This Week at UUP: Come Walk the Labyrinth!
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.
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UUP 5th Sunday Luncheon and Fun-Time - March 29th, noon to 2:00PM
Who said "There's no such thing as a free lunch"? We're having one right here at UUP on Sunday, March 29th! You will be served a tasty lunch prepared by the Social Responsibility Committee: Chili, salad, bread, dessert and beverage. We'll even have a little something extra for kids who don't like chili. All we ask is that you bring non-perishable canned or packaged food items for donation to COTS/Petaluma Pantry. Let's see how many bags of food UUP can collect for others in our community who are hungry and in need of our help. Then we'll have some fun as we prepare to support our community in a different way. The Butter & Egg Days Parade Task Force will engage all ages in helping to create the UUP float for the April 25th parade! Don't miss it!
Religious Education Field Trip to Shomrei Torah in Santa Rosa - Friday, March 20th from 5 to 9 pm
Shabbat service from 6 to 7 pm. Children and youth, first grade and up, and invited to our field trip to Shomrei Torah. We will carpool from Petaluma at 5 pm and meet a friend of Marlene Abel's and fifth grade teacher at Old Adobe Elementary School, Heidi Doughty, for an orientation to the Shabbat service at 5:30 pm at the synagogue. We will also have a light snack. After the musical, intergenerational service, we will eat pizza at a Santa Rosa restaurant and discuss our experience. Our return to Petaluma is estimated to be 9 pm. We will need adult drivers and chaperones. Contact Marlene for more information.
SAVE THE DATE! Join us for the Annual UUP Memorial Day Retreat - May 22nd-25th!
We have room for fifty people (usually 30+ adults and 20+ kids!) at Four Springs Retreat Center for our seventh annual four-day have-a-great-time-together fun fest. We live in community and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy: cooking & meals together, swimming pool, rustic cabins, beautiful remote location, a smattering of fun groups and mostly: time to visit and get to know each other. ALSO: Let T know ASAP if you want to help create & organize! We especially need people to organize kid events and support, support with food/meals, to plan the Worship Service, and to organize/communicate/administer the details! If interested, contact T Hathaway.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

Guest Presenter: Marty Hoffman
Worship Leader: Jodi Boyle
This Sunday will include an introduction to using the labyrinth as a tool for meditation, inspiration and healing. We will walk the labyrinth together and learn some of its history and relevance for today.
Marty Hoffman is a labyrinth facilitator trained at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and Chartres Cathedral in France. A former religious educator for UUs of San Mateo, she has used the labyrinth in Coming of Age programs and as a tool for religious education. She is currently working as an Orff Music teacher and Children’s Choir Director.
Please note that you will be asked to remove your shoes before walking the labyrinth unless necessary for health or stability.
March 29, 2009: "The Transient and the Permanent"
Guest Speaker: Jamie McReynolds
Worship Leader: Elisabeth Hathaway
In the past several months we have been looking at our seven UU Principles. Today, join us to consider what are the transient and permanent aspects of our UU faith? Answers to this question have changed over the last two hundred years, and as we have been noting in our recent services, these principles and purposes are currently under review. Are our UU principles a transient or permanent aspect of our faith?
Jamie McReynolds is a seminarian at Starr King School for the Ministry and will be graduating with a Masters of Divinity degree in May 2009. He plans to serve as a chaplain in a hospital or hospice. Jamie is a former resident of Petaluma and was a lay leader in the UU Congregation, Santa Rosa.
April 5, 2009: "The Individual Heart and the Congregational Vision"
Worship Leaders: Diana Spaulding and Elizabeth Nielsen
* Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St. New singers are always welcome!
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