Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Friday, April 25, 2008

This Week at UUP: April 25-30, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Step Up to the Plate -- Annual Pledge Drive Gets Underway this Sunday
Please plan to attend an informative event following the service on Sunday, April 27. Lunch will be served, and childcare will be provided. We will spend about an hour talking about the congregation's financial well-being, and make our pledges of sustaining support for the coming year. Did you receive a letter announcing the campaign, along with a brochure featuring our "team" statistics: averages, box scores, a review of the past season, and our prospects for the coming season? --hmmm...how far can this baseball theme go, you may ask? Come and find out on April 27!

Leadership Positions Available at UUP
This year's annual meeting (June 1) will see three members elected by congregational vote to the UUP Board of Trustees. These are three-year terms. Don't be surprised to be approached by a member of the Nominating Committee (Nancy Blake, David Dodd, and KC Greaney), who will be seeking out hidden talent throughout the membership. If you would like to know more about this opportunity, please don't hesitate to speak with any member of the Nominating Committee.

Considering Becoming a Member of UUP? The next New Member Ingathering is Sunday, June 1st
If you've been attending UUP regularly and have been thinking about joining the congregation as a member, here's your chance! We will hold a new member welcome ceremony during the Sunday service on June 1st. For details, please contact Hope Stewart, for the UUP Membership Committee.

Unitarians Universalists are fighting global warming together with the "UULM Low Carbon Challenge"
Our goal is for Unitarian Universalists in California to collectively lose one million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions by Earth Day 2009. "Carbon Rings" in 50 of our California congregations are going on the "Low Carbon Diet" to lose 5,000 pounds of carbon emissions per household. Please contact Stacey Meinzen, David Dodd, or George Beeler for details.

Religious Education Volunteers Needed
Our program is growing! Please consider volunteering occasionally to help with the 7-11 year old class on Sunday mornings. Volunteers will assist our regular teachers or help out on a service Sunday project. No advance preparation is required. This is a great opportunity to strengthen our intergenerational connections! Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Interested in seeing 'West Side Story' at Sonoma State University?
A UUP group is gathering for Saturday, May 3. Order tickets through Sonoma State, then contact Dick Allen (dickallen1st at hotmail dot com ) to coordinate a place to meet and eat. Maybe picnic on the lawn?… eat at a nice restaurant right across the street?

Save the date! Saturday, May 3rd Annual Petaluma River Clean Up
As part of our Service Sunday program, the Religious Education committee invites you to participate in this year's Petaluma River Clean Up. Please join our children and youth as we pull on our gloves and head down to the river. We'll work as a team under the guidance of Friends of the Petaluma River, city-wide sponsors of this event. Meet at 8:30 a.m. at the Petaluma Marina, 775 Baywood Drive. For directions: http://petalumariver.googlepages.com/ . Friends of the River provides music, food and prizes for participants!

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, April 27, 2008: Stewardship Sunday: "The Present Value of Our Future Vision"
Minister: Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers
Worship Leader: Meredith Guest
The words of the great American social reformer, Dorothy Day, are encouraging: "Spend your life on something that outlasts it." This Sunday, the hopes for the future of this congregation, the quality of its programs and services, and the vibrancy of its mission and ministry to the community will either be met and fed, or not. What role does a collective vision play in this little drama? How do you assess the present value of your future legacy as a member or friend of this congregation?

Immediately following the service, we will gather to share our hopes for the ensuing year and make a pledge for fiscal year 2008-09 to fulfill our collective vision. Plan to stay after for a light lunch, and a one-hour meeting. Childcare provided.

Sunday, May 4, 2008: "Flower Communion"
Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
This year marks the 85th annual Flower Communion Celebration. This beautiful celebration of community is one of the very few (almost) universally practiced Unitarian traditions. Each person is asked to bring one flower for the ritual.


The UUP Board of Trustees will meet Sunday at 8:30 am in Christian Science Fireside Room.

UUP Membership Committee will hold a retreat at May 10 at 11am at Hope's home

Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd


If you have an item for "This Week at UUP" (UU or UUP-related only, please), send it to our Administrator, Jennifer Newman at uupetaluma at gmail dot com by Wednesday for inclusion in that week's email newsletter. For information that needs to go on the calendar (located at http://www.uupetaluma.org/calendars/current.html ), please send your event details to the same email address.


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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Religious Education Update: April 27

Passover and Talking to Children and Youth

Last Sunday, three of our members, Ellen Beeler, Mike Iritz, and Karen Mitchell, talked about Passover with the kids (and the adults). They spoke from their hearts on why this tradition was so meaningful for them growing up, and why it continues to be an important part of their lives. The kids learned about Passover, not just as academic information about a holiday, but gained an understanding of its richer meaning. I am grateful to Ellen, Mike and Karen for their openness and willingness to share.

Often we UU’s have difficulty with this type of heartfelt sharing, even when talking with our own children. One of our faith’s ministers, the Rev. William J. Doherty, wrote of this exchange with his son,

It was 1980. I had been a Unitarian Universalist for about two years when my seven-year-old son Eric said to me, “Dad, what happens to us after we die? Is there a heaven?”

“Well, some people believe that after we die we go to heaven where we live forever,” I replied, “and other people believe that when we die, our life is over and we live on through the memories of people who have known and loved us.” “What do you believe?” said Eric. “Well, some people believe that after we die we go to heaven, and other people believe. . . .” “But what do you believe?” “OK,” I said. “I believe that when we die we live on through other people but not in a heaven.”

I think that we may struggle with children’s questions because we don’t want to “impose” on them. As UU’s, we want them to find their own truths. Perhaps we can share more easily if we understand that children really want to hear what their parents think in these situations. It’s okay to talk about God or atheism or the afterlife, for example, knowing that your children will work on creating their own personal belief system for years and maybe their whole lives. They’ll continue to ask these hard questions, but practice may make personal sharing a little easier on parents.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Monday, April 21, 2008

UUP Men's Group at Rebuilding Together Petaluma

Our Men's Group members joined in the all-community effort on Saturday, April 19, to participate in Rebuilding Together. We worked on a mobile home in need of some repairs, and came away feeling the power of community to effect change and really make a difference in people's lives. Plus, we had the fun of working together and getting to know each other better.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Religious Education Update: April 20, 2008

The Passover Seder

Passover is one of my favorite holidays of the church year. I love that the tradition is so ancient. When Jesus celebrated a Seder with his disciples in the Last Supper, the tradition was already thousands of years old. How many of the traditions that we moderns observe have that history? ( For comparison, we’ve been exchanging Valentines for 300 years, decorating Christmas trees for 500 years, and celebrating Thanksgiving for 400 years. To my knowledge, only our observances of the solstices have a longer history.)

Second, I love that it is so intergenerational. The youngest child in the family who has learned to read asks The Four Questions. When the elders give the answers, they tell the story of Passover. At the end of the Seder, the children find the hidden matzot, or afikomen. The children are important participants throughout the ritual.

Third, the message of obtaining freedom after enduring hardship is hopeful and inspirational. Just as the Jews escaped their enslavement under the Pharaoh, we may overcome issues which make our lives difficult, in order to find our own personal freedom.

Finally, what’s not to love about any celebration that includes good food? Please try some of the Seder foods that the children have prepared for you during your worship time.

This past week, when Mike Iritz and Ellen Beeler shared their memories of Passover with me, they both indicated that the Seder was fun for them as children. Mike and Ellen’s families had differences in their celebrations, but in both cases, the children were included and valued, just as we include and value our UUP children and youth in our own traditions.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Friday, April 18, 2008

This Week at UUP: April 17-April 23, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Step Up to the Plate -- Annual Pledge Drive Gets Underway April 27
Please plan to attend an informative event following the service on Sunday, April 27. Lunch will be served, and childcare will be provided. We will spend about an hour talking about the congregation's financial well-being, and make our pledges of sustaining support for the coming year. Letters announcing the campaign go out this week, along with a brochure featuring our "team" statistics: averages, box scores, a review of the past season, and our prospects for the coming season--hmmm...how far can this baseball theme go, you may ask? Come and find out on April 27!

Leadership Positions Available at UUP
This year's annual meeting (June 1) will see three members elected by congregational vote to the UUP Board of Trustees. These are three-year terms. Don't be surprised to be approached by a member of the Nominating Committee (Nancy Blake, David Dodd, and KC Greaney), who will be seeking out hidden talent throughout the membership. If you would like to know more about this opportunity, please don't hesitate to speak with any member of the Nominating Committee.

"New to UU" Visitors' Orientation this Sunday
Trying out UUP? Visiting for the first time, or for a while, and want to learn more about our congregation and about Unitarian Universalism? Gather with several UUP members to ask questions you might have, and to hear more about UUP. Meets near the fireplace immediately following the service on the third Sunday of each month.

Unitarians Universalists are fighting global warming together with the "UULM Low Carbon Challenge"
Our goal is for Unitarian Universalists in California to collectively lose one million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions by Earth Day 2009. "Carbon Rings" in 50 of our California congregations are going on the "Low Carbon Diet" to lose 5,000 pounds of carbon emissions per household. Please contact Stacey Meinzen, David Dodd, or George Beeler for details.

Religious Education Volunteers Needed
Our program is growing! Please consider volunteering occasionally to help with the 7-11 year old class on Sunday mornings. Volunteers will assist our regular teachers or help out on a service Sunday project. No advance preparation is required. This is a great opportunity to strengthen our intergenerational connections! Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Save the date! Saturday, May 3rd Annual Petaluma River Clean Up
As part of our Service Sunday program, the Religious Education committee invites you to participate in this year's Petaluma River Clean Up. Please join our children and youth as we pull on our gloves and head down to the river. We'll work as a team under the guidance of Friends of the Petaluma River, city-wide sponsors of this event. Meeting time and location TBA. Please contact Leslie Harrison for more info.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, April 20, 2008: "Passover"
Guest Speaker: Ellen Beeler
Worship Leader: Mike Iritz
From the origins of our faith to its inclusion as one of many Spring rites from around the world, Passover reminds us to break free from that which might enslave us: the dregs of Winter, debt or even an addiction to our favorite foods. Spring renews faith in the cycle of life; Passover brings family & community together to honor and celebrate the opportunity of freedom within that cycle. Join us in celebrating this cherished Jewish Spring holiday.

April 27, 2008: Stewardship Sunday: "The Present Value of Our Future Vision"
Minister: Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers
Worship Leader: Meredith Guest
The words of the great American social reformer, Dorothy Day, are encouraging: "Spend your life on something that outlasts it." This Sunday, the hopes for the future of this congregation, the quality of its programs and services, and the vibrancy of its mission and ministry to the community will either be met and fed, or not. What role does a collective vision play in this little drama? How do you assess the present value of your future legacy as a member or friend of this congregation?

Immediately following the service, we will gather to share our hopes for the ensuing year and make a pledge for fiscal year 2008-09 to fulfill our collective vision. Plan to stay after for a light lunch, and a one-hour meeting. Childcare provided.


The Women's Group will meet Monday, April 21st....the topic is: Risk Taking. At Jean Conrad's home - 7:30 p.m. All UUP women are welcome.
UUP Membership Committee will meet Thursday, April 24 at 7:30 pm at Hope's home
UUP Membership Committee will also hold a retreat at May 10 at 11am at Hope's home
Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd

If you have an item for "This Week at UUP" (UU or UUP-related only, please), send it to our Administrator, Jennifer Newman at uupetaluma at gmail dot com by Wednesday for inclusion in that week's email newsletter. For information that needs to go on the calendar (located at http://www.uupetaluma.org/calendars/current.html ), please send your event details to the same email address.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Religious Education Update: April 13, 2008

The congregation is currently blessed with an active, enthusiastic and fun Religious Education Committee, under the skilled facilitation of Leslie Harrison. At our last meeting, we enjoyed tea, coffee and scones as we polished up our Mission Statement. This Statement is compiled from material from UUP history, information from other UU churches and the input of committee members, and was edited by Leslie Balestreri and me.

Mission Statement For Religious Education at UUP
We will provide our children with opportunities to grow spiritually, develop a sense of personal and social responsibility, and experience joy as integral members of a loving Unitarian Universalist community. Our curriculum will balance head and heart by providing intellectual stimulation while nurturing the spirit.

How We Fulfill Our Mission
* Teaching about the world's religions, including our own
* Fostering social responsibility and personal growth by participation in service
projects for our community and outside groups
* Providing instruction in UU principles and practices to assist
children and youth in forming their own belief system
* Ensuring a safe learning environment
* Providing activities and rituals
* Integrating our children into our church community and the
greater UU denomination
* Providing knowledge of UU history to help children build
confidence in their own UU identity.

Description of Philosophy
Our religious education program for children and youth teaches children ages 3 to 18 about our Unitarian Universalist identity, sources of inspiration and history; issues of peace and social justice; and the interdependent web of nature. Our children and youth will have opportunities to put UU principles into action through service projects. We will hold social events to build intergenerational community. Participation in our Religion Education program will help children and youth become self-assured, confident adults with a strong sense of their own religious identity.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


This Week at UUP: April 11-17, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


This Sunday, UUP will Share the Plate
In keeping with UUP's commitment to supporting our community, we will share our non-pledge offering on Sunday with Petaluma Wetlands Alliance. The Petaluma Wetlands Alliance, a committee of Madrone Audubon, is dedicated to the creation, restoration and stewardship of publicly accessible wetlands and wildlife habitats. They support Shollenberger Park, Alman Marsh, the new wastewater treatment property, and future wetland sites in the watershed. The Petaluma Wetlands Alliance works with local governments, environmental organizations and other groups to educate the public about the ecology and value of wetlands.

Gather, UUP Men!
The UUP Men's Group will participe in Rebuilding Together Petaluma on Saturday, April 19th. All men are welcome. Contact Phil Boyle for more info.

Religious Education Volunteers Needed
Our program is growing! Please consider volunteering occasionally to help with the 7-11 year old class on Sunday mornings. Volunteers will assist our regular teachers or help out on a service Sunday project. No advance preparation is required. This is a great opportunity to strengthen our intergenerational connections! Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Save the date! Saturday, May 3rd Annual Petaluma River Clean Up
As part of our Service Sunday program, the Religious Education committee invites you to participate in this year's Petaluma River Clean Up. Please join our children and youth as we pull on our gloves and head down to the river. We'll work as a team under the guidance of Friends of the Petaluma River, city-wide sponsors of this event. Meeting time and location TBA. Please contact Leslie Harrison for more info.

Special Choral Performance
The Bija Children's Choir, including our very own Eva Harrison-Lee, will be presenting the Quiltmaker's Gift, on Friday, April 11 at the Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris Street, in Sebastopol. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 pm, with the performance at 7:00 pm. This show promises to be fun for all ages. Tickets are $5 and available from Leslie Harrison. Please contact Marlene Abel for carpooling info.

Holly Near and Emma's Revolution to play Santa Rosa on Friday eve
On Friday April 11, 2008 at 8pm, the Glaser Center at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Rosa presents famed activist-folksinger Holly Near, teaming with Emma's Revolution for an inspiring evening of world-class folk music. Her poetry-packed songs have been heard across the globe, used as anthems at churches, peace rallies and in television shows (Six Feet Under). In this, her only Sonoma County concert of the year, Holly is joined by Pat Humphries and Sandy O, the rousing, politically charged duo known as Emma's Revolution. Special pre-show reception early seating and musical Q& A with Holly offered for additional cost. $20 in Advance; $25 at the door, call (707) 568-5381 or check www.glasercenter.com for more information.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, April 13, 2008: "Membership Fees"
Guest Speaker: Garrick Linn
Worship Leader: Lara Abel
April 15th is a day of reckoning in the United States, a day when a portion of our hard-earned dollars is collected and eventually redistributed in the service of what we hope (and are promised) is the common good. One might expect for such democracy-loving Unitarian Universalists as ourselves that this day would warrant celebration rather than consternation, but I have noticed that our feelings towards filing tend to be, shall we say, ambivalent. As part of an attempt to reframe our thinking about what it means to be one among many, George Lakoff has proposed that the word "taxes" be replaced in our public discourse with "membership fees." In that spirit, let us frame and explore some of the connections and responsibilities we share in our various capacities as employers, employees, citizens and congregants. The taxman cometh...will we lay out the welcome mat, or lock the door?

April 20, 2008: "Passover"
Guest Speaker: Ellen Beeler
Worship Leader: Mike Iritz

UUP Board of Trustees will meet Sunday, April 13 at 8:30 am in the Christian Science Fireside Room
UUP Membership Committee will meet April 24 at 7:30 pm at Hope's home
UUP Membership Committee will also hold a retreat at May 10 at 11am at Hope's home
Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd. All are welcome to join at any time!

If you have an item for "This Week at UUP" (UU or UUP-related only, please), send it to our Administrator, Jennifer Newman at uupetaluma at gmail dot com by Wednesday for inclusion in that week's email newsletter. For information that needs to go on the calendar, please send your event details to the same email address.


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Friday, April 04, 2008

This Week at UUP: April 4-11, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Gather, UUP Men!
The UUP Men's Group will meet at Dick Allen's house tonight, April 4th, at 7:30 pm. Carpoolers meet at City Hall at 7:00 pm. Contact Dick Allen or Phil Boyle for more info.
The UUP Men's Group will also be participating in Rebuilding Together Petaluma on Saturday, April 19th. All men are welcome. Contact Phil Boyle for more info.

Religious Education Volunteers Needed
Our program is growing! Please consider volunteering occasionally to help with the 7-11 year old class on Sunday mornings. Volunteers will assist our regular teachers or help out on a service Sunday project. No advance preparation is required. This is a great opportunity to strengthen our intergenerational connections! Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Special Choral Performance
The Bija Children's Choir, including our very own Eva Harrison-Lee, will be presenting the Quiltmaker's Gift, on Friday, April 11 at the Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris Street, in Sebastopol. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 pm, with the performance at 7:00 pm. This show promises to be fun for all ages. Tickets are $5 and available from Leslie Harrison. Please contact Marlene Abel for carpooling.

Annual Memorial Day Retreat!
The annual UUP all-community retreat is coming up, May 23-26, at Four Springs Retreat Center in Middletown north of Calistoga.
Be sure to look for the sign up sheet on Sunday! The deadline for signing up is April 20th.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

This Sunday, April 6, 2008: "What's Your Story?"
Guest Speaker: Jamie McReynolds
Jamie McReynolds will be exploring our fourth UU principle, our free and responsible truth and meaning, and the ways that we make meaning in our lives. As an interfaith chaplain in a community hospital, ministering to patients, families and staff, he sees people making meaning of their lives in many different ways. How does our UU faith help us make meaning of our lives?
Jamie McReynolds is a 3rd year Master of Divinity student at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley . He is currently a resident hospital chaplain at John Muir Medical Center in Concord , CA. Prior to seminary, Jamie was a lay leader at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Santa Rosa and worked professionally in banking, manufacturing and the wine industry.

Sunday, April 13, 2008: "Membership Fees"
Guest Speaker: Garrick Linn
Worship Leader: Lara Abel
April 15th is a day of reckoning in the United States, a day when a portion of our hard-earned dollars is collected and eventually redistributed in the service of what we hope (and are promised) is the common good. One might expect for such democracy-loving Unitarian Universalists as ourselves that this day would warrant celebration rather than consternation, but I have noticed that our feelings towards filing tend to be, shall we say, ambivalent. As part of an attempt to reframe our thinking about what it means to be one among many, George Lakoff has proposed that the word "taxes" be replaced in our public discourse with "membership fees." In that spirit, let us frame and explore some of the connections and responsibilities we share in our various capacities as employers, employees, citizens and congregants. The taxman cometh...will we lay out the welcome mat, or lock the door?


UUP Worship Associates meeting Sunday, April 6th at 12:30 pm at T's office
Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd. All are welcome to come sing!

If you have an item for "This Week at UUP" (UU or UUP-related only, please), send it to our Administrator, Jennifer Newman at uupetaluma at gmail dot com by Wednesday for inclusion in that week's email newsletter. For information that needs to go on the calendar, please send your event details to the same email address.



Thursday, April 03, 2008

Religious Education Update: April 6, 2008

Raising Good Citizens

The Reverend William Doherty of the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis gave a lecture on Religious Education at the 2007 General Assembly. He stated,

“I begin by offering twin goals for the religious education or
faith development of Unitarian Universalist children:
1. First, they grow up spiritually alive, free, and engaged with
the world.
2. Second, they grow up as citizens in our living religious

The point of Rev. Doherty’s second goal was that our youth and children need to be active participants in the work of the congregation, so that they can learn to be good citizens of their faith.

At last Sunday’s Time and Talent Auction, our children and youth ably demonstrated how to be active citizens of our congregation. Five of our youth- Amy, Bailey, Lizzie, Sophia, and Zoe- prepared lunch for the congregation. The menu was planned and prepared by the youth, under the guidance of their adult advisor, Lara. Many of the younger kids decorated cheesecakes with fruit, and created candy butterflies and dragonflies on cupcakes. The lunch was delicious and the desserts were beautiful!

The children and youth were active participants in the auction as well, as donors and as bidders. Laura and Rosemary donated their pet sitting talents, and others decorated tote bags and aprons. As bidders, they enthusiastically supported our congregation. By actively participating in the work of the Time and Talent Auction, our kids learned about being good citizens of UUP, and gained the satisfaction of knowing that they can contribute to the health of our community in meaningful ways. I was very proud of them!

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Meredith Guest's Easter Sunday Sermon: "And the Stone Rolled Away"

Our archive of selected sermons delivered at UUP over the past several years has just gained a wonderful new addition: UUP member Meredith Guest's talk from March 23, 2008, entitled "And the Stone Rolled Away: Easter and Resurrection."
