Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

This Week at UUP: November 30

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with bagels / coffee / tea / juice begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

December 4: "Tarot, I Ching, and the WooWoo Sisterhood"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister*

I am a hard rationalist, but I don't dismiss the ancient avenues to knowledge. There is much wisdom, insight, and foresight in those words and traditions. Yet believing in the supernatural, if only for a while, is almost necessary if one is to feel the full force and pleasure of the mystical, prophesying arts.

*Please plan to stay after the service for the congregational meeting.

December 11: "A Lifetime of Dreaming"
Rev. Jeremy Taylor, Guest Minister

"When I was a child I spake as a child," did I dream as a child? "When I got old I spoke of meaningful things," what about my dreams? Is there a progression? How do our dream change as we age?"
Congregational Meeting this Sunday!

Our next Congregational Meeting will be held after the service on Sunday, December 4th. We will be reviewing the budget and voting to fill the vacancies on the Board of Trustees. These are important issues, so please try to attend if you can. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. Lunch will be provided.

There will be a craft table set up during the meeting for the children and youth to make evergreen wreaths, snowflake holiday cards and "stained glass" window hangings.
Christmas Eve Service

The Santa Rosa Congregation and UUP are celebrating a joint Christmas Eve service held in their new building (547 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa). Rev. Fran Dew, worship associates Lara Abel (UUP), and Cathie Wiese (UUCSR) will lead a service of holiday candlelight and music. Plan ahead to attend this very special early evening worship. There will be no service on Sunday, December 25 at UUP.
St. Lucia's Day Celebration

The children and youth will celebrate St. Lucia's Day on December 18 as part of the the worship service. This tradition of sharing and light will include costumes, food, and a procession. All youth and children may participate if they wish. Costumes and props will be provided, but it would help if children would wear a white shirt that day- buttoned shirt, polo, or turtleneck without writing or colored designs, if possible.
Become a Chalice Lighter!

Spread the word on Unitarian Universalism! Would it be great to hear about Unitarian Universalism on local public radio? The Chalice Lighters program was established to "Promote and Strengthen Unitarian Universalism" by facilitating congregational growth.

Individuals participate in Chalice Lighters by making contributions to the Chalice Lighters fund three times a year ($10 basic level). The donated money goes to fund growth projects planned and implemented by congregations in the Pacific Central District.

Right now, they have a call out for contributions towards an innovative media campaign throughout the Bay Area, with radio spots and other publicity that would be of great benefit to our congregation. UUP was started with the assistance of a generous Chalice Lighter grant that enabled us to secure our initial lease on the Woman's Club and to begin to pay guest speakers. We hope to apply for another grant, soon, in order to further our local ministry.

Preference for these grants is given to congregations with a higher proportion of members who participate as Chalice Lighters.

Brochures are available on the table in back at UUP services, or you can visit www.pcd-uua.org/chalice-lighters/lighters.htm for further information. Please consider joining NOW, and helping this vital work!
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This Week at UUP: November 23

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website.
(Social time with bagels / coffee / tea / juice begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Happy Thanksgiving to the UUP Community!

November 27: "Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice: A Participatory Service"

Gratitude as a spiritual practice only requires that we open ourselves to a sense of appreciation for all that surrounds us and walk on the earth with gratitude in every step. When we know we are part of this incredible creation/evolution, we know we are not alone and we can then support the world with our love, compassion, and strength. On Thanksgiving weekend, we welcome you to come to UUP and share your thoughts and feelings about what fills you with gratitude and thankfulness. Please plan to bring a few words of gratitude to share with the congregation during the service.

December 4: "Tarot, I Ching, and the WooWoo Sisterhood"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister*

I am a hard rationalist, but I don't dismiss the ancient avenues to knowledge. There is much wisdom, insight, and foresight in those words and traditions. Yet believing in the supernatural, if only for a while, is almost necessary if one is to feel the full force and pleasure of the mystical, prophesying arts.

*Please plan to stay after the service for the congregational meeting.
Save the Date for the Next Congregational Meeting on December 4th

Our next Congregational Meeting will be held after the service on Sunday, December 4th. We will be reviewing the budget and voting to fill the vacancies on the Board of Trustees. These are important issues, so please try to attend if you can. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. Lunch will be provided by the UUP Youth Group.
Rev. Jeremy Taylor Returns to UUP on December 11

Jeremy Taylor, an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, has worked with dreams for over thirty years; he blends the values of spirituality with an active social conscience and a Jungian perspective.

Founding member and past president of the Association for the Study of Dreams, he has written three books integrating dream symbolism, mythology, and archetypal energy. The latest is: The Living Labyrinth: Universal Themes in Myths, Dreams and the Symbolism of Waking Life. His earlier books, Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill, and Dream Work, have been translated into many languages.

Rev. Taylor will be the Guest Minister for a service on December 11 entitled "A Lifetime of Dreaming"

Of this service he writes "When I was a child I spake as a child," did I dream as a child? "When I got old I spoke of meaningful things," what about my dreams? Is there a progression? How do our dream change as we age?"

For more about Jeremy Taylor's work visit his website
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings:

-Larking About Holiday Schedule:

The Choir will not be meeting this Thursday (Thanksgiving). Next week we will meet at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday the 29th. After that we'll be back to our regular Thursday night schedule for December.

-The Membership Committee will meet on Monday, November 28th at Stacey's at 7:30pm .
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This Week at UUP: November 16

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website.
(Social time with bagels / coffee / tea / juice begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

November 20: "At The Table"
Guest Speaker, Ron Hersom.

In this time of people coming together and sharing a meal called "Thanksgiving", how do we create The Table? What is it for and for whom?

November 27:"Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice: A Participatory Service"

Gratitude as a spiritual practice only requires that we open ourselves to a sense of appreciation for all that surrounds us and walk on the earth with gratitude in every step. When we know we are part of this incredible creation/evolution, we know we are not alone and can then support the world with our love, compassion, and strength. On Thanksgiving weekend, we welcome you to come to UUP and share your thoughts and feelings about what fills you with gratitude and thankfulness.
Save the Date - Congregational Meeting December 4th

Our next Congregational Meeting will be held after the service on Sunday, December 4th. We will be reviewing the budget and voting to fill the vacancies on the Board of Trustees. These are important issues, so please try to attend if you can. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. Lunch will be provided by the UUP Youth Group.
Harvest Folk Dance

Perhaps we should have called our event "Harvest Food Dance" for the wonderful abundance of gingerbread, seasonal sweets and savories, and wine! About 45 of us had a jolly time swinging about and gadding about to the rousing sounds of multiple fiddles. Many thanks to all of the volunteers, with special mentions for now to Marlene Abel (refreshments), Carol West (Decorations), and Elaine Ellsworth (everything!).
Harvest Dance Volunteer Breakfast and Review

Volunteers who made the Harvest Folk Dance happen are invited to a breakfast at Elaine and Gene Ellsworth's home this Saturday morning at 9:30 (hold out for your first cup of coffee!) at 103 Dublin Court (Windsor Lane). We'll enjoy each other's company while evaluating the success of the dance. R. S. V. P. via e-mail or phone to Celeste (CDurrum at PacBell dot net).
UUP Women's Group

The next meeting of the UUP Women's Group is Monday, November 21st, at 7:30pm at KC's home. This group is open to all the women of the community. If you are new to the congregation, or have not attended one of these meetings before please consider joining us. Small groups like this one provide a wonderful way for us to get to know each other better and the conversations that take place at these meetings always provide much food for thought.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings:

-Larking About (choir) meets Thursday evenings from 8-9:30pm at Nancy's.

-The next Women's Group meeting will be Monday, November 21 at KC's at 7:30pm. Come and enjoy some quality conversation and companionship before the holiday rush begins!

-There is a Stewardship Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 22.

-The Membership Committee will meet on Monday, November 28th at Stacey's at 7:30pm.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This Week at UUP: November 9

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with bagels / coffee / tea / juice begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

November 13: "Sacred Words"

A participation service wherein members of the congregation are invited and encouraged to bring a short reading, story, or song that they find inspirational. Your own poems or stories are especially appreciated. Don't forget to bring your books with you on Sunday!

November 20: "At The Table"
Guest Speaker, Ron Hersom.

In this time of people coming together and sharing a meal called "Thanksgiving", how do we create The Table? What is it for and for whom?
Harvest Dance this Sunday!

Please join us for a family dance with Erik Hoffman & the Ray Bierl String Band. The dance is this Sunday, November 13, from 5:30-9:30pm at the Petaluma Women's Club building. Dance lessons will be given and child care is provided, so there are no excuses for missing out on the fun. Adult tickets are $10, children over 3 are $2. UU members & friends and Women's Club members get in for $8.

A lovely flier with all this information arrayed in a manner more pleasing to the eye has been posted on our website. Please print out a copy to keep and a couple more to give to your family and friends. Heck, give 'em to anyone you like. See you at the dance!
Wanted: Gingerbread Bakers, Decoration Makers, Debris Takers

Volunteers are still needed in some of the above areas. If you are able to contribute food, sweet or savory, to the harvest bake sale, please contact Marlene Abel (MarleneA at Sonic.net). For setting up and serving in the Harvest Cafe, get in touch with Elaine Ellsworth (elaine_ellsworth at yahoo.com).

Strangely, it seem that we can still use some help with the most glamorous task of all! If you can contribute to the clean-up effort please contact Barbara Marlin-Coole (marcoole at comcast.net). Thank you!
Spiritual Film Series - Begins November 16

View and discuss a series of films shown in members' homes. The first film will be at Stacey's home and at the moment "What the Bleep" is the leading choice. This group is still open so contact Stacey (stacey at graphicsingreen.com) if you want to come, but aren't on the list.

FYI From the Pacific Central District Newsletter:
Study/Action Issue 2005-2007

The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations voted to adopt the issue of Moral Values for a Pluralistic Society as the current Study/Action Issue (SAI) at General Assembly 2005. An SAI is an invitation for congregations and districts to take a topic of concern and confront it, reflect on it, learn about it, respond to it, comment on it and take action - each in their own way. A SAI is NOT a statement -- it is a question. Resources to use in exploring this question are now available online from the UU A Commission on Social Witness.

Congregations and districts are encouraged to begin programs of education and reflection, service, community organizing, advocacy, and public witness immediately following General Assembly. These may include: conducting study sessions, publishing newsletter articles, holding services on the issue, and undertaking action projects. We are encouraged to reflect on our study and action and give comments to the CSW by March 1, 2006. Feedback forms are available at www.uua.org/csw. These comments will help the CSW prepare for the GA workshop. Possible discussion questions include:

* Is it appropriate for Unitarian Universalist congregations to collectively speak out, as a faith community, on moral and ethical issues?
* How are dissenting voices within the congregation honored while allowing the majority to speak out?
* How can we as Unitarian Universalists contribute most effectively to the public dialogue on the role of shared moral values in our changing, global, pluralistic society?
* On what basis do we evaluate our social witness efforts?

Take note that the 2004-2006 SAI, the Threat of Global Warming, also has valuable information online at http://www.uua.org/csw/threatofgw.html
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings:

-Larking About (choir) meets Thursday evenings from 8-9:30pm at Nancy's.

-Monday, November 14 there will be a Board of Trustees meeting at 8 pm at KC's.

-Spiritual Film Series starts Wednesday, November 16th at Stacey's at 7:30pm.

-The next Women's Group meeting will be Monday, November 21 at KC's at 7:30pm. Come and enjoy some quality conversation and companionship before the holiday rush begins!
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Plans for the UUP Choir (Larking About)--All Are Invited to Sing!

Over the past couple of weeks, we've been looking at what pieces we might try to put together for upcoming services. I'm hoping we can entice some of you who have been considering coming to choir to give it a try over the next couple of months! We'd like to start viewing choir as a way of exploring sacred musical traditions of many kinds--kind of an Adult RE gathering, rather than just a singing group.

First, there's a beautiful piece for small choir by Bobby McFerrin--a re-working of the 23rd Psalm, casting the shepherd as a feminine deity. Quite beautiful and singable.

Second, there's a country-flavored piece by Canadian folk singer Ferron, entitled "The Return."

And finally, there's a beautiful hymn-like song by James Taylor. This one would take some work, but I don't think it's too ambitious.

For an iTunes iMix of some possible songs, see the
playlist at the iTunes music store.

For those of you who haven't come to our gatherings, we have a basic routine. We gather at 8 and warm up our voices gently. We look at upcoming services and help select the hymns. Then we work on one or two pieces that we'd like to sing in a service as a choir.

We welcome the ideas of anyone who would like to join--so far, we've managed to be pretty much democratic in terms of musical selections and arrangements. If you know of particular traditions you'd like to explore (Gregorian chant, scat singing, Libana rounds, whatever!) we'd like to hear from you!

This week: we meet at 8 pm at Nancy Blake's home. Please come if you can! And please pass the message on to anyone you think might have interest!

In faith,

--David Dodd


This Week at UUP: November 2

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org

(Social time with bagels / coffee / tea / juice begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

November 6: "The Purpose of Life"
Regular guest minister, Leland Bond-Upson.

I do believe I know. Or rather, I believe I have at least as good an idea as any astrophysicist or philosopher, and a better idea than most theologians. As the Buddhists believe, and perhaps intuition suggests, it's quite simple. But ah! --the implications! And hey --what about the meaning of life? Is that the same as the purpose, or different?

*After the service, Leland will meet with anyone who would like to gain further insight into the basics of Unitarian Universalism.

November 13: "Sacred Words"

A participation service wherein members of the congregation are invited and encouraged to bring a short reading, story, or song that they find inspirational. Your own poems or your stories are especially appreciated.

*Don't forget the Harvest Dance at 5:30pm at the Woman's Club Building!
Stone Soup Sunday, November 6

Please join the children and youth of UUP for a Stone Soup lunch immediately following the service. The Stone Soup story of community and sharing will be reenacted using vegetables that you bring from home. Please bring a carrot, a potato, an onion, a small baggie of rice, or whatever you wish to add to the soup. These items will be gathered and added to the soup by our youth group. The rest of our children will be preparing bread sticks, green salad, and cookies. Any questions? Please call Marlene Abel, interim DRE, or email her at marlenea at sonic.net.
Spiritual Film Series - Begins November 16!

View and discuss a series of films shown in members' homes: What the Bleep Do We Know, and other films that tackle life's big questions. The first film will be at Stacey Minezen's home and at the moment What the Bleep is the leading choice. Email Stacey with any questions at stacey at graphicsingreen.com.
Wanted: Gingerbread Bakers, Decoration Makers, Debris Takers

Before we get to allemande and do-si-do at our 11/13 Harvest Folk Dance , we need volunteers in the above areas. For baking, contact Marlene Abel (MarleneA at Sonic.net); for decorating, Carol West (Carol.West2 at Comcast.net); cleaning-up, Barbara Marlin-Coole (marcoole at comcast.net). For setting up and serving in the Harvest Cafe, Elaine Ellsworth (elaine_ellsworth at yahoo.com). Thank you!
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings:

-Larking About (choir) meets Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30pm @ Nancy's.

-Monday, November 7 there will be a Worship Committee meeting at 8 pm at Diana's.

-Monday, November 14 there will be a Board of Trustees meeting at 8 pm at KC's.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com
