This Week at UUP: Coming of Age Celebration
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.
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Coming of Age Celebration on Sunday
Please come join the celebration for our first UUP graduates of the Coming of Age program, beginning at 10 am and continuing after the service. There will be special brunch foods to honor Amy West, Bailey Boatsman and Lizzie Gardner on their achievement. Middle School youth are invited to arrive at 9:30 to bake muffins and prepare fruit for the celebration. Any questions, please contact Marlene Abel.
"New to UU" Visitors' Orientation on Sunday, May 17, after service
Trying out UUP? Visiting for the first time or have been for a while, and want to learn more about our congregation and about Unitarian Universalism? Gather with several UUP members to ask questions you might have and to hear more about UUP. We’ll meet near the fireplace immediately following the service.
Upcoming Lecture of Interest
Scotty McLennan
Jesus Was a Liberal: Reclaiming Christianity for All
Dean for religious life at Stanford University, Unitarian Universalist Rev. Scotty McLennan introduces Jesus Was a Liberal, which advocates a sense of religion based not on doctrinal readings of scripture but on the humanity behind Christ's teachings.
Tuesday, May 19, 7pm
The Glaser Center - 547 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa
Tickets are $7 and are available at all Copperfield's Books' Sonoma County locations.
Meet with fellow UUs at the General Assembly!
UU General Assembly
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 24-28, 2009
More information, talk to Marlene Abel, UUP Director of Religious Education
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)
Sunday, May 17, 2009: "Coming of Age Celebration"
Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
Join us in honoring our youth participants in the district-wide coming of age program. They will lead worship and share statements of belief that they have developed through their experiences. Everyone is invited to come early for a celebratory brunch at 10 am.
Sunday, May 24, 2009: "Forgiveness"
Guest Speaker: Dr. Karen Melander-Magoon
Worship Leader: Joyce Tischler
Celebrate the miracle of forgiveness and the bonds we share simply by being human and a part of this wonderful world.
Guest Speaker Dr. Karen Melander-Magoon comes to us from the First Unitarian Universalist Church in San Francisco, where she is a member. Last year she received her Doctorate of Ministry from San Francisco Theological Seminary under the Graduate Theological Union, with coursework also at Starr King School for the Ministry. After years singing major opera roles in Europe and raising two children there, she returned to the States to continue performing and composed three one-woman musical portraits of women in history, including Georgia O’Keeffe and Clara Barton. Karen preaches and sings throughout the Bay Area and often weaves her own songs and poetry into her sermons and homilies.
The UUP Women's Group will meet on Monday, May 18th at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house. The topic is "New Beginnings", and attendees are welcome to bring a reading or a poem.
Larking About, the UUP choir meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St. New singers are always welcome!
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