Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Religious Education Update: December 21, 2008

Finding Light in the Darkness

The closing days of 2008 seem dark indeed, with the gloomy economic news reports keeping step with the shortening days. In casual conversations, I speak with people who have lost their jobs, lost money in the stock market, or who face salary cuts.

I’m reminded of the challenges of earlier generations. My father went through college during the Great Depression, and finally graduated with his doctorate in sociology, supporting himself with student jobs or teaching elementary school. He was poor in worldly goods for years. My mother-in-law grew up in Germany and faced huge food shortages after World War II. She survived a hard winter in Germany by the good fortune of receiving food packages from by her American fiancé, the soldier who fell in love with her during the war. Both of these individuals were frugal with money and food for the rest of their lives, never forgetting their hardships. They taught their children, including my husband and me. about valuing our prosperity as we grew up.

I believe that the light in this dark winter will be found in the compassion in our hearts, and in gratitude for our personal blessings. We can share our light with others by offering encouragement to those who are searching for work, financial and volunteer support to food banks and homeless shelters, and a focus on what we truly value. It is within our powers to help light and hope return to our nation.

What a miracle it would be if the current difficulties cause all of us to rethink our consumption driven society, and consider sharing our resources with more equity. The leaders in our country during the depression and the Second World War promoted the general welfare of the people, through work projects and international treaties. I am hopeful that the new administration in Washington, may also choose to improve our world in solving our generations’ huge challenges.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


This Week at UUP: Winter Solstice Drum Circle

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Children's Choir Rehearsal this Sunday - 9:30 am
Elizabeth Nielsen will be directing our children's choir in their final rehearsal before their Christmas Eve performance. The choir and Elizabeth are doing an amazing job, and the Christmas Eve service promises to be a moving and beautiful experience for all. Choir members will be provided with hot cider and breakfast treats, before and after their rehearsal.

Adult Discussion Group this Sunday - 9:30 am to 10:15 am
Come join Marlene Abel and other friendly adults in the fireside room at UUP in a discussion of "Finding Meaning in the Holidays". This is a drop-in group, and all adults are welcome to come share their thoughts on the topic.

Santa Lucia Procession
This Sunday will be our annual celebration of Santa Lucia's Day, which is an ancient Swedish tradition of welcoming back the light at the Winter solstice. Children and Youth are invited to process at the beginning to the service. Costumes will be provided, except that each child or youth should wear a plain white shirt from home, either long or short sleeve. Children and youth should arrive by 10:15 to get ready. Girls will be given long white skirts and silver garlands, and the boys will wear Star Hats and carry star wands.

"Dinner for Eight" or more on Christmas Eve
Would you like to share Christmas Eve with your church family? Then join us as we gather in each other's homes to share dinner after the service on December 24th.
Here is how it works: Some people agree to host, and they provide the gathering location and usually a main dish. Others sign up to participate and bring other contributions to the meal. Then all gather on Christmas Eve for a community meal and good fellowship. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church on Sunday services. Questions? Contact KC Greaney.

Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth
UUP high school youth are selling holiday cards at UUP after the services each Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Also for sale are gift bags and gift tags. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities.

UUP Now Has a Facebook Page
If you're on Facebook, come join the UUP Facebook group. If you're not, then maybe you'd like to give it a try--it's free and all too easy. Questions? Ask UUP's webmaster, David Dodd. To see more details and confirm this group invitation, follow this link.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 5 pm
Worship Associates: Lara Abel and Diana Spaulding
Please join us for our first-ever UUP Christmas Eve service, as we celebrate the season with singing and fellowship. Special music will include the debut of our Children's Choir, led by Elizabeth Nielsen; a performance from the Bach "Magnificat" by a talented trio of UUP singers (Elizabeth Nielsen, Rachel Steiner, and Kendra Bushong); and a brass quintet.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
The Guest At Your Table boxes and donation envelopes distributed during the past several weeks will be gratefully received during the Christmas Eve Service - or as soon as possible thereafter. As you prepare to return your gift, please note the membership levels printed on your box or envelope. Please give as generously as you are able so that, through the work of UUSC, we may bring hope for a better future to those around the world less fortunate than ourselves. Although a donation of any amount is appreciated, we can make the largest impact by qualifying for a matching donation. All donations of $100 or more per household will be matched by the UU Congregation of Shelter Rock.
SRC Thought for the Week
"I will light candles this Christmas;
Candles of joy despite all sadness;
Candles of hope where despair keeps watch;
Candles of courage for fears ever present;
Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens;
Candles of love to inspire all living;
Candles that will burn all the year long."
-- Rev. Howard Thurman

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, December 21, 2008: Winter Solstice Drum Circle
Worship Leaders: Tony Blake and Meredith Guest
Following last week's "holding the place of darkness collectively, with its mystery, waiting and silence", this week we welcome earth's slow, yet inexorable, return to the light with singing, drumming and resounding joy. Bring a drum, an instrument, a sound maker or just yourself to this annual celebration led by Tony Blake.

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Worship Leaders: Meredith Guest and Lara Abel
Now that the official madness…excuse me, I mean 'holiday' is past, I'd like to invite you to join me in taking a closer, in-depth look at what Luke, the original author of what must surely be THE most universally misunderstood story of all times, had in mind when he penned it some time late in the first century. It could be surprising and hopefully, enlightening.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Religious Education Update: December 14, 2008

The Spiritual Practice of Gratitude

Yesterday, my son the chef received an email from the Culinary School at Santa Rosa Junior College stating that recent graduates were having trouble finding jobs. Phil looked up from his computer and remarked, “I think I’m lucky to have a job.” When Phil graduated just three semesters ago, employers had approached him for interviews, and he had landed a job within a couple of days of posting his resume on the culinary school website.

This morning, as I started my day by fetching my newspapers off the sidewalk, I noticed the freezing temperatures and thick frost. As I opened the front door on my return, I felt gratitude for the warm air that greeted me. I thought, “I’m so lucky to have a warm house, and not be homeless.”

After glancing through the usual grim headlines, I wondered how it would be to intentionally practice gratitude as a spiritual practice and not just feel thankful at random moments, as in the examples above. What if I were to slow down, pay attention to the little things, and notice the good stuff? Could I practice gratitude for an entire day?

Later, when I arrived at Sonoma Mountain Elementary School, I walked by a maintenance worker, Dominic, sanitizing a patch of concrete and cleaning up vomit. As a nasty stomach bug is running through the school right now, I’m sure he will be repeating this task over and over this week. I stopped and said, “Thank you, Dominic, for doing this job. I’m sure it’s not pleasant and I appreciate you.” He looked up and smiled at me.

So far, I’ve practiced gratitude for two hours and elicited three smiles from Dominic, my son and a friend. I also feel more cheerful. What will be the impact of this spiritual practice on me and others by the end of the day?
If you choose to try this experiment yourself some time, please let me know how your life is changed. I’d be interested to hear.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


This Week at UUP: Share the Plate with COTS this Week

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Share-the-Plate this Sunday with Petaluma's Committee on the Shelterless (COTS )
In this season of sharing, we will share our Sunday offering plate with COTS, who do so much to provide for those without a roof over their heads. Please come prepared this Sunday to be a generous supporter of this important effort in our community. www.cots-homeless.org

"Dinner for Eight" or more on Christmas Eve
Would you like to share Christmas Eve with your church family? Then join us as we gather in each others' homes to share dinner after the service on December 24th.
Here is how it works: Some people agree to host, and they provide the gathering location and usually a main dish. Others sign up to participate and bring other contributions to the meal. Then all gather on Christmas Eve for a community meal and good fellowship.
There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church on Sunday services. Questions? Ask KC Greaney.

Children and Youth to perform at UUP Christmas Eve Service
All children and youth are invited to participate in singing carols at the Christmas Eve service. This Sunday marks the last rehearsal before Christmas Eve. Singers are asked to early arrival to the Christmas Eve service in preparation for their performance. Rehearsals are led by Elizabeth Nielson.

Religious Education Discussion Group prior to Sunday Service
Marlene will host one more discussion group in the fireside room during children's choir practice this Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:15. Anyone is welcome to join. Coffee and munchies provided. This week's topic: The Stirrings of Compassion: caring for one another

Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth
UUP high school youth are selling holiday cards at UUP after the services each Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Also for sale are gift bags and gift tags. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
We are approaching the conclusion of this year's participation in Guest At Your Table. The GAYT boxes and donation envelopes distributed during the past month will be gratefully received during the Christmas Eve service - or as soon thereafter as possible. As you prepare to return your gift please note the membership levels printed on your box or envelope. We can best support UUSC through educating ourselves and others about the important work this organization does in human rights and social justice work, and by giving as generously as we are able. Although a donation of any amount is appreciated, we can make the largest impact by qualifying for a matching donation. All donations of $100 or more per household will be matched by a grant from the UU Congregation of Shelter Rock.
SRC Thought for the Week: "It is only giving that stimulates. Impart as much as you can of your own spiritual being to those who are on the road with you." - Albert Schweitzer

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, December 14, 2008: "Into Darkness"
Worship Leaders: Jodi Boyle and Elisabeth Hathaway
As we near the winter solstice we all face the prospect of entering into a place of darkness, the longest night, the darkest hour. Symbolically this is the belly of the whale, a narrow gate, a place of great unknown and unknowing, wihc can be terrifying and lonely, and many of us do much to avoid it. Yet this is also the spiritual symbol of great potential and profound transition, for out of the darnkess into the light is one the central metaphors for growth and rebirth across the ages and cultures: out of the darkness a child is born, a new year, enlightenment. Today we will have an experiential and meditative service, holding this place of darkness collectively, with its mystery, waiting and silence, before we emerge into the light of the celebration next week with the drumming circle.

Sunday, December 21, 2008: Winter Solstice Drum Circle
Worship Leaders: Tony Blake and Meredith Guest
Following last week's "holding the place of darkness collectively, with its mystery, waiting and silence", this week we welcome earth's slow, yet inexorable, return to the light with singing, drumming and resounding joy. Bring a drum, an instrument, a sound maker or just yourself to this annual celebration led by Tony Blake.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 5 pm: Christmas Eve
Worship Associates: Lara Abel and Diana Spaulding
Please join us for our first-ever UUP Christmas Eve service, as we celebrate the season with singing and fellowship. Special music will include the debut of our Children's Choir, led by Elizabeth Nielsen; a performance from the Bach "Magnificat" by a talented trio of UUP singers (Elizabeth Nielsen, Rachel Steiner, and Kendra Bushong); and a brass quintet.

Sunday, December 28, 2008: Worship Leaders: Meredith Guest and Lara Abel
Now that the official madness…excuse me, I mean 'holiday' is past, I'd like to invite you to join me in taking a closer, in-depth look at what Luke, the original author of what must surely be THE most universally misunderstood story of all times, had in mind when he penned it some time late in the first century. It could be surprising and hopefully, enlightening.

The Woman's Group meets Monday, December 15th at 7:30 at Jean Conrad's house. All women are welcome! Those attending are invited to bring a reading or a symbol of the season to share.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house.

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Friday, December 05, 2008

UUP Facebook Page

UUP Now Has a Facebook Page

If you're on Facebook, come join the UUP Facebook group. If you're not, then maybe you'd like to give it a try--it's free and all too easy. Questions? Ask UUP's webmaster, David Dodd.

To see more details and confirm this group invitation, click the link above.


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Religious Education Update: December 7, 2008

Celebrating Christmas Eve

I’ve always loved Christmas Eve, that quiet time when the world seems to slow down and wait in great anticipation of the Christmas morning festivities. For me, it is a time for family, carol singing, and for appreciating the brightly lit houses glowing in the long winter night.

Several of our families have wanted to attend Christmas Eve worship in past years, and have visited neighboring UU churches, where they enjoyed lovely music and candle filled services. But as beautiful as those programs were, they’ve reported to me that they missed being in Petaluma and celebrating with our UU’P community. I was, of course, very happy when the Worship Committee and the UUP Board agreed to hold a Christmas Eve service in Petaluma this year.

What I never anticipated was Elizabeth Nielsen’s, David Dodd’s, and Leslie Harrison’s willingness to organize a children’s choir for the service. I also never expected 19 children and youth to arrive very early on a Sunday morning (9:30 a.m.) for their first rehearsal. Last Sunday, I heard from even more families that were interested in having their children sing. We expect a sizeable children’s choir on Christmas Eve. The Christmas Eve service will also include the Petaluma Brass Quintet, organized by Earl Cruser, performing traditional Christmas music. I am part of that group, along with Karen Rutherford, and the five of us are enjoying rehearsing together. After the service, UUP members, friends and family will have the opportunity to dine with others in our UUP community in suppers being organized by KC Greaney.

If you’re in Petaluma this coming Christmas Eve, I hope you’ll be part of our UUP celebration of music, warmth and hope that the winter holidays bring into our hearts. When nature brings us darkness and cold, it is quite fitting that we remember the joys which sustain us through the long nights.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


This Week at UUP: Congregational Meeting

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


To all UUP Members and Friends
Please attend the UUP Congregational Meeting this Sunday, December 7, 2008. It will start immediately after the service and will last about an hour. Childcare provided.
Agenda Items include:
- The mid-year report and review of the 2008-09 Budget
- Election of Board Members
- Reports from the Committee Chairs and others involved with coming events
One of the "perks" of membership is participating in the life of UUP by attending these meetings, being informed and voting on decisions that have to be made by the community. I hope to see you there!
Jean Conrad, President of the Board of Trustees

Nominations For the UUP Board
The Nominating Committee for UUP, comprising Lara Abel, Tony Blake, and David Dodd, is seeking nominees for vacant positions on the UUP Board of Trustees, to be elected by congregational vote at the UUP Congregational Meeting this Sunday. The Board is our governing body, responsible for all the business decisions and policies of the congregation. Board members attend monthly meetings, and also serve as liaisons to UUP's committees. We are filling three three-year positions, and may also choose to fill up to two other three-year seats if we find candidates who are qualified to serve.
To be considered for nomination by the Nominating Committee or if you have questions about the job description for UUP Board members, please contact any of the members of the committee: Lara Abel, Tony Blake, or David Dodd. Self-nomination is encouraged.

"Dinner for Eight" or more on Christmas Eve
Would you like to share Christmas Eve with your church family? Then join us as we gather in each others' homes to share dinner after the service on December 24th.
Here is how it works: Some people agree to host, and they provide the gathering location and usually a main dish. Others sign up to participate and bring other contributions to the meal. Then all gather on Christmas Eve for a community meal and good fellowship.
There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church during the next few weeks.
Questions? Contact KC Greaney.

Children and Youth to perform at UUP Christmas Eve Service
All children and youth are invited to participate in singing carols at the Christmas Eve service. No prior singing experience required. Upcoming rehearsals: 12/7, 12/15 and an early arrival on 12/24. Rehearsals led by Elizabeth Nielsen. Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Religious Education Discussion Group prior to Sunday Service
Marlene will host a discussion group in the fireside room during children's choir practice on upcoming Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15. Anyone is welcome to join on a drop-in basis. Come to one or several. The topics will concern parenting and spirituality with a new topic each week. Coffee and munchies provided.
12/7 - Sing in My Heart: celebrations and rituals
12/14 - The Stirrings of Compassion: caring for one another

Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth
UUP high school youth are selling holiday cards at UUP after the services each Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Our youth are also planning to create gift bags and gift tags, for sale this month. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
For over 30 years UU communities have participated in the Guest At Your Table tradition. We come together to give thanks, celebrate UU values, and share our blessings to help change the world. If you have not yet received a gift box for your home, please pick one up at the Social Responsibility table after the service this week. Place it on your dining table and at each meal insert coins or bills into the box as if sharing with guests.
UU principles call on us to raise our voices together to defend justice and human rights. UUSC projects across the world are only made possible by the activism and generosity of our members and supporters. Your participation in Guest At Yout Table makes you part of the moral force through which UUSC moves the world. Please join us!
SRC thought for the week: "The religion that ends with the individual, ends." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, December 7, 2008: This We Do for UUP: The Embodied Prayer of Service
Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
Speakers: Marlene Abel, Jan Crosby, David Dodd and Elizabeth Nielsen.

Sunday, December 14, 2008: "Into Darkness"
Worship Leaders: Jodi Boyle and Elisabeth Hathaway
As we near the winter solstice we all face the prospect of entering into a place of darkness, the longest night, the darkest hour. Symbolically this is the belly of the whale, a narrow gate, a place of great unknown and unknowing, wihc can be terrifying and lonely, and many of us do much to avoid it. Yet this is also the spiritual symbol of great potential and profound transition, for out of the darnkess into the light is one the central metaphors for growth and rebirth across the ages and cultures: out of the darkness a child is born, a new year, enlightenment. Today we will have an experiential and meditative service, holding this place of darkness collectively, with its mystery, waiting and silence, before we emerge into the light of the celebration next week with the drumming circle.

The UUP Board of Trustees will meet Monday, December 8th at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house.
The Woman's Group meets Monday, December 15th at 7:30 at Jean Conrad's house. All women are welcome! Those attending are invited to bring a reading or a symbol of the season to share.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St.


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