Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength: Response to Knoxville Tragedy

The Tragedy at the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville and UUP Children
As many of you know, two people were killed and six others wounded last Sunday by a non-member of the Tennessee Valley UU Church during a children's musical performance. This incident has been very disturbing for UU adults nationwide, and many are struggling to comprehend such violence in what should be a safe place. Information about this incident will NOT be shared with the children at UUP this Sunday, as many are too young to process the news. However, if an older child or youth wishes to talk, or to send a card of support to the TVUU Church, I will be happy to work with that young person or persons.
I expect that many UUP adults will need to share their thoughts about the incident during the social hour. I ask that you be sensitive to the presence of the very young within hearing distance of your discussions. Of course, I welcome thoughts and comments from our youth and adults about the tragedy, as I continue to process the incident for myself.
--Marlene Abel, Director of Religious Education
Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength: Response to the Shootings at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Knoxville, Tennessee
It was with tremendous sadness that we learned this week of the shootings last Sunday at our sister congregation in Knoxville, Tennessee, in which a gunman angry at "liberals and gays" entered a worship service in progress and opened fire on the congregation. Two were killed and six were critically injured before a brave group of UUs tackled the shooter. Unitarian Universalists nationwide are called upon to attend their local services this week in solidarity with the Knoxville congregation. Please take a moment to read our UUA Moderator Gini Courter's letter, "Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength."
* For a perspective from our UUA President, Rev. William Sinkford.
* To make a donation online to the Knoxville Relief Fund.
* And, lastly, for a summary of news and the UUA response to this tragedy.
Labels: Beyond UUP, Events, Social Justice
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