,” says Bill Dickinson, vice president of First Parish in Portland, Maine: “How do you create a real sense of sacred space? How do you handle announcements? Joys and Concerns? Kids?” It’s all here.
And if you’re looking for inspiration, we recommend John Nichols’s refreshing take on familiar bible passages, A Wind Swept Over the Waters, and Mark Belletini’s stunning new meditation manual, Sonata for Voice and Silence.
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