This Week at UUP: September 28-October 4
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, October 1: "A Sanctuary of Music"
Music uplifts the spirit and reaches the deeper inner resonances of our soul. This service offers us this gift: to listen, to hear, to sing, to resonate. Join Worship Associate Elisabeth Hathaway in a service to honor and meet music as sacred experience, including an extended listening time to a piece of music, and our UUP choir Larking About offering an anthem.
Sunday, October 8: "Varieties of Unitarian Universalist Experience"
Guest Speaker and UUP Member, Earl Cruser, a former Presbyterian Minister, made a left turn in life and joined the Unitarian ranks, for which we are much the richer. By combining his own spiritual views, along with the renowned wisdom of Unitarian Richard Gilbert, Earl will present his perspective on how Unitarian Universalism embraces diversity of perspective on an array of subjects important to us all.
Sunday, October 15: "Restoring the Web"
"Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part" is a cornerstone of the UU faith. Unitarian Universalists tend to be nature-lovers and environmentalists, but what do we do as a collective body to live out this principle? Come hear about what we are doing to live out the 7th principle as a congregation and our plans for the "Green Sanctuary" project.
Adult Religious Exploration Classes Forming
To join one of four small group classes and workshops offered in the coming months, look for the sign up sheet on the back table on Sunday and add your name and phone number.
The possibilities are:
1) Evensong, an experience of shared worship and an exploration of beliefs and spiritual journeys;
2) A book discussion group of A Chosen Faith, an introduction to Unitarian Universalism;
3) The Wider UU World, a discussion of topical articles from the national UU World magazine; and,
4) The Caring Congregation, a follow-up workshop to our August 27th service on living with mental disorders.
If interested but unable to sign up in person on Sunday, email Diana at weaverly at earthlink dot net.
The group meeting to discuss the book "A Chosen Faith" (an introduction to Unitarian Universalism) intends to begin twice monthly meetings on Oct. 15, on Sundays from noon-1 PM at the Woman's Club. Please sign up if you're interested in joining so that we can place an order for books on Oct 1st!
UUP Flickr Photo Set
Resident geek and webmaster David Dodd has created a Flickr set for UUP photos, so they can be easily viewed online. So far, the set includes photos from a range of 2006 UUP events, including our Time and Talent Auction, our party to welcome Marlene Abel as our Director of Religious Education, our annual all-congregation retreat at Four Springs, the Water and Stones ingathering service, and our table at the Petaluma Progressive Festival.
Please take a look--and if you have photos to add, let David know!
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
--The UUP choir Larking About will meet Tuesday, Oct 3 at 8pm at David and Diana's house.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com
Labels: This Week at UUP