Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This Week at UUP: March 29

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, April 2:
"Moving the World Through Reverent Daily Actions"
Guest Speaker: Trathen Heckman

At this time when our senses are being quenched by Spring's ascent, Trathen Heckman will discuss a potent blend of Buddhist mindfulness and innovative ecological design artfully applied to the conscious daily acts at the heart of healthy lives and communities.

Sunday, April 9: "Marriage Matters"
Guest Speaker: Victoria Ingram

The UUA has taken a strong position in advocating for marriage equity and many in our denomination are active in working for legislative change and societal shift on this important issue. As we've watched this issue debated in the public forum, we've heard lots of compelling arguments both for and against making changes in the "traditional" definition of marriage. Our speaker will explore this topic, drawing on a variety of traditions to address the issues of marriage equity.
Guest Artist to Help With Religious Education this Sunday

This Sunday, April 2, the RE program will welcome a guest artist,
Julie Young from Daily Acts, to our program to make Inspirational
Flags with our children and youth. These fabric paintings will allow
our young people to illustrate their dreams and hopes for our planet
Earth. Each older child or youth will create a 12 inch by 12 inch
square of painted fabric which will be sewn into a quilt for our Time
and Talent Auction in May. Ms.Young has worked with hundreds of
children in creating these works of art, and says that the product is
often very beautiful. Our youth group will be participating in this
project also, but in a separate space from the elementary school age

The project will use permanent fabric paint. While we will provide
smocks, and every effort will be made to keep everything clean, there is a chance of kids' clothes developing new spots. Please don't
send your children in their best clothing on Sunday! Old, casual
clothes are strongly advised.

Thank you very much to Stacey Meinzen for arranging this special RE event.
Looking Good for the New UUP Family Photo Album!

The Membership & Hospitality Committee will make appointments next
Sunday for professional-quality photographs by our own Hope Stewart for a UUP family photo album.

Your individual or family photographic portrait will be taken at a scenic downtown Petaluma site and recorded on a compact disc given to you. A $5 materials fee payable to Hope covers cost of project. Pick out your best outfit, polish up your smile, and head to the New! "Member Welcome" table this Sunday!
Time to Sign Up for the Annual Memorial Day Retreat

It's time once again to sign up for our annual retreat. Last year a great time was had by all. We need to get a sense of how many plan to participate in this event so we can begin planning it in earnest. You can sign up by adding your name to the sign up sheet at church this Sunday or by emailing T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal.net). Please let T know ASAP if you're planning to go.

There is still a great need for volunteers to make this retreat as wonderful as it can possibly be. Email T if you would like to help organize this gathering.
The UUP Time and Talent Auction is set for Sunday, May 7

The auction will kick off with a lunch after the service, leading directly into fierce bidding for desserts. Think about what you might donate, and about asking your friends to come and bid in this important fundraiser which is more about fun than funds. Donation forms will be available starting this week at the Sunday service, or download one from the web at:

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- There will be a Worship Committee meeting on Monday, April 3, at 8:15 pm at Diana Spaulding's.

-Sunday, April 9 the UUP Board of Trustees will meet at the Woman's Club from 8:30am to 10am.

-Spiritual Film Series will meet Wednesday, April 12 at 7:30 pm (location and film TBA).
Hospitality Duty:

Please plan to sign up once per quarter to help us ensure that we are able to continue to provide bagels and refreshments before the service. Thanks for helping us create a warm and welcoming atmosphere at UUP.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com


Sunday, March 26, 2006

UUP Community Garden Plot

Novice and experienced gardeners work together to prepare our Community Garden plot to grow organic veggies for the Petaluma Kitchen.

You always knew there was a Unitarian Universalist plot afoot somewhere...and here it is!

Today in our worship service we sang the wonderful David Mallett song, "The Garden Song," and talked about how change can be incremental: "Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow..."


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This Week at UUP: March 22

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, March 26:
"Shift Happens"

Celeste Durrum, Worship Associate

"Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean, and the pleasant land." Likewise the repeated actions over time of human voices and hands add up to vast change in the human landscape. Join us for this service to inspire you to take simple actions for a more just, less suffering world.

Sunday, April 2:
"Moving the World Through Reverent Daily Actions"

Guest Speaker Trathen Heckman

At this time when our senses are being quenched by Spring's ascent, Trathen Heckman will discuss a potent blend of Buddhist mindfulness and innovative ecological design artfully applied to the conscious daily acts at the heart of healthy lives and communities.
Don't Miss District Assembly - An Announcement From the Pacific Central District Office

Dear Friends:
As Karnack the Magnificent would say:
The Answer is: 40 days and 40 nights! 40 days and 40 nights!
And the Question is (opening the envelope): How long is it to District Assembly 2006?!!!

Yes, DA2006 is almost here!
This year we have a great program, featuring:
Mt Diablo Worship Team (Friday Night Opening Worship and Banner Parade), UUA President Bill Sinkford (Saturday Keynote Breakfast),
SF Chronicle Columnist Jon Carroll (Saturday Banquet Speaker), and
Starr King School for the Ministry President Rebecca Parker (Sunday Worship)!

We have 30 workshops and activities, 5 levels of programming for Children and Youth, four worship services (including YRUU and UUYAN worship), the PCD Awards Lunch and the PCD Annual Meeting, all for your enjoyment and edification!

Come visit us on the web for all of the information: workshops, schedule, programs and registration material.

Now is the time to make your reservation at the Concord Hilton at: http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/private_groups/conchhf_uua/index.jhtml
A Message from the UU Legislative Ministry of CA

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry-CA (UULM-CA) would like to invite you to join us in attending the California Interfaith Council's annual Faith In Action Dinner on March 27th and/or the Legislative Issues Briefing Day on March 28th. Full information and registration form are available on our website at www.uulmca.org. Early registration discounts apply through March 21st and reduced rates are available to high school youth and young adult students.

The Faith in Action dinner will feature a keynote address by the world-renowned Anuradha Mittal on the impact of globalization on world food distribution and hunger. Legislative Issues Briefing Day kicks off with a keynote address by Senator Alarcón.Workshops will focus on pending legislative issues including health care reform, death penalty, clean money, living wage, immigration, and California's infrastructure bond. The afternoon will include time to put your faith into action as you lobby your legislators and the day will close with the film "Rights on the Line, Vigilantes at the Border". Whether you can attend one event or both, we hope that you will join us in creating a strong UU showing and voice for justice.

Christy Baker,
Operations Manager
To Build the Common Good: UUP's Annual Pledge Drive

Our approach to the pledging this year will be to hold small, semi-informal "pledge dinners" (though that sounds pretty dry: how about "Vision dinners"?) at the homes of congregational leaders. Look for the sign-up sheets on the back table this Sunday, or email David Dodd (weaverly at earthlink dot net) for more info.

We also sent out a letter to give more details to regular attenders and members, but if you didn't receive a letter, you're still welcome to sign up for a meal!

The times of the meals are:

* Saturday, March 25: Dinner, 6 pm . Hosts: Gene and Elaine Ellsworth (Gene is on the Board; Elaine chairs our membership committee), Marlene Abel (Director of Religious Education, member of the Board)
* Saturday, March 25, 6 pm. Hosts: Nancy and Tony Blake (Nancy is on the Board; Tony co-chairs the Worship Committee)
* Friday, April 7 (NEW DATE), 6 pm. Hosts: Phil and Jodi Boyle (Phil is on the Board, Jodi is on the RE committee) ********************************************************************
An invitation to join as WOMEN TOGETHER . . .

The women of UUP are invited to the 17th annual retreat of Women Together of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Rosa taking place May 19-21 at St. Dorothy's Rest. The theme of the retreat will be "Roads Taken," an exploration of life choices. The cost for 2 nights lodging and 5 meals is $150 with partial scholarships available. Details and registration to follow in April. This is a wonderful opportunity to build sisterhood with the women of our fellow Sonoma county congregation.
Save the Date for Two Great Annual UUP Events

- Our Time and Talent Auction is May 7 after the service from noon to 3 pm. Lunch will be served. Please start thinking about what you might be able to contribute. Last year's highest bids went for hosted dinners, trips to family cabins, and chauffeured rides to and/or from the airport. Be creative!

- The all-congregational Memorial Day Retreat is May 26th through 29th at Four Springs Retreat Center. Join us for a long rejuvenating weekend of community, cheer, relaxation and connection! Contact T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net) for more information or to help plan this event.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-The RE Committee will meet at 10am on Saturday, March 25 at a location TBD.

-The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet at 7:30 pm on Monday, March 27th at the Ellsworth's.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

This Week at UUP: March 8

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's
Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, March 12: "Must Be Present To Win"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

When the raffle has a big prize, is more personal, or the prize-giver wants
the event to be taken seriously, the requirement for eligibility is stated
in these familiar words. Woody Allen has famously said, "80% of life is
showing up". The Congregation's annual campaign for self-support begins
today. Let's win by being present: for the campaign, for each other, and for

*This Sunday kicks off our annual pledge drive. Please see announcement

Sunday, March 19: Spring Equinox Service
Rima Snyder, Guest Speaker
Get Your 2006 UUP Directory

The printed version of the new directory is here. Please see Adee Swanson
after the service to get your copy. If you know you won't be at church for a
while and would like yours mailed to you please let Adee know via email at
Marlene Abel Becomes our Permanent DRE

Marlene Abel is now UUP's permanent Director of Religious Education and has
officially dropped the word "interim" from her title! Thanks so much to
Marlene for all the amazing and wonderful work she does.
To Build the Common Good: UUP's Annual Pledge Drive

This Sunday, Leland will kick off our annual pledge drive with his sermon,
"Must Be Present To Win," which sounds great. Our approach to the pledging
this year will be to hold small, semi-informal "pledge dinners" (though that
sounds pretty dry: how about "Vision dinners"?) at the homes of
congregational leaders. Look for the sign-up sheets on the back table this
Sunday, or email or call David Dodd (weaverly at earthlink dot net; 769-9262) for more info.

We also sent out a letter this week to give more details to regular
attenders and members, but if you didn't receive a letter, you're still
welcome to sign up for a meal!

The times of the meals are
* Friday, March 17: Dinner, 6 pm. Host: Jean Conrad, member of the Board of
* Saturday, March 25: Dinner, 6 pm. Hosts: Gene and Elaine Ellsworth (Gene
is on the Board; Elaine chairs our membership committee), Marlene Abel
(Director of Religious Education, member of the Board)
* Saturday, March 25, 6 pm. Hosts: Nancy and Tony Blake (Nancy is on the
Board; Tony co-chairs the Worship Committee)
* Friday, March 31, 6 pm. Hosts: Phil and Jodi Boyle (Phil is on the Board,
Jodi is on the RE committee)
* Saturday, April 1: Brunch (kid-friendly!). Hosts: David Dodd and Diana
Volunteers Needed for the Community Garden Project

We need people to take home a seed flat or two to water and nurture until
the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into UUP's community garden plot.
If interested, please talk to Rebecca after the service, or email her at
rebeblack at yahoo dot com
Do You Love A Parade?

The Butter and Eggs Days Parade is coming up on April 29th and we're getting
a group together. If you would like to participate or help organize our
effort please contact Elaine Ellsworth. The deadline for registration is
this Friday. UUP will be sitting this one out if we don't have any more
people respond before then.
The Spiritual Film Series will show "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing"
Next Wednesday

Synopsis: The lives of a lawyer, an actuary, a house cleaner, a professor,
and the people around them intersect as they ponder order and happiness in
the face of life's cold unpredictability.

Join us for this event at Elaine and Gene Ellsworth's house at 7:30 on
Wednesday March 15.
A note from your webmaster, David Dodd

Close readers of the new UUP directory will notice that I have taken on the
role of webmaster for the congregation. I am NOT AT ALL attached to this
job, so if you have those skills, and have always wanted to put them to good
use, please let me know: weaverly at earthlink dot net.

If you have something you would like to see posted on the website, or on this
blog, just let me know. Sometimes I fall a bit behind on calendar updating,
and a gentle nudge is always welcome.
The Pacific Central District - District Assembly 2006
This year's theme is "Circles within a Circle: Embracing our Theological
Diversity". It will be held April 28-30 at the Concord Hilton. For more
information, please visit us at:

www.pcd-uua.org/DA or give us a call at: 510-601-1437.

Don't miss this once a year gathering of our regional community, coming
together for a weekend of learning, laughing, singing, dancing, networking
and worship, featuring:

Banner Parade and Opening Worship!

+30 Great Workshops and Events!

Keynote Breakfast with Bill Sinkford, President of the UUA!

PCD Awards Lunch!

PCD Annual Meeting!

Saturday Banquet and Address by Jon Carroll!

Sunday Worship with Rebecca Parker, President of Starr King School for the

Bring the Family – District Assembly is for Everyone.
Programs for kids and youth include: Nursery Care, Evening Childcare, PCD
Saturday Children's Camp (5-11), MUUGS - Middle School UU Groups (12-14),
DYGT (Dig It) - District Youth Groups Together (14- 20), PCD - YRUU (Young
Religious Unitarian Universalists), YACM - Young Adult/ Campus Ministry,
UUYAN - UU Young Adult Network.
Save the Date for Two Great Annual UUP Events

Our Time and Talent Auction is May 7 after the service from noon to 3 pm.
Lunch will be served. Please start thinking about what you might be able to
contribute. Last year's highest bids went for hosted dinners, trips to
family cabins, and chauffeured rides to and/or from the airport. Be

The all-congregational Memorial Day Retreat is May 26th through 29th at Four
Springs Retreat Center. Join us for a long rejuvenating weekend of
community, cheer, relaxation and connection! Contact T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net) for more information or to help plan this
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-The UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am on Sunday, March 12 at the
Woman's Club building. Please contact David Hathaway if you would like to
request time on the agenda.

- There is a Stewardship Committee meeting at 8:00pm at David Dodd's home on
Wednesday, March 22.

-The UUP Womens Group will be meeting at 7:30 pm on March 20th at KC's. The
topic this month is "radical hospitality".
Hospitality Duty:

Please plan to sign up once per quarter to help us ensure that we are able
to continue to provide bagels and refreshments before the service. Thanks
for helping us create a warm and welcoming atmosphere at UUP.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be removed from the
UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Thursday, March 02, 2006

UUP Group Photo 2005

Here's a group shot of our congregation on the front steps of the Woman's Club, 2005:


This Week at UUP: March 2

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, March 5: "The Devotion of Justice" Guest Speaker Mitra Rahnema, Starr King Ministerial Student

The beginning of Spring is often a time in which we celebrate our religious communities and recommit ourselves to a more just world. In the service today we will look at the work of making this daily commitment, and explore the depth of personal and spiritual growth the practice of social change calls us to develop.

Sunday, March 12: "Must Be Present To Win"Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

When the raffle has a big prize, is more personal, or the prize-giver wants the event to be taken seriously, the requirement for eligibility is stated in these familiar words. Woody Allen has famously said, "80% of life is showing up". The Congregation's annual campaign for self-support begins today. Let's win by being present: for the campaign, for each other, and for ourselves.
The Pacific Central District - District Assembly 2006
This year's theme is "Circles within a Circle: Embracing our Theological Diversity". It will be held April 28-30 at the Concord Hilton. For more information, please visit us at:

www.pcd-uua.org/DA or give us a call at: 510-601-1437.

Don't miss this once a year gathering of our regional community, coming together for a weekend of learning, laughing, singing, dancing, networking and worship, featuring:

Banner Parade and Opening Worship!

+30 Great Workshops and Events!

Keynote Breakfast with Bill Sinkford, President of the UUA!

PCD Awards Lunch!

PCD Annual Meeting!

Saturday Banquet and Address by Jon Carroll!

Sunday Worship with Rebecca Parker, President of Starr King School for the Ministry!

Bring the Family – District Assembly is for Everyone.
Programs for kids and youth include: Nursery Care, Evening Childcare, PCD Saturday Children's Camp (5-11), MUUGS - Middle School UU Groups (12-14), DYGT (Dig It) - District Youth Groups Together (14- 20), PCD - YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists), YACM - Young Adult/ Campus Ministry, UUYAN - UU Young Adult Network.
Save the Date: UUP's Time and Talent Auction, May 7!

Our annual fundraiser, the Time and Talent Auction, is coming once again.
This year's event will take place on Sunday, May 7, after the service from
noon to 3 pm. Lunch will be served. Please save the date, and also start
thinking about what you might be able to contribute. Last year's highest
bids went for hosted dinners, trips to family cabins, and chauffeured rides
to and/or from the airport. Be creative!
Community Garden

UUP now has a plot in the Petaluma community garden. We will be growing vegetables and other edibles to donate to a local shelter. If you would like to be involved in this new project please email Rebecca Black at rebeblack at yahoo dot com.
UUP Annual Memorial Day Retreat

All-Congregational Annual Memorial Day Retreat! Yes, its coming up to that time of year again! Please put this on your calendars: May 26th through 29th at Four Springs Retreat Center. Join us for a long rejuvenating weekend of community, cheer, relaxation and connection! You know if you've been before you want to be there this year, our fourth. If you haven't been yet ask someone about it--last year we had 29 adults and 16 kids so you can ask almost anyone you see at UUP!

Look for general information about the retreat on the information table, or e-mail T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net). You can also contact T to volunteer to be on the planning committee. Your participation at this level is much appreciated.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-The Worship Committee will meet on Monday, March 6th. Contact Tony Blake or T Hathaway for details.

-The UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am on Sunday, March 12 at the Woman's Club building. Please contact David Hathaway if you would like to request time on the agenda.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


This Week at UUP: March 2

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, March 5: "The Devotion of Justice" Guest Speaker Mitra Rahnema, Starr King Ministerial Student

The beginning of Spring is often a time in which we celebrate our religious communities and recommit ourselves to a more just world. In the service today we will look at the work of making this daily commitment, and explore the depth of personal and spiritual growth the practice of social change calls us to develop.

Sunday, March 12: "Must Be Present To Win"Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

When the raffle has a big prize, is more personal, or the prize-giver wants the event to be taken seriously, the requirement for eligibility is stated in these familiar words. Woody Allen has famously said, "80% of life is showing up". The Congregation's annual campaign for self-support begins today. Let's win by being present: for the campaign, for each other, and for ourselves.
The Pacific Central District - District Assembly 2006
This year's theme is "Circles within a Circle: Embracing our Theological Diversity". It will be held April 28-30 at the Concord Hilton. For more information, please visit us at:

www.pcd-uua.org/DA or give us a call at: 510-601-1437.

Don't miss this once a year gathering of our regional community, coming together for a weekend of learning, laughing, singing, dancing, networking and worship, featuring:

Banner Parade and Opening Worship!

+30 Great Workshops and Events!

Keynote Breakfast with Bill Sinkford, President of the UUA!

PCD Awards Lunch!

PCD Annual Meeting!

Saturday Banquet and Address by Jon Carroll!

Sunday Worship with Rebecca Parker, President of Starr King School for the Ministry!

Bring the Family – District Assembly is for Everyone.
Programs for kids and youth include: Nursery Care, Evening Childcare, PCD Saturday Children's Camp (5-11), MUUGS - Middle School UU Groups (12-14), DYGT (Dig It) - District Youth Groups Together (14- 20), PCD - YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists), YACM - Young Adult/ Campus Ministry, UUYAN - UU Young Adult Network.
Save the Date: UUP's Time and Talent Auction, May 7!

Our annual fundraiser, the Time and Talent Auction, is coming once again.
This year's event will take place on Sunday, May 7, after the service from
noon to 3 pm. Lunch will be served. Please save the date, and also start
thinking about what you might be able to contribute. Last year's highest
bids went for hosted dinners, trips to family cabins, and chauffeured rides
to and/or from the airport. Be creative!
Community Garden

UUP now has a plot in the Petaluma community garden. We will be growing vegetables and other edibles to donate to a local shelter. If you would like to be involved in this new project please email Rebecca Black at rebeblack at yahoo dot com.
UUP Annual Memorial Day Retreat

All-Congregational Annual Memorial Day Retreat! Yes, its coming up to that time of year again! Please put this on your calendars: May 26th through 29th at Four Springs Retreat Center. Join us for a long rejuvenating weekend of community, cheer, relaxation and connection! You know if you've been before you want to be there this year, our fourth. If you haven't been yet ask someone about it--last year we had 29 adults and 16 kids so you can ask almost anyone you see at UUP!

Look for general information about the retreat on the information table, or e-mail T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net). You can also contact T to volunteer to be on the planning committee. Your participation at this level is much appreciated.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-The Worship Committee will meet on Monday, March 6th. Contact Tony Blake or T Hathaway for details.

-The UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am on Sunday, March 12 at the Woman's Club building. Please contact David Hathaway if you would like to request time on the agenda.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


This Week at UUP: March 2

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, March 5: "The Devotion of Justice" Guest Speaker Mitra Rahnema, Starr King Ministerial Student

The beginning of Spring is often a time in which we celebrate our religious communities and recommit ourselves to a more just world. In the service today we will look at the work of making this daily commitment, and explore the depth of personal and spiritual growth the practice of social change calls us to develop.

Sunday, March 12: "Must Be Present To Win"Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

When the raffle has a big prize, is more personal, or the prize-giver wants the event to be taken seriously, the requirement for eligibility is stated in these familiar words. Woody Allen has famously said, "80% of life is showing up". The Congregation's annual campaign for self-support begins today. Let's win by being present: for the campaign, for each other, and for ourselves.
The Pacific Central District - District Assembly 2006
This year's theme is "Circles within a Circle: Embracing our Theological Diversity". It will be held April 28-30 at the Concord Hilton. For more information, please visit us at:

www.pcd-uua.org/DA or give us a call at: 510-601-1437.

Don't miss this once a year gathering of our regional community, coming together for a weekend of learning, laughing, singing, dancing, networking and worship, featuring:

Banner Parade and Opening Worship!

+30 Great Workshops and Events!

Keynote Breakfast with Bill Sinkford, President of the UUA!

PCD Awards Lunch!

PCD Annual Meeting!

Saturday Banquet and Address by Jon Carroll!

Sunday Worship with Rebecca Parker, President of Starr King School for the Ministry!

Bring the Family – District Assembly is for Everyone.
Programs for kids and youth include: Nursery Care, Evening Childcare, PCD Saturday Children's Camp (5-11), MUUGS - Middle School UU Groups (12-14), DYGT (Dig It) - District Youth Groups Together (14- 20), PCD - YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian Universalists), YACM - Young Adult/ Campus Ministry, UUYAN - UU Young Adult Network.
Save the Date: UUP's Time and Talent Auction, May 7!

Our annual fundraiser, the Time and Talent Auction, is coming once again.
This year's event will take place on Sunday, May 7, after the service from
noon to 3 pm. Lunch will be served. Please save the date, and also start
thinking about what you might be able to contribute. Last year's highest
bids went for hosted dinners, trips to family cabins, and chauffeured rides
to and/or from the airport. Be creative!
Community Garden

UUP now has a plot in the Petaluma community garden. We will be growing vegetables and other edibles to donate to a local shelter. If you would like to be involved in this new project please email Rebecca Black at rebeblack at yahoo dot com.
UUP Annual Memorial Day Retreat

All-Congregational Annual Memorial Day Retreat! Yes, its coming up to that time of year again! Please put this on your calendars: May 26th through 29th at Four Springs Retreat Center. Join us for a long rejuvenating weekend of community, cheer, relaxation and connection! You know if you've been before you want to be there this year, our fourth. If you haven't been yet ask someone about it--last year we had 29 adults and 16 kids so you can ask almost anyone you see at UUP!

Look for general information about the retreat on the information table, or e-mail T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net). You can also contact T to volunteer to be on the planning committee. Your participation at this level is much appreciated.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-The Worship Committee will meet on Monday, March 6th. Contact Tony Blake or T Hathaway for details.

-The UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am on Sunday, March 12 at the Woman's Club building. Please contact David Hathaway if you would like to request time on the agenda.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com
