This Week at UUP
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.
Fly High at the Time & Talent Auction on Sunday, March 1st!

Have you ever wanted an aerial tour of the North Bay? Put your flight goggles on because a flight in a small plane is the latest service donated. Thanks to all who have already donated their talents, time, and precious items. Our donation list is growing, and more fun services and high-quality items are appreciated.
* Unfilled wishes on our wish list that you or someone you know could fill with a donation are: hours of instruction on a Blackberry device, Excel spreadsheet, or general computer help; trips to the dump in your truck; Indian vegetarian cooking lessons; and finishing a 30-year old needlepoint project. Fill out a bright green sheet on Sunday or contact Diana Spaulding to make a personal donation, and Leslie Harrison if you can approach a local business for a donation.
* Don't forget to invite a friend to the yummy enchilada lunch and auction starting at noon. The more bidders, the merrier.
* A sign-up sheet for desserts to be donated for our delectable dessert auction will be out on Sunday.
UUP Directory 2009 review – one more week!
Did you miss your chance to add your contact info/check your entry in the UUP Directory? The draft will be on the back table again this Sunday. Please review and mark changes or email UUP Admin Assistant Jen Newman at uupetaluma at with updates.
Spring 2009 Women's Retreat at Bodega Bay, March 6-8.
Come be a part of a small group for the weekend, sharing meals, talking circles, a creative project, fires and walks on the beach. We really get a chance to get to know one another on a deeper level, in a quiet and beautiful place. The cost is dependent on the number who come (optimal is 10), and will be about $140 per person, plus sharing the cost of planning and shopping for one meal with one other person. Please remember: once you choose a spot, you are responsible for paying for it, or finding someone to replace yourself if your plans change and you cannot attend. For more information and to sign up, contact T Hathaway.
Butter & Eggs Day Parade
The Butter & Eggs Day Parade is on April 25th, and it's a time for UUP to really show our community what we're all about. The theme is "Recycle, Reuse and Remember", and we want everyone to remember us! If you have creativity to lend to this project or even a few hours on April 25th, please help us out. Kids especially welcome. Talk to Stacey Meinzen for details.
Adult Religious Exploration Groups are Forming
If you are interested in participating in any of these three short courses of religious exploration sign up on Sunday or contact Diana Spaulding. Each course offers you the opportunity to deepen your spiritual life and to make friends at UUP. Availability of each course is subject to interest -- sign up to make it happen!
1) Building Your Own Theology
Developing a personal theology is not an academic exercise; it has to do with the very stuff of our lives. This 10-session class invites you to develop your personal credos: the fundamental religious beliefs, values and convictions that inform and direct the living of your life. Workbook cost $17. Co-leaders: Bruce Eriksen and
2) Evensong
Gather together with a small group of people for 8 sessions of earnest listening and sharing of thoughts, beliefs, and journeys in spirituality and religious life. Evensong is an experience of shared worship. Weekly or biweekly; time TBD. Looking for 1-2 facilitators.
3) A Chosen Faith: An introduction in Unitarian Universalism (a book discussion group)
Thought-provoking, entertaining sourcebook for searchers, newcomers and lifelong learners. Discuss a chapter per month or week. Book costs $15; some copies available for load. Meeting times TBD; looking for 1-2 moderators.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)
This Sunday, February 15: "Top Ten Reasons That Liberal Religion Still Matters"
Worship Leader Elisabeth Hathaway
Ever wonder what would be lost if liberal religion were no more? Straight up: is our way of religion still relevant in a postmodern nation? The answer is a resounding yes!
UUP Membership Committee will meet Sunday, February 15 after the service at 12:15 pm at the Christian Science Reading Room.
UUP Women's Group will meet Monday, February 23rd at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house. Topic: love.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St. All singers are welcome!
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