Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stebbins at Asilomar 2008

"Making the World a BETTER Place"

Join other UU's and friends at the Asilomar Conference Center for four days of workshops to allow you to play, create, learn and grow. We will also build community through our daily ingatherings with our Chaplain, Starr King student Lynn Kelly.

Mark your calendar and be a part: August 10-15, 2008.

Find out more at www.serve.com/stebbins


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rapid-response teams forming to track anit-LGBT petition drive

February 23, 2008
Urgent UU Call to Action
Stop Petition to Amend CA Constitution to Exclude Same-Sex Couples From Marriage

The UU Legislative Ministry-Action Network is working in partnership with the Equality for All campaign and we need your help NOW.

Well-funded anti-LGBT organizations are paying people to gather signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the November 2008 ballot that would prohibit marriage for gay and lesbian couples. In response to this very serious threat, the Equality for All campaign is launching a statewide effort to encourage Californians not to sign this discriminatory petition. We need everyone who cares about marriage and LGBT equality to help. Here’s how:

Join Our Rapid Response Team
We’re looking for dedicated individuals and teams from congregations to join our “Rapid Response” team and help us talk to Californians in your area. Working with other Rapid Responders near you, our professional team leaders will call you and train you on how you can help. Whether you can volunteer full-time, or just a few hours a week, you can Join the Rapid Response Team now. For help getting a team from your congregation involved, please contact UULM staff Rev. Lindi Ramsden (lramsden@uulmca.org)in Northern California or Vivien Hao (vhao@uulmca.org) in Southern California, and we can help to connect you with other UUs who want to put our faith into action.

Help Us Track the Petitions
In order to track their activities and assess the size/funding of the proponents of this discriminatory amendment, we need you to be on the lookout for people gathering signatures and report back to the Equality for All Tip Line. (tips@equalityforall.com)

Here is what you can do:
1. Please ask what petitions people have when you see them. In many instances, the signature gatherers will have more than one. It is ok to ask them, “What petitions do you have?”
2. Please ask them if they are paid or volunteer- that’s also ok to ask.
3. Take samples of any literature they are offering.
4. Do not engage in debate! If the conversation feels tense, move on. If the petitioner is being aggressive towards you, move on. This information is helpful, but it’s not worth your safety.
5. Please report back. When you encounter signature gatherers, please email the date, time, location and paid/volunteer information to .

Donate to UULM Action Network
We need your financial support to help us put more volunteers in the field. Your generous contribution to UULM Action Network will enable us to organize a strong UU presence during this historic campaign. Whether or not you can show up in person, you can become a partner in the campaign if you donate now!

Oral Arguments at CA Supreme Court
UUs are on the forefront of faith communities championing freedom to marry in California. UULM-CA took the lead on the interfaith amicus brief on the same-sex marriage cases, scheduled for oral arguments March 4, 2008 at the State Supreme Court. We expect a decision from the high court 90 days later, in early June. If the the right to same-sex marriage is legally affirmed, it would be tragic for opponents to be able to overturn it in November by enshrining discrimination in our CA constitution.

UUs are joining a large and diverse coalition of groups in California, including communities of color, choice, faith and labor organizations to oppose this anti-LGBT constitutional amendment. Please join us in standing on the side of love. Please visit www.equalityforall.com for more information and volunteer today.

Thanks so much for your support!
Rev. Lindi Ramsden, Executive DirectorUULM Action Network

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Letter from Rev. Ben

From the UUA website:

Because of the diversity of belief within Unitarian Universalism, our ministers undergo a great deal of training before being ordained. The road to Unitarian Universalist ministry almost always includes a Masters of Divinity degree from an approved school, a ministerial internship, many interviews, and final approval from the Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC).
The MFC officially approves (fellowships) ministers for Unitarian Universalist ordination, but it is individual congregations, not the Unitarian Universalist Association or the MFC, that vote to ordain candidates.

An open letter to the members of UUP from the Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers:

Dear friends,

The board has recently received a request from Leland Bond-Upson for the congregation to ordain him into the Unitarian Universalist ministry. Within our association, the power to “invest with ministerial authority” (Webster’s definition of ordination) resides only within the local congregation. Individuals who have invested considerable time and expense in preparation for the ministry do so with a great amount of faith that their call to the ministry will be recognized and deemed worthy by a congregation who knows and appreciates the gifts they bring to the task of ministerial service to the world. Since it is only by congregational vote that ministers are ordained, to confer that station upon someone is a great honor, and one that cannot be revoked by any other body, organization or institution.

Many of you have known Leland Bond-Upson as he has made his singular journey towards this moment through his preaching, participation and support of this emerging congregation. His request of you to formally recognize his ministry by ordaining him is itself a great honor. In many ways, it is a rite of passage for both the ordaining body and the ordainee. It is a mutual recognition of credibility, identity, and commitment which already exists within each of you. It is, in short, a resounding, mutual “Yes” that will have reverberations for many, many years to come.

I am glad you have the opportunity to discern and discuss whether you are ready to give a great gift to ‘one among you.’ It is a gift only you can give. But it is also a gift only Leland can give, as well. I hope you know you are worthy recipients. I trust you both will find the process of giving and receiving to one another incredibly empowering, affirming, and joyful. I wish you well in your deliberations.

Be well,

Rev. Ben

This Week at UUP: February 22-28, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Special Congregational Meeting on March 9th
We have received a letter from Leland Bond-Upson asking us - UUP - to become his ordaining church. This decision is entirely up to the congregation and in order to proceed, there needs to be a congregational meeting where members have to opportunity to vote on the issue.
This is an honor and an opportunity for UUP to participate in a very old tradition that links us to all other congregations who have ordained someone. We will meet right after service on Sunday, March 9th to vote on this one issue. Please come.
Jean Conrad
UUP Board President

UUP "Carbon Rings" Groups Forming!
Join Stacey Meinzen, George Beeler, and David Dodd this Sunday, February 24th, immediately following the service for a very brief organizational meeting to discuss UUP's participation in the UU Legislative Ministry's "Low Carbon Challenge." We'll be forming UUP "Carbon Rings"--groups who will educate ourselves and then support each other in reducing our collective carbon footprint. California-wide, UUs plan to collectively lose a million pounds of carbon emissions by Earth Day 2009. Let's do our part!

UUP Adult Forum next Sunday
Topic: Do our individual personal relationships affect society?
The next session of the Adult Forum - Sharing and Learning, Faith and Life - will take place next Sunday, March 2nd. We'll gather in the upper room of the Woman's Club following the Sunday Service to 1:15 pm. Bring a beverage for a "Conversation Cafe."

Considering Becoming a Member of UUP? The next New Member Welcome is Sunday, March 16
If you've been attending UUP regularly and have been thinking about joining the congregation as a member, here's your chance! We will hold a new member welcome ceremony during the Sunday service on March 16. For details, please contact David Dodd, for the UUP Membership Committee.

Time and Talent Auction March 30th!
Our annual BIG FUN(D)RAISER is coming up the end of March. We will have a lunch after church services, and the auction will follow. Last year we had donations of dinners, hauling, landscape consultation, a bicycle adventure picnic, symphony tickets, art work, a basket of novels, car wash, etc…. you get the idea! We also include a children's silent auction, along with the other silent auction items.
We need volunteer help in putting this all together....See Dick Allen or Jean Conrad if you would like to be in on all this fun!

Annual Memorial Day Retreat!
The annual UUP all-community retreat is coming up, May 23-26, at Four Springs Retreat Center in Middletown north of Calistoga. Be sure to look for sign-up sheets in the coming weeks!
ALSO: Be sure to join the committee making the plans, and help put together this wonderful, fun, and very well attended traditional gathering. Interested in adult and/or kids activities? Food? Worship? General Planning? Contact T Hathaway!

District Assembly Registration Now Open
The annual meeting of UUs from our district (Northern California, Reno, and Hawaii) will be held at the Fremont Marriott, Friday April 25- Sunday, April 27. This gathering of 400 UUs promises to be inspirational, informative and fun. District Assembly's Children's and Youth program will be held at the hotel as well, run by the Director of Religious Education of the Davis UU church. The children's program features multicultural activities, games, worship and storytelling. There will also be separate programs for middle and high school youth. Last year, the DA's hotel sold out, so you will likely need to reserve a room early to stay at the Marriott.
For more details, check out the PCD website.

Spring Volunteer Work Weekend
May 9-11, 2008
Did you know about the UU Camps in our District? The next UU camp will be at the Mendocino Woodlands State Park, near Mendocino and Fort Bragg, about a 3 hour drive from Petaluma. This camp is located in a redwood forest, with individual rustic redwood cabins and a large dining hall. At Spring Volunteer Work Weekend, UUs from many congregations gather to open up the camps for the summer, performing tasks such as putting canvas over wooden frames for the tent cabins or doing trail building and maintenance. Marlene Abel will be one of the cooks, assisting chef extraordinaire Laurin Beckhusen of the Davis UU church. The cost of the weekend, including lodging and five outstanding meals is $30 for children, $35 for seniors/students and $40 for adults. For more information, go to www.unitariancamps.org.

Family Camp
July 13-19 or July 20-26, 2008
Another UU Camp is Family Camp, also at the Mendocino Woodlands. Registration for this camp isn't open yet, but if you have questions, one of the deans is our Lara Abel. Also, lots of details about the camp may be found at www.unitariancamps.org.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, February 24, 2008: "Living through Life's Contortions"
Guest Speaker: Alexandra McGee, Ministerial Student
Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
Greeters: Phil Boyle, Jodi Boyle, Nancy Blake, Jean Conrad, Ellen Beeler and Bruce Eriksen
When you find your spirit is twisted like a pretzel, how do you reconnect to your roots and wings? Alexandra McGee will discuss wisdom from the yoga tradition, with a perspective on how UUs can respect its origins in Hinduism. Alex is a 3rd year student at Starr King School for the Ministry, soon to complete her Masters of Divinity with a focus on Sanskrit, chaplaincy, and Hindu theology. Practicing yoga since 1989, she has taught in corporations, churches, gyms, ecovillages, country clubs, and a prison.

Sunday, March 2, 2008: "Religion That Gets In the Way"
a sermon by the Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers
Lara Abel, Worship Associate
The function of all faith, religion, or even philosophy could well be assessed as the honest attempt to brace us when in the eye of the storm and guide us through the uncharted waters of the future. We may find that some are better than others as we live and learn and grow towards spiritual maturity. One of the guiding questions for this morning's service is: If your religious beliefs were a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Children from the Religious Education program will help present a parable during the service.

UUP Membership Committee will meet Monday, Feb., 25th at 7:30 at Hope Stewart's house

Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd


If you have an item for "This Week at UUP" (UU or UUP-related only, please), send it to our Administrator, Jennifer Newman at uupetaluma at gmail dot com by Wednesday for inclusion in that week's email newsletter. For information that needs to go on the calendar, please send your event details to the same email address.

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Annual Time & Talent Auction: March 30, 2008

Our annual BIG FUN(D) RAISER is coming up the end of March.

We will have a lunch after church services and the auction will follow. Last year we had donations of dinners, hauling, landscape consultation, a bicycle adventure picnic, symphony tickets, art work, a basket of novels, car wash, etc. you get the idea! We also include a children's silent auction, along with the other silent auction items.

We need volunteer help in putting this all together....See Dick Allen or Jean Conrad if you would like to be in on all this fun!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Call to Congregational Meeting


We have received a letter from Leland Bond-Upson asking us - UUP - to become his ordaining church. This decision is entirely up to the congregation and in order to proceed, there needs to be a congregational meeting where members have to opportunity to vote on the issue.

This is an honor and an opportunity for UUP to participate in a very old tradition which links us to all other congregations who have ordained someone.

We will meet right after services, Sunday March 9th, to vote on this one issue.
Please come.

Jean Conrad
Board President

See the open letter from Rev. Ben.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Save the Date: Annual All-Congregation Retreat, May 23-26

Annual Memorial Day Retreat! SAVE THE DATE!

Remember that our annual all-community retreat is coming up, May 23-26, up at Four Springs Retreat Center in Middletown above Calistoga. Be sure to look for sign-up sheets in the next weeks! ALSO: Be sure to join the Committee making the plans, and help put together this wonderful, fun, and very well attended traditional gathering. Interested in adult and/or kids activities? Food? Worship? General Planning? Call or e-mail T Hathaway! (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net, phone: 762-5432).


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Take the UULM Low-Carbon Challenge

from this week's PCD Currents newsletter:
UU Legislative Ministry of CA Forms Carbon Rings

(Join Stacey Meinzen, George Beeler, and David Dodd following Sunday's service on February 24 for a brief meeting to organize UUP's participation in this event.)

Those wanting to do their part for the environment are invited to join UUs across the PCD losing a million pounds of carbon emissions by Earth Day 2009. The entire family can participate by forming Carbon Rings- circles of five to eight UU households (non-UU friends welcome) who gather to build community, share insights and fears, assess their carbon footprint, and help each other make lifestyle changes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5,000 pounds per household.

"Making lifestyle changes requires purpose and planning and practice. It is difficult to do alone. Those who try to go on a "Carbon diet" alone, don't usually follow through, said the Reverend Lindi Ramsden, UU Legislative Ministry Executive Director. "A supportive group from our faith community can help us make our carbon footprint more congruent with our values." By starting UUs out within a circle of deep listening and open-hearted exploration, the UULM Low Carbon Challenge provides the necessary network of support to make real change - plus you form deeper friendships in the process!

The congregation with the highest % of households participating before Earth Day 2009, will win a prize, as will the congregation that loses the most carbon overall (and both will earn some serious bragging rights!). If you are interested in forming one or more Carbon Rings at your congregation, please contact the UULM office at (916) 441-0018 x202 or for more information. You can also find information on the UULM website.

See UUP's flyer!

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Religious Education Update: February 17, 2008

Joys and Concerns

Last Sunday, I gathered with the children ages 3-11 in the upperstairs classroom, after the kids had been sung out of the service. Lara, our youth advisor, and Bailey, a youth, were busy in the kitchen mixing up cookie dough for Valentine’s Day cookies. Kimmy West, our nursery caregiver, was watching baby Jocelyn. I had two adults with me, Sharron Belson, our new RE teacher for the 3-6 year olds, and Leslie Balestreri, member of the RE committee.

As we gathered in a circle on the rug, one child lit the chalice (battery operated, for safety.) We began our weekly ritual of Joys and Concerns, in which each person drops a stone into a glass of water, and, if they wish, shares something happy or sad from the previous week. I dropped a stone in the water and shared that I had lost two of my three pet cats the day before. One, the Mama Cat, had been hit by a car in front of my house, and her son had suddenly fallen gravely ill to liver failure from unknown causes. A trip to an emergency vet hospital had failed to save the younger cat, but had given Lara and me an answer as to why he was dying. As I shared, my teacher side told me that I was modeling how to participate in Joys and Concerns, but my human side told me that I was just sharing a sad moment. Eva, sitting next to me, shared that her pet fish was not well. Rosemary shared that her 6th grade teacher, who had been out ill, was going to visit the class. Others shared their happy and sad moments.

Our upstairs version of the adults’ “Embracing Meditation” tends to be less formal and more rambunctious than the downstairs version. We once had a bit of a water spill, and sometimes a child is just plain silly. Yet, I think it is an essential part of the morning. Each child knows that he or she may share and receive support from the group. On this morning, they learned adults have happy and sad times, too. Part of having a spiritual home is knowing that there are others who will share one’s joys and empathize with one’s sorrows. In our RE circle, we strive to be that spiritual home.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Friday, February 15, 2008

This Week at UUP: February 15-20, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Come to UU 101 on Sunday after service!
Are you new to Unitarian Universalism or relatively so? Have you ever wondered how this unique approach to religion got started? Do you care to know more about this religious community and its values and principles? Are you thinking about becoming a member of UUP and want a deeper understanding of its goals and vision? Do you have questions you're burning to ask someone? You are warmly welcomed to join Reverend Ben, and UUP members David Dodd, Janette Morrow, and others, for this informal hour, beginning 15 minutes after the service. We especially encourage anyone considering joining UUP at the upcoming Ingathering ceremony on March 16th. All are worthy, all are welcome!

Considering Becoming a Member of UUP? The next New Member Welcome is Sunday, March 16
If you've been attending UUP regularly and have been thinking about joining the congregation as a member, here's your chance! We will hold a new member welcome ceremony during the Sunday service on March 16. For details, please contact David Dodd, for the UUP Membership Committee.

The Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium
Sunday, February 24 from 12:00 to 3:00pm at Petaluma Woman's Club
This Symposium explores the link between three of humanity's most critical concerns: environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. The symposium invites participants to explore the nature of our time and to positively affect the direction of our world with our everyday choices. Cost is a sliding scale from $10 to $30.

Hymnal Amnesty and Drive!
Our Singing the Living Tradition hymnal is rich with rousing songs and profound readings…which is why we understand that a few may have drifted home for private perusal (we are missing about 15). If one may have found its way to your home, please quietly bring it back by Feb 17th (no questions asked!) so we can get an accurate count of how many we need to purchase in our Hymnal Drive in March! We will be taking donations for inscriptions in new copies and individuals may order hymnals for themselves (for home!) at this time as well. Any questions, please contact T Hathaway.

UUP Bi-Annual Women's Retreat!
We have two UUP Women's Retreats a year, in March and October, and this year the retreat was full before it was announced! Apologies to those of you who may have wanted to go, but we're not sure who you are! Or how much unmet interest is out there. PLEASE: if you are interested in the Women's Retreat (or the Women's Group) contact Elizabeth Hathaway as soon as possible to let us know, so we can plan accordingly for October. We may be at a critical point of change, needing to find a new venue or change our format or start a second group, and this will take some advance planning. Contact: Elisabeth Hathaway.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

February 17, 2008: "Learning to Live the Questions; Religion for the Head and Heart"
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers, preaching
Meredith Guest, Worship Leader
Religions are often depicted as institutions with iron-clad answers that discourage questions about life's meaning (e.g., catachisms, dogma, and creeds.) In stark contrast, Unitarian Universalism encourages questioning sometimes to the exclusion of any answers [Note the old UU adage: "To Question IS the Answer."] In his classic work, Letters to a Young Poet, the philosopher and poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, encourages us to "Live the questions, now" Today's sermon explores the religious quest that binds head and heart: the positive compulsion to question and to seek, and the solace of finding and living into some answers. Bring a friend!


The next UUP women's group meeting is Monday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 pm Jean Conrad's house.

Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Religious Education Update: Febraury 10, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

On Friday mornings, I go into a particular fifth grade classroom at Old Adobe School and work with the kids on math concepts. This past Friday, I taught three girls about equivalent fractions. This was a topic that was easier for me than it was for them, perhaps because it is my fourteenth year that I’ve been assisting their teacher. After 14 years in 5th grade, equivalent fractions are pretty familiar territory.

I don’t feel quite the same expertise when discussing human emotions like love. Those three girls love their families just as I love mine. Their hearts break when friends are cruel or a beloved pet dies, just as mine does. The joy or pain I feel from life experiences are felt just as deeply in their hearts.

What I might share with a young person is stories from my own experiences. I’ve learned that a broken heart can mend, and that future happiness is possible. I’ve learned that parents and babies develop powerful bonds that help both sides weather the terrible twos and the teenage years. I’ve learned that a part of those I’ve loved and lost remains in my heart forever. I learned that it is important to express gratitude to those who’ve cared for us and made our lives better.

Today the children and youth will be creating valentines for their elders as tokens of the love and gratitude they feel for the adults in UUP. They appreciate that you’ve created this community which educates, supports and nurtures them. You’ve blessed them with a religious tradition that encourages them to think, to ask questions, and to find their own religious truths.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


This Week at UUP: February 8-13, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Sunday is a Share-the-Plate Sunday
In keeping with our commitment to supporting our community, UUP will share its non-pledge offering collected during Sunday's service with the Petaluma Arts Council. The Petaluma Arts Council is "committed to making the arts accessible to all of our residents and helping Petaluma serve as an example of a community that values its artists and the role they play in the quality of life".

The Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium
Sunday, February 24 from 12:00 to 3:00pm at Petaluma Woman's Club
This Symposium explores the link between three of humanity's most critical concerns: environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. The symposium invites participants to explore the nature of our time and to positively affect the direction of our world with our everyday choices. Cost is a sliding scale from $10 to $30.

Hymnal Amnesty and Drive!
Our Singing the Living Tradition hymnal is rich with rousing songs and profound readings…which is why we understand that a few may have drifted home for private perusal (we are missing about 15). If one may have found its way to your home, please quietly bring it back by Feb 17th (no questions asked!) so we can get an accurate count of how many we need to purchase in our Hymnal Drive in March! We will be taking donations for inscriptions in new copies and individuals may order hymnals for themselves (for home!) at this time as well. Any questions, please contact T Hathaway.

UUP Bi-Annual Women's Retreat!
We have two UUP Women's Retreats a year, in March and October, and this year the retreat was full before it was announced! Apologies to those of you who may have wanted to go, but we're not sure who you are! Or how much unmet interest is out there. PLEASE: if you are interested in the Women's Retreat (or the Women's Group) contact Elizabeth Hathaway as soon as possible to let us know, so we can plan accordingly for October. We may be at a critical point of change, needing to find a new venue or change our format or start a second group, and this will take some advance planning. Contact Elisabeth Hathaway.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

February 10, 2008: "Readings on Love"
Worship Leader: Stacey Meinzen
As Unitarians, our principles suggest that we should cultivate loving kindness for all living things. However, practicing this may be more challenging than it sounds. Albert Schweitzer said, "Those who believe in love for all creation must realize clearly the difficulties involved... To think out in every implication the ethic of love for all creation -- this is the difficult task which confronts our age." This kind of love is one of many that we will explore. Please bring your favorite reading on love to share.


The next UUP Membership meeting is Sunday, Feb. 10 at 1pm at Hope's house.

Larking About, the UUP Singers, meets on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Religious Education Update: February 3, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

The most important festival in China, the New Year, begins on February 7 this year. It is a lunar holiday, and always begins on a new moon, so its date varies on our solar calendar. The celebrations begin with big family dinners on New Year’s Eve, followed by fireworks at midnight. The feasting continues on New Year’s Day, usually with vegetarian food in honor of the Buddha. On the seventh day of New Year’s, everyone turns a year older. Lantern Day closes out the celebration on the fifteenth, a traditional day for matchmaking and romance.

Chinese New Year is a religious holiday. Before the holidays begin, families clean their homes to sweep out all the bad luck that has accumulated over the year. They buy new clothes, take baths and wash their hair. Everything must be new and clean. Families go to the temple on New Year’s Eve to honor their ancestors and to pray for good fortune. On New Year’s Day, families set up an altar in their homes with photos of their ancestors, oranges for prosperity, tangerines for good luck., and sweets.

The New Year is a time of visiting relatives and giving gifts, such as oranges for prosperity for adults or lucky money in red envelopes for the children. People believe that each relative must be visited in the first three days, or relationships will be strained all year.

This year is the year of the Rat, and children born this year will have the rat’s attributes, meaning that they will be charming, creative, ambitious and friendly. (What animal are you?)

The children will learn about Chinese New Year today, with special guest Karen Rutherford, who traveled to China to adopt her daughter, Hannah. I feel blessed that Hannah and her family are part of UUP, and that they are willing to share this part of Hannah’s heritage with all of us.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


UUP Hymnal Amnesty and Hymnal Drive

Hymnal Amnesty and Drive!
Our Singing the Living Tradition hymnal is rich with rousing songs and profound readings. Which is why we understand that a few may have drifted home for private perusal (we are missing about 15). If one may have found its way to your home, please quietly bring it back by Feb 17th (no questions asked!) so we can get an accurate count of how many we need to purchase in our Hymnal Drive in March! We will be taking donations for inscriptions in new copies and individuals may order hymnals for themselves (for home!) at this time as well. Any questions please contact T Hathaway.


UU Books--New Catalog From Skinner House

We received a wonderful new catalog from Skinner House Books, the publisher of the Unitarian Universalist Association. It has a wide variety of resources for worship, religious education, and UUA history studies.
The Publishing Director, Patricia Frevert, says in her introduction to the catalog:

Welcome to the 2008 Skinner House Catalog! From thought-provoking essays and reflective meditations to worship resources and books for families and children, there is something here for everyone.
In our new worship resource Come Into the Circle, Michelle Richards offers practical and creative advice on how to design worship for children, as well as a generous collection of chalice lightings, prayers, guided meditations and other child-friendly worship resources. Makanah Morriss, former director of the UUA Religious Education Department, calls this book “a gem for the bookshelves of every minister, religious educator, worship leader and church library.”
Wayne Arnason and Kathleen Rolenz take a broad and careful look at the art of worship in Worship That Works. The authors “dive into the practical,” says Bill Dickinson, vice president of First Parish in Portland, Maine: “How do you create a real sense of sacred space? How do you handle announcements? Joys and Concerns? Kids?” It’s all here.
And if you’re looking for inspiration, we recommend John Nichols’s refreshing take on familiar bible passages, A Wind Swept Over the Waters, and Mark Belletini’s stunning new meditation manual, Sonata for Voice and Silence.
