Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Religious Education Update: November 30, 2008

Growing Up UU
One of the primary tasks of a religious community is to transmit its values from one generation to the next. Our congregation does this in all we do, from sharing our blessings in the Guest at Your Table program, to giving service, as the children did at last Sunday’s Stone Soup lunch, which they lovingly prepared for all of you.

The result of our congregation’s love and support (plus some pretty terrific parenting in our homes) is young people like our very own Kimmy West. Kimmy, the 16 year old daughter of Steve and Carol, is a highly successful young businesswoman, in addition to being an excellent student at Petaluma High School. Kimmy is the founder and creator of a website, His Golden Eyes, which provides news and entertainment for fans of the Twilight book series and the recently released hit movie, "Twilight." Kimmy’s website often has 600 or 700 visitors at a time, and currently has about 30,000 hits per day. She has sponsored links on her site, which generate income.

I recently asked Kimmy if she is treated as a celebrity at Petaluma High. She responded that she’s not, that only her friends even know about this career which occupies most of Kimmy’s free time. This past August, she was interviewed by the Washington Post. Kimmy told the reporter, “Running a fansite takes a lot of work but I find it very fun. I actually spend way too much time on the computer now...but it's because I want to. Basically though, you can create a fansite at any age, and if you put your heart into it, and a LOT of time, you can make it great.” Recently, Kimmy had the opportunity to fly to Los Angeles to personally meet and ask questions of the stars of the Twilight movie. In the video she took on her trip, our normally reserved Kimmy was happy and excited and having a great time.

I think UUP should be very proud of Kimmy, for her strong work ethic, her enthusiasm for her work, and for her ability to remain herself while experiencing exceptional success at a very young age.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education

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This Week at UUP

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Nominations For the UUP Board
The Nominating Committee for UUP, comprising Lara Abel, Tony Blake, and David Dodd, is seeking nominees for vacant positions on the UUP Board of Trustees, to be elected by congregational vote at the December 7th Congregational Meeting. The Board is our governing body, responsible for all the business decisions and policies of the congregation. Board members attend monthly meetings, and also serve as liaisons to UUP's committees. We are filling three three-year positions, and may also choose to fill up to two other three-year seats if we find candidates who are qualified to serve.
To be considered for nomination by the Nominating Committee or if you have questions about the job description for UUP Board members, please contact any of the members of the committee named below. Self-nomination is encouraged.
--Lara Abel, Tony Blake, David Dodd.

"Dinners for Eight" or more on Christmas Eve
Would you like to share Christmas Eve with your church family? Then join us as we gather in each other's homes to share dinner after the service on December 24th.
Here is how it works: Some people agree to host, and they provide the gathering location and usually a main dish. Others sign up to participate and bring other contributions to the meal. Then all gather on Christmas Eve for a community meal and good fellowship.
There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church during the next few weeks.

Religious Education Discussion Group prior to Sunday Service
Marlene will host a discussion group in the fireside room during children's choir practice the next three Sunday mornings, 9:30 to 10:15. Anyone is welcome to join on a drop-in basis. Come to one, two or all three discussions. The topics will concern parenting and spirituality with a new topic each week. Coffee and munchies provided.
11/30 - Spirit of Life: exploring spirituality for UUs
12/7 - Sing in My Heart: celebrations and rituals
12/14 - The Stirrings of Compassion: caring for one another

Children and Youth to perform at UUP Christmas Eve Service
All children and youth are invited to participate in singing carols at the Christmas Eve service--5 pm on December 24. No prior singing experience required. Three rehearsals on 11/30, 12/7, and 12/15 with an early arrival on 12/24. Rehearsals led by Elizabeth Nielson. Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth
UUP high school youth are selling holiday cards at UUP after the services each Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Our youth are also planning to create gift bags and gift tags, for sale in December. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities.

Will there be a guest at your table this Thanksgiving? As we celebrate with family and friends this week and remember all we have to be thankful for, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee asks us to share our blessings with others through the Guest At Your Table tradition. At each meal from now until Christmas, insert coins or bills into your GAYT box as if sharing with your guests. Your generosity will support the work of UUSC in the struggle for social justice and human rights both here and around the world. If your gift totals $100 or more, it will be matched dollar for dollar through a matching grant from the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock in Manhasset, NY. Don't have your box yet? Please pick one up Sunday at the Social Responsibility Table and join other UU families for this annual tradition. Boxes will be returned at the Christmas Eve service.
SRC thought for the week: "You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others." - G. Coghlan

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, November 30, 2008: "Values and Visions: Justice, Equity and Compassion"
Worship Leader: Elisabeth Hathaway
Join us as we explore another in our new series educating and challenging us to look at what we believe and seek, and how we practice these visions and values in our daily lives. Today, the second of our series, we look at the second Principle of Unitarian Universalism: the presence of Justice, Equity and Compassion in our human relationships. How do these touch you? How do they slip just out of reach? We will hear about what they might mean or look like, and share with one another.

The UUP Men's Group will meet Friday, Dec. 5, 7 pm at Dick Allen's house. Contact Dick for more info.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house.


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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Milk" Comes to Petaluma

I'm posting this note on behalf of Jenn Gamble, who was one of the folks we worked with to coordinate a day of UUP participation at the No On 8 demonstrations earlier this month:

Hello everyone at the UU,

My name is Jenn and I work at the theater here in Petaluma. I think I met
some of you during the No on 8 protest.

Anyway, I just found out that we are getting the film Milk, about Harvey
Milk. I am so excited I want everyone to know about it. We are getting
Dec 12 and tickets are on sale now. I am hoping it does well so the owner
will keep booking meaningful movies like this.

Hope to see some of you then ,

Jenn Gamble
General Manager
Boulevard Cinemas

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Monday, November 24, 2008

This Week at UUP: Stone Soup Sunday

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth
UUP high school youth are selling holiday cards at UUP after the services each Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Our youth are also planning to create gift bags and gift tags, for sale in December. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities. Many thanks to Susan Price, KC Greaney, Ellen Beeler and Carol West for their support of this fundraiser at the recent card making workshop. Also, special thanks to Rosemary Dodd and Ashley West for their artistic assistance.

Children and Youth to perform at UUP Christmas Eve Service
All children and youth are invited to participate in singing carols at the Christmas Eve service. No prior singing experience required. Three rehearsals on 11/30, 12/7, and 12/15 with an early arrival on 12/24. Rehearsals led by Elizabeth Nielson. Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.

Welcome to a new feature of This Week At UUP. Here you will find the latest information about UUP's new Social Responsibility Committee! We will publicize and support the work of various UU organizations and projects - initially UUSC and the Carbon Rings project. But eventually we hope to add more groups as interest, time and person-power permit. For more information about how you can get involved, please contact co-chairs Earl Cruser or Jan Crosby, or committee member George Beeler.
Our current project is the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's Guest At Your Table (GAYT). Donation boxes and "Stories of Hope" pamphlets went home with folks who attended last Sunday's service. But don't worry if you missed it - we have enough for everyone at UUP to participate in this very important intergenerational annual event! GAYT supports the critical work that UUSC does in the areas of human rights and justice here and around the world. Please pick up your box at the Social Responsibility table this Sunday. GAYT is a month-long activity of education and generosity that will be celebrated at our Christmas Eve service.
Did you know that UU's have an office at the UN? This year the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and has been successful in organizing the first-ever LGBT workshop at the annual conference sponsored by UNESCO. As a result, the French government intends to introduce a draft declaration to the UN General Assembly aimed at combating homophobia and decriminalizing homosexuality around the world. Not only can you pick up an informational brochure at the SRC table this week, you can also talk to Marion Fitch Connell, UU-UNO Envoy from All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, DC, who will be visiting with us. Marion is the mother of UUP member Elizabeth Nielsen.
SRC thought for the week: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, November 23, 2008: Our Spiritual Symbols and Practices: Stone Soup for the UU Soul
Worship Leader: Jodi Boyle
We gather together each week as a spiritual community to worship and experience the energy of our collective intent to grow into harmony with the Divine. In addition to what we do during our time together, many of us have individual practices and rituals that are also part of our spiritual journey. Please bring with you to our service a symbol, token or other item that has spiritual significance to you or is part of your individual growth. We will share with each other the things we've brought, learning and appreciating along the way the many ingredients in the spiritual soup that nourishes this community.
Please also bring with you a vegetable, a bit of rice, a few potatoes or anything else you have on hand to contribute to the "stone soup" that the children will be making during the service. Plan to stay after the service for a delicious soup lunch and good company.

Sunday, November 30, 2008: "Values and Visions: Justice, Equity and Compassion"
Worship Leader: Elisabeth Hathaway
Join us as we explore another in our new series educating and challenging us to look at what we believe and seek, and how we practice these visions and values in our daily lives. Today, the second of our series, we look at the second Principle of Unitarian Universalism: the presence of Justice, Equity and Compassion in our human relationships. How do these touch you? How do they slip just out of reach? We will hear about what they might mean or look like, and share with one another.


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Religious Education Update: November 23, 2008

Lessons from Stone Soup

In the Stone Soup Story, the villagers learn to share with their neighbors, and discover that they improve their own lives in the process. Many of this know this lesson well. Volunteering our time or donating to various causes makes us feel better. For me, the main character in the story has the most difficult task of all. He’s the one who has the audacity to ask for help. He begins with asking for something that the villagers would be likely to give, such as a stone or a pot or some water. Once the villagers find it in their hearts to give, they’re able to share possessions that they have been hoarding, such as their scant supplies of onions or potatoes.

Accepting help can be difficult for some of us. Unlike the main character in the story, I often find myself resisting offers of help, however kindly stated. A grocery clerk offers to split my groceries into two separate bags, and I feel offended. I think to myself, “Does she think that I’m too weak to carry a big bag of groceries?” I fail to hear her offer as a gesture of kindness. Giving help is much easier. Someone recently asked me for a ride home from the Emergency Room after treatment for an acute illness, and I was more than happy to help.

A more advanced lesson from the Stone Soup story is that asking for help, and giving help are both needed to produce the magical soup. Applying that lesson to our UUP community, we could choose to honor both the askers and the givers. Many thanks are owed to those who request us to bring bagels, make a pledge, serve as greeters, or lead worship. Being willing to ask is a huge gift to our group, and is just as essential community as being willing to give. Another advanced lesson of the story is that it is okay to ask for help for oneself, when the task at hand seems too much or too tiresome. Someone might surprise you by being happy to assist. If we could open our minds to both the possibilities of asking and receiving, what an amazing community we could be!

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Religious Education Update: November 16, 2008

Learning to be Grateful

Last Thursday night, I was part of a school board meeting which dealt with California’s budget crisis. I’ve been part of that board for almost 16 years, and been through fiscal crises before, but never this dire. Our business manager led us through a list of possible cuts: we could stop cleaning the classrooms, close the libraries, fire the cooks, or increase class sizes in grades four though six. The board made no decisions, but I still left the room feeling upset and sad. All of the choices would mean that some very deserving people would lose their jobs, and our children’s education would be affected.

On Friday, I awoke to a glorious autumn day. I took my morning fitness walk down my street, underneath trees that shone brilliantly red, orange and yellow in the morning sun. The fall rains had returned the lawns to an emerald color, and the gentle breeze was very warm for November. It didn’t seem right, somehow, to experience such natural beauty after the distress of the night before. But, life does go on regardless. After the darkest of nights, the sun rises and the rest of the world continues on unperturbed, whether or not such beauty fits one’s outlook.

My challenge today is to be grateful. Yes, I’m dealing with unwanted problems, but life is continuing. The children of my school district are still learning, and the employees are still working their magic. Perhaps the State of California will learn from this crisis, and make needed changes. Perhaps not. If I practiced one of the Chinese religions, I might learn to appreciate the yin and yang of my situation. At this moment, I’m not feeling appreciation for lessons I might learn from my difficulties at the board table, but I am feeling gratitude for my many blessings on this beautiful day.

Marlene Abel

Director of Religious Education


Thursday, November 13, 2008

This Week at UUP: Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth
UUP high school youth will be selling Holiday Cards at UUP after the services beginning this Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Our youth are also planning to create gift bags and gift tags, for sale in December. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities. Many thanks to Susan Price, KC Greaney, Ellen Beeler and Carol West for their support of this fundraiser at the recent card making workshop. Also, special thanks to Rosemary Dodd and Ashley West for their artistic assistance.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, November 16, 2008: "Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters"
Guest speaker: Earl Cruser
Worship Leader: Lara Abel
UUP Member Earl Cruser is one of our two representatives to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. This Sunday, Earl will talk about UU Service Committee and Justice, as well as the Guest at Your Table Program. Earl brings us the Petaluma Brass Quintet (you'll recognize several of the members), which will present musical selections during the service.

Sunday, November 23, 2008: Our Spiritual Symbols and Practices: Stone Soup for the UU Soul
Worship Leader: Jodi Boyle
We gather together each week as a spiritual community to worship and experience the energy of our collective intent to grow into harmony with the Divine. In addition to what we do during our time together, many of us have individual practices and rituals that are also part of our spiritual journey. Please bring with you to our service a symbol, token or other item that has spiritual significance to you or is part of your individual growth. We will share with each other the things we've brought, learning and appreciating along the way the many ingredients in the spiritual soup that nourishes this community.
Please also bring with you a vegetable, a bit of rice, a few potatoes or anything else you have on hand to contribute to the "stone soup" that the children will be making during the service. Plan to stay after the service for a delicious soup lunch and good company.

UUP Membership Committee will meet Sunday, Nov. 16, 12:15 pm at the Christian Science Reading Room.
UUP Women's Group will meet Monday, Nov. 17 at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St.


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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Religious Education Update: 11/9/08

Is Obama a UU?

The answer to this question is yes and no. As we know, in the midst of the campaign, he resigned his membership from Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama describes himself as Christian.

But what does he believe? In an interview with Cathleen Falsani of the Chicago Sun-Times, Obama talks about the religious training of his childhood. "My mother was a deeply spiritual person and would spend a lot of time talking about values and give me books about the world's religions and talk to me about them. Her view always was that underlying these religions was a common set of beliefs about how you treat other people and how you aspire to act, not just for yourself, but also for the greater good."

Later in the interview, he discusses his views on salvation. "The difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and proselytize. There's the belief, certainly in some quarters, that if people haven't embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior, they're going to hell." Obama doesn't believe he, or anyone else, will go to hell. But he's not sure if he'll be going to heaven, either. "I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die," he says. "When I tuck in my daughters at night, and I feel like I've been a good father to them, and I see in them that I am transferring values that I got from my mother and that they're kind people and that they're honest people, and they're curious people, that's a little piece of heaven."

While most UU’s that I know would not describe themselves as having a relationship with Jesus, as Obama does, most UU’s would find Obama’s views towards other faith traditions and salvation as quite compatible with their own. In my mind, Obama often sounds like a Unitarian Universalist. He is respectful of all people and their diverse faith traditions. He is deeply committed towards working towards a peaceful and just world, and towards preserving this planet for his children and for mine. In knowing that he will be our President, I am filled with hope for a brighter future.
Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


This Week at UUP: A Veteran's Day Sermon

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


UU Revival Service: An Old-time Revival at the Santa Rosa UU Church, November 9, 11 am
Personal invitation from Rev. Chris Bell, UU Santa Rosa:

Let me warmly invite you to come up to Santa Rosa this Sunday to join your fellow UUs from Napa, Marin and Sonoma counties for a post-election celebration of our hopeful vision of the world, and the inclusive, unifying faith that sustains it. Regardless of whether you experience triumph or despair on November 4th, this music-filled service with our UU brothers and sisters from the North Bay will surely renew your faith in the good, the sacred, and each other. Please come early, for it will likely be standing-room (perhaps dancing-room?) only, and we'll start at 10:40 with a big hymn sing-along. Also, a catered lunch will be available after the service for $5. Please, come meet old friends and new. I hope to see you there! -- Rev. Chris Bell

Four ministers who serve North Bay congregations are planning a Revival Service on November 9, and members of UUP are invited. The four ministers will offer a music filled service with four short homilies: Rev. Lisa Presley of the Marin UU church will speak on the need for UU'ism in our world; Rev, Bonnie Dlott of the Napa UU's will speak about how her life was saved by UU'ism; the Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers, who helps the Lake County group, will speak on why we teach UU values to our children; and the Rev. Chris Bell of the Santa Rosa church will speak on UU's saving message. Religious education and childcare will be provided. Afterwards, everyone is welcome to stay for a catered lunch. The purpose for this revival is to build connections between the North Bay congregations, in order to create future collaboration. UUP will be represented by our President, Jean Conrad. Contact Jean for possible carpooling or for more information.

Holiday Fundraiser for our high school age youth
Our high school youth will be selling Holiday Cards at UUP after the services, beginning on November 16. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Our youth are also planning to create gift bags and gift tags, for sale in December. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities. Many thanks to Susan Price, KC Greaney, Ellen Beeler and Carol West for their support of this fundraiser at last Sunday's card making workshop. Also, special thanks to Rosemary Dodd and Ashley West for their artistic assistance.

UPCOMING SUNDAY SERVICES(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

November 2, 2008: "A Veteran's Day Sermon"
Worship Associate: Meredith Guest

UUP Men's Group will meet Friday, Nov 7, 7 pm at Dick Allen's house. Contact Dick for more details.
UUP Board of Trustees will meet on Monday, Nov 10, 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St.


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Monday, November 03, 2008

No on Proposition 8 Action

15 UUP members joined a visibility action on East Washington yesterday afternoon, enjoying the sense of community with others who oppose Proposition 8.

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