Religious Education Update: April 5, 2009
District Connections
This Sunday, I am attending the Coming of Age Retreat at Lake Chabot in Oakland. I am cooking for fifty at a campsite, with my propane stove and barbeques. I’ve cooked for fifty before, but never without benefit of any kitchen or even running water. I hope that the cooking goes well.
So, why would I go camping with over 40 UU teenagers? The main reason is that making connections with the larger UU world really matters for our teens. While our UUP community offers many opportunities for this age group, such as taking leadership roles and making intergenerational connections, our youth need to see Unitarian Universalism in a larger context. They love meeting other teens, of course, and are interested in learning about other UU churches. The UU’s of Petaluma is just one congregation among over a thousand in the Unitarian Universalist Association, and it matters that they experience that we are part of a larger movement. Also, I have the opportunity to connect with adults from nearby congregations. Many of these folks do the same job I do- Director of Religious Education- but I have few chances to talk with colleagues in person. So, we chat and make plans, and have fun, too!
Fortunately, the Coming of Age Retreats are not the last district connection for our teens. Our high schoolers are already making plans to attend District Assembly. At DA, which is May 1-3 in Fremont, they will be with other UU’s teens in a more civilized environment, the Marriot Hotel. They will play cooperative games, go swimming, attend workshops, create worship services, and have a pizza party. They loved DA last year!
My next project is to publicize district connections for Middle School Youth. These kids could get a terrific introduction at District Assembly this year, with a sleepover just for 6th, 7th and 8th graders, a swim party, pizza, circle worship, games and workshops. This program will be run by Heather Sawyers, the amazing DRE from the Mt. Diablo Church in Walnut Creek. I’ll be there!
Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education
This Sunday, I am attending the Coming of Age Retreat at Lake Chabot in Oakland. I am cooking for fifty at a campsite, with my propane stove and barbeques. I’ve cooked for fifty before, but never without benefit of any kitchen or even running water. I hope that the cooking goes well.
So, why would I go camping with over 40 UU teenagers? The main reason is that making connections with the larger UU world really matters for our teens. While our UUP community offers many opportunities for this age group, such as taking leadership roles and making intergenerational connections, our youth need to see Unitarian Universalism in a larger context. They love meeting other teens, of course, and are interested in learning about other UU churches. The UU’s of Petaluma is just one congregation among over a thousand in the Unitarian Universalist Association, and it matters that they experience that we are part of a larger movement. Also, I have the opportunity to connect with adults from nearby congregations. Many of these folks do the same job I do- Director of Religious Education- but I have few chances to talk with colleagues in person. So, we chat and make plans, and have fun, too!
Fortunately, the Coming of Age Retreats are not the last district connection for our teens. Our high schoolers are already making plans to attend District Assembly. At DA, which is May 1-3 in Fremont, they will be with other UU’s teens in a more civilized environment, the Marriot Hotel. They will play cooperative games, go swimming, attend workshops, create worship services, and have a pizza party. They loved DA last year!
My next project is to publicize district connections for Middle School Youth. These kids could get a terrific introduction at District Assembly this year, with a sleepover just for 6th, 7th and 8th graders, a swim party, pizza, circle worship, games and workshops. This program will be run by Heather Sawyers, the amazing DRE from the Mt. Diablo Church in Walnut Creek. I’ll be there!
Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education
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