Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Friday, July 20, 2007

This Week at UUP: July 19-25, 2007

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org


(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, July 22: "Staying In Touch With The Real Thing" (First of a two-part series)
Guest Speaker: Meredith Guest
As our lives become increasingly complex, our physical connection to reality diminishes. Our food comes mostly from stores. We are protected from the vagaries of nature. We travel in complex, metal machines. How do we get connected or reconnected to reality so we remember what's important and who we are. Come prepared to listen and participate.

Sunday, July 29: "Staying In Touch With The Real Thing" (Second of a two-part series)
Guest Speaker: Meredith Guest
As members of a spiritual community, many, if not most of us believe in some sort of spiritual reality. How do we experience this, celebrate it, encounter and embrace it? Come prepared to listen and share.

Sunday, August 5: "Jewels in the Baggage"
Guest Speakers: KC Greaney and Earl Cruser
KC and Earl will talk about their religious upbringing, how it has shaped their attitudes about religion and spirituality, and how Unitarian Universalism has informed their attitude towards other faith traditions and the people in those traditions.

Gather Ye Water and Stones!

During your summer travels near and far, don't forget to gather a small vial of water or a stone for our traditional early September "Water and Stones" service.

UUP Rummage Sale coming August 18th!

Do you have good stuff in your garage or attic that you've been waiting to donate to a good cause? Save it for the UUP Rummage Sale on August 18. KC Greaney and Diana Spaulding, sale coordinators, ask that you sort your stuff, categorize bags or boxes, and check that everything you donate is in working order. Don't have stuff? You can also participate by working the sale or donating a baked good to sell.

Book Discussion Group after service on Sunday--new members welcome any time!

Led by Earl Cruser and other volunteers, the book selected for this discussion group is "The Left Hand of God: Healing America's Political and Spiritual Crisis" by Rabbi Michael Lerner. It could be the most important book of the decade in that it sets forth a credible, if ambitious, plan for providing a spiritual alternative to the unholy alliance of fundamentalist religion and neo-conservative, unfettered capitalism that has held sway in our country increasingly since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Lerner proposes no less that to change America's "bottom line" from money and power to love and caring.

An outgrowth of his Tikkun community and magazine, the Network of Spiritual Progressives motivates the liberal religious community to put a new face on spirituality and politics. Our study group will consider such topics as: the spiritual crisis of our time, a new Bottom Line for America, the true nature of spirituality and its relationship to social justice, the environment, peace and civil rights. Heavy stuff! But we're going to have an exciting time exploring important issues. The discussion group is underway after Sunday services, but new members are welcome to join at any time.

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- Love All (UUP Tennis Group): Friendly drop-in tennis game Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Petaluma High School courts.
- UUP Membership Committee: Monday, 7:30 pm at Hope Stewart's home

If you have changed your email address or would like to be addded to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.



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