This Week at UUP: June 28
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)
Sunday, July 2: "Slowing Down"
Matt Alspaugh, Guest Speaker
Are you find yourself living at an unsustainable pace? Is the stress of the growing to-do list becoming overwhelming? As we enter into the slower days of summer, Matt will explore slowing down as spiritual practice, and suggest some techniques for slowing down, while still doing what is really important.
Sunday, July 9: "Finding the Sacred in Nature"
Many of us find our sense of the transcendent in the natural world. This participation service will elicit our expressions of that sense of wonder, as we share with one another special treasures and moments from our experiences in nature.
UUP Play Group Starts Friday
Got kids? The first meeting of the new UUP Play Group, open to all members and friends and their children, will happen Friday, June 30, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at McNear Park, located on G St. near 11th . Find each other at the playground! Call or email Diana, weaverly at earthlink dot net, or just show up. We'll also tour UUP's garden plot in the community garden and set up the schedule of play group meetings.
Do You Like To Sing? This Saturday!
You don't have to make a heavy-duty commitment to enjoy singing with a group of fellow UU singers--just show up at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house on Saturday afternoon, July 1, for an afternoon of singing and socializing.
Larking About, the UUP singing group, will use this opportunity to work up some possible pieces for future services, and it would be a risk-free way for anyone to explore their singing side. Or just hang out. Potluck dinner to follow--bring a dish to share. Starting time: 3 p.m. Call David for details, or email weaverly at earthlink dot net.
A second singing potluck has been scheduled for Saturday, July 29, location to be determined. Stay tuned!
Closing Date Approaching!
Are you: Highly organized, reliable, energetic, efficient, proactive, computer savvy and personable?
The Unitarian Universalist fellowship in Petaluma is in need of a part-time Administrative Assistant who can be a point person among our committees and members, and carry out vital weekly tasks.
Duties include, but are not limited to: coordinating weekly/monthly announcements, word processing, photocopying the weekly order of service, maintaining data bases, answering phone messages, and making name tags. Hours: 7.5 per week. Salary: $15/hour. Closing date for applications is July 8. Please contact David Hathaway (Hathaway1776 at sbcglobal dot net) if you or someone you know is interested.
Save the Date! Family Potluck & Swim
On Saturday, July 22 Carol and Steve West will be hosting their second family potluck from 2-5 pm. The Wests have a spacious, kid-friendly backyard. Bring swim suits, towels, and a dish to share.
Parents, please be prepared to lifeguard for your own children if they go in the pool. RSVP to Carol.
Gather Ye Water and Stones
As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and bring a small stone for our end-of-summer Water & Stones service (September 10).
Time and Talent Auction Prize Delights High Bidders
Dear UUP Friends,
As we whizzed over the waters of Clear Lake, the Pool family (Michael, Celeste, and Beatrice) certainly felt as though we had won the jewel of our UUP auction, the boating trip offered by Gene and Elaine Ellsworth.
They treated us to a beautiful and exhilarating day of boating and water skiing that produced a thousand-watt smile on the face of Beatrice as she stood up on skis for the first time. Gene's skill and patience were manifest as he winged the fancy red speedboat around to give us another go-round approximately 60 times! Of course Elaine provided everything else needed with signature warmth, generosity, and cheerleading.
I, too, felt like a million dollars bouncing over the waters. And it only took a much smaller donation ~(;-}) to our UUP community.
In gratitude and friendship,
Thank You -
As I complete my last week as the Administrative Assistant for this congregation I'd like to take this time to thank all of the Worship Associates and Committee Chairs that I've been working so closely with. And to the whole community may many blessings be yours, and many joys, and much laughter and when the hard times come, may they leave you with increased wisdom and compassion. Now, I have to say, I'm looking forward to my time at UUP as a civilian and plain old member!
Take Care,
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am in Woman's Club Fireside Room on Sunday, July 9.
- The Worship Associates will meet on Monday, July 10 at 8:00 pm at Tony's.
- The Women's Group will meet on July 17 from 7:30-9:15 pm at a location TBA.
-The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, July 24 at Elaine's house.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com
Labels: This Week at UUP