Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This Week at UUP: May 31

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, June 4: "What's It Like To Be You?"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

This is the hungering question that underlies our fascination with celebrity and heroes. And, better, if we care to know, it can underlie our interest in the person next to us. As a curse, the impulse can cause us to short our own lives to live vicariously in distant others'. As a blessing, it can lead to a rare communion of souls.

Sunday, June 11: Intergenerational service with Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel

Please plan to stay after the service June 11 for the annual congregational meeting.

Get Your "Greeter" On

Beginning this Sunday, you'll see some brightly colored badges on the name tag table at church. These are our new "greeter" tags. The Membership & Hospitality Committee would like to encourage you to join them in pinning on one of these special tags as an indication that you are wiling to help welcome visitors and guests and answer any questions they might have. Remember, if you can't answer a question you probably know someone who can. This project is all about meeting new people and helping them find out what we're all about. So if you find yourself with a little extra time some Sunday give it a try!
Time For the Next Wave of Refreshment Sign-Ups

It's time to sign up to bring bagels and refreshments for the next couple of months. If you would like to volunteer please contact Elaine Ellsworth at elaine_ellsworth at yahoo dot com.
Newsletter Naming Contest

Tentative plans are underway for a monthly newsletter at UUP. We're asking you to help us come up with a nifty name for our new publication.You may submit your entries to uupetaluma at gmail.com.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings:

-The Worship Associates will meet on Monday, June 5.

- The annual congregational meeting is scheduled for June 11 after the service.

-The Women's Group will meet Monday, June 19.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com.


Haiku from our Retreat

We had a weekend of haiku writing. At the end of our retreat, during our closing circle, we pulled a haiku from the basket and read it aloud.

A sample:

safe beautiful place
adventure, surprise
a gift of childhood

Here's a page with all of the haiku we wrote.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Call to Annual Congregational Meeting: June 11

All members of the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma are encouraged to attend our Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 11, immediately following the worship service.

Please join your fellow members in coming together to elect new board members, to approve the annual budget for the coming fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), and to elect a nominating committee. We will also hear a brief proposal for congregational consideration to write a grant proposal for a weekend ministry program.

The meeting will start as soon after the close of service as is feasible.

Some pictures from our annual retreat

We had a wonderful weekend at Four Springs, in Lake County. Here are a couple of pictures.

And here's a link to our gallery page of photos from the retreat.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Looking for a way to let people know about that huge mouthful, Unitarian Universalism? Try the UU FAQ web site.


Da Vinci Code Resources for UU's

The "Live from UU Planet" blog lists a number of resources for UUs on the topic of the Da Vinci Code, that inescapable phenomenon. If you can't beat 'em, at least educate 'em!

See http://www.blog.uuplanet.com/2006/05/da-vinci-code-resources-for-unitarian.html


Monday, May 22, 2006

Rise of the Religious Left

Look for the Unitarian Universalists mentioned!

Found this interesting article in today's paper: "Religious liberals gain new visibility with books, Web sites, conferences," by Caryle Murphy and Alan Cooperman (The Washington Post).


Religious liberals say their faith compels them to emphasize such issues as poverty, affordable health care and global warming. Disillusionment with the war in Iraq and opposition to Bush administration policies on secret prisons and torture have fueled the movement.

"The wind is changing. Folks — not just leaders — are fed up with what is being portrayed as Christian values," said the Rev. Tim Ahrens, senior minister of First Congregational Church of Columbus, Ohio, and a founder of We Believe Ohio, a clergy group established to ensure that the religious right is "not the only one holding a megaphone" in the public square.

"As religious people, we're offended by the idea that if you're not with the religious right, you're not moral, you're not religious," said Linda Gustitus, who attends the River Road Unitarian Church in Bethesda, Md., and is a founder of Washington Region Religious Campaign Against Torture.

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Jon Carroll's District Assembly Talk Now Online

"Unitarian Jihad" Author's Talk to UU's Now Available Online

The District Assembly of the Pacific Central District, held in late April, featured a Saturday evening dinner, followed by a talk by San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll, author of the column "Unitarian Jihad."

A brief excerpt:

Beware! Unless you people shut up and begin acting like grown-ups with brains enough to understand the difference between political belief and personal faith, the Unitarian Jihad will begin a series of terrorist-like actions. We will take over television studios, kidnap so-called commentators and broadcast calm, well-reasoned discussions of the issues of the day. We will not try for "balance" by hiring fruitcakes; we will try for balance by hiring non-ideologues who have carefully thought through the issues.

We are Unitarian Jihad. We will appear in public places and require people to shake hands with each other.

His talk is now available online as an mp3 file at the PCD website.

A wonderful article about Unitarian Jihad has been posted on wikipedia.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Welcome Party for our new Director of Religious Education, Marlene Abel

Marlene Abel is UUP's New DRE!

We had a wonderful party yesterday to welcome Marlene as our new DRE. Florence and David hosted a potluck dinner, and we toured the gardens in wonder and delight, finding frogs, lizards, and every manner of flower and fruit.

You can view a Flickr set of photos from the party here.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This Week at UUP: May 10

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Mother's Day - Sunday, May 14: "Aw, Mom"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

As we used to say in the Sixties "parents are a heavy trip", even when they were pretty good parents. On this Mothers' Day, we're going to talk about--what else?--mothers and mothering and a wee bit o' smothering. An appreciation and lament, with jokes.

Sunday, May 21: "Radical Hospitality"
Diana Spaulding, Worship Associate

Time & Talent Auction A Success!

Thanks to all who donated to and helped out with Sunday's Time & Talent Auction. Good food, good music, and good bidding made for an enjoyable early afternoon, and we raised over $2,500 for the UUP budget!
Nominations For the UUP Board

The Nominating Committee for UUP, comprising Naomi Davis, David Dodd, and Jennine Lanouette, is seeking nominees for vacant positions on the UUP Board of Trustees.

The Board is our governing body, responsible for all the business of the congregation. Board members attend monthly meetings, and also serve as liaisons to the committees.

We are filling one two-year position (vacated by Marlene Abel, who resigned in order to become UUP's Director of Religious Education), and may also choose to fill up to two other three-year seats if we find candidates who are qualified to serve.

To be considered for nomination by the Nominating Committee, please contact any of the members of the committee named above. Self-nomination is encouraged.
Plant Sale this Sunday

The Religious Education Committee will selling some of our extra
plants this Sunday. If you've been fostering some baby seedlings for
the community garden, this is the time to bring the plants to church,
so we can decide what to plant in the garden and what can be sold to
our congregation. All proceeds from the Plant Sale will go to
support our garden project. Many thanks to our foster plant parents
for your help this spring.

We will also be selling plants a week from Sunday, so seedling may
also be brought to church next week. Thanks!
Family Photos Still Being Scheduled

The Membership & Hospitality Committee is working on a UUP family photo album project. Your individual or family photographic portrait will be taken at a scenic downtown Petaluma site by our own Hope Stewart and then recorded on a compact disc to be given to you. A $5 materials fee payable to Hope covers cost of project.

Please contact Hope to sign up.
From Member Celeste Durrum:

Many thanks for signing my rally apron which I will wear while cleaning up warmongering and corruption from the steps of the Capitol. If you weren't able to endorse my Mothers Day efforts in Washington, D. C. by signing my apron, do call, write, or come by 897 Olive Street (between I and Mt. View) where it will be left out for your signature.

Thank you!
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-There will be a Board Meeting May 14 at 8:30am.

-The Women's Group will meet on the 22nd at 7:30pm.

-The UUP Memorial Day Retreat will take place May 26-28 at Four Springs Retreat Center.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Time & Talent Auction, Sunday, May 7 noon to 3 pm

This coming Sunday will see our annual Time & Talent Auction!

Listed below are the items being offered. Please come--the event is free and open to the public!


Auctioneer: Christian Boatsman

Fame Becomes Me ……………………..………. $35 min.
Value: $70

One ticket to “Fame Becomes Me,” Wednesday, May 17, at 2 pm. at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco. “In the grand tradition of West Side Story and The Lion King comes the next great American musical... but until then, there's Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me, Martin Short's uproarious Broadway extravaganza, with huge and unnecessary set changes, stampeding livestock, unpatented pyrotechnics, and a live birth at select matinees. Filling the stage with unforgettable characters (along with a brilliant troupe of top Broadway performers and musicians, who upstage Mr. Short whenever he lets them), and co-written by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman (who don't need the money because they wrote Hairspray), Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me brings over 20 years of comic genius to the Broadway stage - and leaves it there. Scott Wittman directs.”

Donated by: Karen Elliott

Logo / Graphic Design …………………...……. $50 min.
Value: $225

One logo design or other graphic design work. Includes three initial mock-ups and one round of changes—up to three hours of work by our own graphic design wizard!

Donated by: Stacey Meinzen

Room Design or Home Staging Consult ...…$100 min.
Value: $250-350

Half-day room redesign, or (for someone selling a house) a home staging consultation. (David and Diana hired her to do their home prior to its practically instant sale in January, and can provide excellent references! “Martha is an absolute authority on what makes a room sing in tune, and what makes it sing flat.”—David)

Donated by: Martha Murphy

Learn to Sail! …………………………………….. $40 min.
Value: $100

A one-on-one lesson from an old salt, who may even sing you a sea-shanty if you ask nicely.

Donated by: Walter Coole

Welcome-Home Meal …………………….……. $25 min.
Offered twice
Value: $40

A meal to greet you upon your arrival home from a trip away! What more could you ask for after a grueling vacation? Ready for you to eat the evening you arrive home, for up to four people. (And milk for the next morning’s breakfast!). To be arranged ahead of time.

Donated by: Rebecca Black

Live Song for a Special Occasion …………….. $10 ea.
Offered three times.
Value: $25 each

Live performance of a song for your special occasion: “A friend has talked me into donating a song. I have a few songs in my repertoire, but will consider taking a request. I can sing a capella, or I could arrange accompaniment.”

Donated by: Jennine Lanouette

Vegetarian Indian cooking lesson ……… $15/ea. min.
Offered for up to 4 people (2 minimum), one time
Value: $35 per person

Recipes included.
Green Bean Poriyal (made with coconut and spices) or Cauliflower Dakshin
Potato Masala
Sambar Dal
Dosai (rice and wheat crepe)

Donated by: Elaine Ellsworth

Fruit-Picking and Lunch ………………...…….. $50 min.
Value: priceless and amazing

Choose a day to visit the garden of Florence and David Strange to pick for yourself whatever fruit is in season and have lunch with us. Children included, of course!

Donated by: Florence and David Strange

Bathroom Painting Job ………………………. $250 min.
Value: $450

A professional painter (David Hathaway!) will paint a bathroom in oil paint. Recaulking, fixing holes, “the real deal.”

Donated by: David Hathaway

The Instant Deadhead Kit ………………. $75 min.
Value: around $300

This Grateful Dead-oriented selection includes everything you need to be a well-equipped, knowledgeable, and picky Deadhead, including: a throw blanket; a copy of The Complete Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics with a letterpress-printed bookplate signed by Robert Hunter, John Barlow, Jim Carpenter, and David Dodd; a baseball cap; a DVD of The Closing of Winterland; a Rare Cuts and Oddities CD; two songbooks; and a poster signed by Bill Walton, member of both the Basketball and Grateful Dead Halls of Fame.

Donated by: The Grateful Dead, Ice Nine Publishing, Bill Walton, and David Dodd

Learn to Sailboard! ……………………………. $40 min.
Value: $100

Admit it: it looks incredibly fun to be out there cruising over the whitecaps!

Donated by: Walter Coole

Kid-Friendly Backyard Dinner ……….. $25 min/family
For up to three families (12 people total maximum, all at one dinner)
Value: $75 per family

A custom meal, per dietary preference, prepared and served under a glorious redwood in the backyard of the hosts.

Donated by: Rachella Grossi and Fady Zawde

Nature Walk / Lecture ………………………. $20 min ea.
Up to 10 participants at each of two outings
Value: $50 each attendee

Two nature walks, one in Fall 2006, one in Spring 2007, on the theme of 'Human Use of the Environment.' with an emphasis on geology and ethnobotany of the California Indians. The walks will take place in the Mount Burdell Open Space, Olompali State Park area because the area is so diverse geologically and botanically. There is also a wonderful continuum of human use of the area, from prehistory to the current State Park status. The walks would include a slide show the evening before each hike/walk. Virginia Hotz-Steenhoven worked for many years as a part time lecturer and field naturalist for the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and this is one of many programs she used to offer. Attendance is limited to a maximum of 8-10 each time, older children would be welcome as long as they were under adult supervision. A relaxed pace will prevail, because you can't look at anything if you are in a rush!

Peace Flag Quilt ………………………………… $75 min.
Value: Inestimable

This is a quilt made of flags crafted by our own UUP children!

Donated by: The Children of UUP’s Religious Education Program

Bicycle Adventure Picnic …………………… $8 ea./min
Maximum number of riders – 8 (excluding the Boyles)
Approximate Value $15 per person

Join the Boyle family on a fun filled bicycle adventure and handmade picnic lunch through the beautiful countryside!!!! Riders of all ages and skills are welcome. The group will determine the date and how challenging they would like the ride to be. The Boyles will plan the route accordingly. This fun filled package also includes a quick safety check of each bike before we hit the road.
Participants will need to bring their own bike, helmet, appetite and sense of adventure.

Donated by: The Boyle Family

Ellsworth’s Chili Night ………… $10 ea./min; $5 kids
Up to 6 guests (4 adults, 2 children)
Value: $25 per person

Ellsworth’s Chili is famous in Southern California, it was sold for 30+ years in supermarkets. Ellsworth’s chili (meat of vegetarian) can be as mild or hot as you like. Home made tortillas, Salad buffet, guacamole, Lagunitas beer, Margueritas or your choice of beverage. Kids welcome!

Donated by: The Ellsworths

Bill Walton-Autographed Basketball …….... $40 min.
Value: $75

Bill Walton, Hall of Fame center for the Boston Celtics, autographed this regulation Spalding basketball. Probably worthless as a basketball…

Donated by : Bill Walton

Speed Boating at Clear Lake ……………… $100 min
Value: $300

A day of excitement! Water ski or boogie board available. Ride or ski—your choice. Observe Gene slalom skiing. Bring a wake board if you prefer. Most July and August dates available. Kids welcome. Up to 6 people.

Donated by The Ellsworths

Vacation Week in Maine ……………………. $200 min.
Value: $550

A week in Maine! All you need is to get there, and then enjoy a stay in a cabin on Deer Isle, Maine. Lobster dinner included! Enjoy this trip June 17-24 only—transcontinental transportation excluded. Learn more about this beautiful location at www.deerisle.net

Donated by: Diana Spaulding and her parents

Homemade Pasta Dinner ……………… $10 each min.
Offered for up to six guests in one evening
Value: $20 each

A not-to-be-missed hands-on culinary experience of pasta-making followed by…..pasta eating! (Accompanied by a full Italian meal.)

Donated by: Nancy and Tony Blake

The Silent Auction is open until 2:30 pm

Photographs of Paris ……………………….. $40 min.
Value: $150

Three photos of Paris in one frame with three openings.

Donated by: Hope Stewart

Custom-knit scarf ………………………….. $8 min.
Two scarves available for bidding
Value: $15 each

“I will knit a scarf of length, width, and yarn of your choosing (up to $8 for materials).”

Donated by Jane Cruser

Beginner Italian lesson ……………………….. $35 min
Value: $75

Going to Italy? Or always wanted to experience the most musical language? Why not learn a few words or phrases or songs! 2 hours (2 meetings) Starting bid includes printed materials.

Donated by: Elaine Ellsworth

Childcare ……………………………………… $16 min.
Offered twice.
Value: $40

Up to four hours childcare. Bea enjoys playing with children and having fun!

Donated by: Beatrice Pool

Framed Photo of Petaluma Hills ……………. $35 min.
Value: $100

Framed 11 by 14 photograph of the Petaluma Hills by our own Hope Stewart.

Donated by: Hope Stewart

Vacation care for dog or cat ……………… $50 min.
Value: $150

Vacation care for your dog or cat while you are away. Food, walking, and tender loving care. Up to two weeks.

Donated by Naomi Davis

1 loaf of Home Made bread ………………..$5 min.
Offered three times
Value: $6

You name the type and when (schedules permitting) and where (in Petaluma/Cotati) you would like to have it delivered (or you can pick it up, whatever works).
It can be delivered WARM.

French Bread
Whole Wheat
Banana Amaranth
Oat Bran
Sun dried tomato
Cinnamon Raisin
Chocolate Chip

Donated by: Elaine Ellsworth

Watercolor Painting ………………………… $100 min.
Value: $250

Executed by someone who knows what she’s doing when it comes to watercolors—and she’s taught countless others as well.

Donated by: Barbara Marlin-Coole

Babysitting …………………………..……… $20 ea. min.
Offered twice.
Value: $40 each.

Will babysit in your home for up to four hours!

Donated by: Karen Elliott

Repaint Exterior Windows ………… $40 ea. window
Value: $80 per window

Professional painter (David Hathaway!) will recaulk, unstick, and provide general maintenance for the windows of one home. Please bid per window you wish worked on—David will do one home.

Donated by: David Hathaway

Refinish a Front Door ……………………….. $200 min.
Value: $350

Is your front door in need of a new, improved, more welcoming aspect? Here’s your chance to make a good first impression on your visitors!

Donated by: David Hathaway

Beaded Necklaces (4) ……………………………. $20-40
Value: $25-$60

Four necklaces auctioned separately, each slightly different price. T Hathaway has created these originals, using materials that include silk, Austrian crystals, and freshwater pearls.

Donated by: T. Hathaway

Rock-A-Bye Whale Original Art …………. $100 min ea.
Two pieces.
Value: again, priceless and amazing!

Framed original art from Florence Strange’s Rock-A-Bye Whale, each frame contains two originals. Includes a copy of the book, also!

Donated by: Florence Strange

Hypnotherapy Session ………………………$40
Value: 2 sessions $75 ea.

Use this time to learn relaxation techniques, to foster personal growth, to improve your health, or to begin to tackle an issue that has been troubling you. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Adee Swanson’s approach combines traditional hypnotherapy with intuitive healing skills. You’re guaranteed to come away with techniques you can implement immediately in your daily life.

Donated by: Adee Swanson

This Week at UUP: May 3

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, May 7: "Letting God Run off Leash."
Theresa Novak, Guest Speaker

(Please Stay after the service for the Time & Talent Auction!)

How we imagine God is important, whether we believe in God or not. Theresa Novak is a third-year student at Starr King School for the Ministry and member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin. She will introduce an alternative conception of God that just might affect your life in a very positive way.

Sunday, May 14: Mother's Day
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

Time & Talent Auction Coming Your Way This Sunday!!!

Don't miss it--weeks in preparation, years in the making: The Second Annual UUP Time and Talent Auction, this Sunday, May 7 from 12 to 3, following the service.

Free lunch!
Wine! (not free...)
Dessert (to highest bidders)
Brief children's auction!
Live music by the Common House Band!
Silent auction!!
Live auction!!!!!

Highlights include a week in Maine, sailing lessons, beautiful jewelry and artwork, delicious home-made meals, professional services, handyman services, extraordinary Grateful Dead memorabilia, and much much more!!!

(Attached is the draft auction catalog--print it out and mark it up in
preparation for the big day!)

Childcare provided.
Have You Talked to Hope Yet?

The Membership & Hospitality Committee is working on a UUP family photo album project. Your individual or family photographic portrait will be taken at a scenic downtown Petaluma site by our own Hope Stewart and then recorded on a compact disc to be given to you. A $5 materials fee payable to Hope covers cost of project.

Please contact Hope to sign up.
UUP Administrative Assistant Resigning Her Post

I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone in this community for your support and kind wishes. As was announced in church a few weeks ago, I'll be leaving the position of Administrative Assistant on July 1. I'll continue to be a member of this group and to attend services in the future.

The Board may make some changes to the job description between now and then, but if you think you or someone you know would be interested in applying for this position I'd be happy to speak with you about the kind of work it entails. A more official announcement is sure to follow in the weeks to come. In the meantime, I can be reached at uupetaulma at gmail.com.

Thanks again,
Adee Swanson
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-The Membership & Hospitality Committee meeting has been rescheduled for 7:30pm Monday, May 8 at Elaine's.

-There will be a Board Meeting May 14 at 8:30am.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com.


Monday, May 01, 2006

This Week at UUP: April 27

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, April 30: "This I Do: Slicing and Dicing at the Petaluma Kitchen"
Hope Stewart, Guest Speaker

Guest Speaker, UUP Member, Hope Stewart, shares her experiences of "doing" as a Unitarian Universalist. This is part of our on-going series of services in which we get to know one another, as members generously share with us their stories of belief and action. Time will be give to a participation of congregants who want to comment, or share what they "do" as a UU too.

Sunday, May 7, 2006: "Letting God Run off Leash."
Theresa Novak, Guest Speaker

Please Stay after this service for the Time & Talent Auction!

How we imagine God is important, whether we believe in God or not. Theresa Novak is a third-year student at Starr King School for the Ministry and member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin. She will introduce an alternative conception of God that just might affect your life in a very positive way.

Time & Talent Auction Coming Your Way May 7

Please See Attached Flyer and Feel Free to Share this Announcement With Friends & Family

Stay after the service on May 7 for lunch and our major annual fundraiser, the Time & Talent Auction! Two things are necessary: bidders (that's where friends and family come in...) and stuff to bid on (that's where we all come in). FYI: For those who have friends attending the lunch and auction, but not the service, let them know that the start time is noon, lunch is free, wine available for a donation, and the desserts will be auctioned.

Donation forms are available online at:


Highlights of items already donated include a consultation by member and interior designer Martha Murphy, and a very full basket of Grateful Dead related items from the band itself and from Bill Walton.

Auction update!

Additional items donated this week include pet care, a custom knitted scarf, theatre tickets, several home-cooked meals, and week's stay in a seaside cabin on beautiful Deer Isle, Maine (June 17-24, 2006)!

This just in!

Entertainment will be provided by the house band of Cotati's Frog Song
Cohousing community: The Common House Band. They play an eclectic mix of familiar and not-so-familiar tunes, appropriate for all ears.

Menu announced!

Lunch will be a variety of pasta dishes, with wine to accompany available for a donation. Dessert will kick off the auction--you can buy one for your table, and become extremely popular very quickly!


If you are wondering what you could possibly donate, give a thought to your hobbies and vocation! If you are an entrepreneur, this is an excellent opportunity to let the UUP and wider community know about your business!

Do you have a truck? An expertise that you could share? Do you own a cabin in the mountains where a high bidder could stay? Do you like to whip up a dinner party? Let your imagination run wild.

We are also looking for a few high-quality items for the silent auction
portion of the event. And, at the start of the auction, we'll be auctioning
off desserts, so if you bake, please consider adding to our store of

Questions? Ask David Dodd, who will also happily accept your
filled-out donation forms.
Pledge Drive: Still Underway

"To Build the Common Good," UUP's pledge drive for fiscal year 2006-2007,has made progress, but is not yet complete.

If you have not yet pledged, please talk to, call, or email David Dodd to arrange a time for a Board member or a member of the Stewardship Committee to meet with you and take your pledge for the coming year.
Looking Good for the New UUP Family Photo Album!

The Membership & Hospitality Committee will make appointments Sunday for professional-quality photographs by our own Hope Stewart for a UUP family photo album.

Your individual or family photographic portrait will be taken at a scenic downtown Petaluma site and recorded on a compact disc given to you. A $5 materials fee payable to Hope covers cost of project.

Please see Hope before or after the service to sign up. Hope will be easy to spot this week because she is our guest speaker!
Last Chance to Sign Up for the Annual Memorial Day Retreat

Please let T know by this Sunday if you plan to go to the Memorial Day Retreat. There will be a meeting at 5pm this Sunday at T's for those of you on the planning committee for this event.
Join the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and Save Darfur Coalition on Sunday, April 30 to stop genocide!

This Sunday Unitarian Universalists are joining other faith-based,
humanitarian, and human rights groups in a Day of Conscience for Darfur.

* 1:30 p.m. Rally for Darfur at Crissy Field, Presidio Park, San
* 4 p.m. Songfest Fundraiser for Darfur, Temple Emanu-El, 2 Lake
Street, San Francisco

With the genocide continuing in Darfur, UUSC and other organizations are organizing major events to raise public awareness of what the United Nations has described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis. During the weekend of April 28-May 1, 2006, major rallies to end genocide in Darfur will be held in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Chicago and other communities across the country. UUSC President Charlie Clements will be a speaker at the San Francisco rally.

If you cannot make the rally there are other ways you can help: educate
yourself, donate, and lobby officials using the resources online at
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The Worship Associates will meet on Monday, May 1.

-The Membership & Hospitality Committee meeting has been rescheduled for 7:30pm Monday, May 8 at Elaine's.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech.com.
