Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

MySpace: Forum for UU Youth

If anyone hasn't heard yet about MySpace.com, you just aren't paying attention. It's a huge personal networking site, and it includes many interest groups. Several groups are devoted to Unitarian Universalists, including "Unitarian Universalists", which has the catchiest name, and boasts over a thousand members. Not all of them are under 20, but a good percentage are.

Perhaps this could be a good venue for reaching a hard-to-connect-with group? I've joined the group, and have posted a couple of items about UUP.


UUP Friend Earl Cruser Blogs from the Road

Earl and Jane Cruser are on an extended trip to Mexico, and while they're away, they'll be staying in touch via their blog: Earl's Blog.

Earl told me before he left that when they return in May or so, they plan to join UUP as members. Hurray!

Be sure to read his post from December about UUP. Excellent.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

This Week at UUP: January 25

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, January 29: "Sustaining Faith"
Rev. Fran Dew, Interim Minister, U. U. Congregation of Santa Rosa

People turn to their faith traditions in troubled times. What is the sustaining message of Unitarian Universalism that not only helps us through the night but gives us the strength to continue to be courageous and strong in the face of adversity?

We are extremely fortunate to have a settled parish minister-- a minister experienced in both the weightiness and spiritual transcendence of tending a flock--as our speaker this week. We are honored to host the Rev. Fran Dew, who is also an experienced "Interim Minister," for this service on an intrinsic question of UU Faith. Come hear!

Sunday, February 5: "Feeling Out Of Place, Feeling At Home"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister

Leland Bond-Upson returns to give the sermon he planned to deliver a few weeks ago before a death in his family prevented him from doing so. Leland writes, "For me, the most powerful line in the Desiderata is 'you are a child of the universe, . . . you have a right to be here'. I've always found that part comforting, but surprising too, for reasons connected to my childhood. By the way, I moved out of my happy home of the past 10 years, so I'll have some things to say about feeling literally out of place, and making a new place."

Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars

-The Building Your Own Theology Group starts this Thursday at the Ellswotrth's at 7:30pm. Their address is 103 Dublin Court. Please bring a pen and notebook to the meeting. Email Adee Swanson with any questions adeeswanson at earthlink dot net or uupetaluma at gmail dot com.

-The Next Meeting of the Spiritual Film Club will be Wednesday, February 15th at David and Florence Strange's home. Stacey Minezen is organizing this group so email her at stacey at graphicsingreen dot com with questions.

-The next meeting of the UUP Women's Group will be Mon. Feb. 20th from 7:30-9:15 PM. Diana Spaulding will host the gathering at her home. Her new address is 716 Bassett St.
Reminder: It's Time to Turn in the Money you Collected as Part of the Guest at Your Table Program

If you've been collecting money in the Guest at Your Table boxes over the holidays, please don't forget to total up the contents of your box, write a check for that amount to the UUSC, and get it in to Diana Spaulding by the end of this month. Remember to fill out the bottom of the box with your name, address, etc. You will automatically become a UUSC member, or extend your membership, if you contribute more than $40 ($20 for seniors, and $10 for kids). Contributions of over $75 will be matched by the UU congregation in Shelter Rock, NY.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The choir is on hiatus and will not be holding its weekly meetings.

- The Worship Committee holds its meetings on the first Monday of the month. That means next month's meeting would fall on Monday, February 6th. Please contact T Hathaway (elisabethhathaway@sbcglobal.net) or Tony Blake (antsy.blake@comcast.net) for more information.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Friday, January 20, 2006

Let's Win A "Best of the North Bay 2006"!!!

Hey everyone,

Here's an idea, and I got it from the Beatles, who used to stuff the ballot boxes voting for themselves as the best band in Liverpool.

Let's get recognized by the North Bay Bohemian free newspaper as a winner in their "Best of North Bay 2006" voting. If all of us enter, we could win a category. I'm thinking of the "Best Local Spot for Intelligent Conversation" category (they don't have a "Best Local Place to Worship" category).

You can vote online at http://www.bohemian.com/bestof/sonomaballot.html. I'll also bring a batch of paper ballots to church on Sunday. The voting is due by January 27 at 5 pm.

Worth a try!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

This Week at UUP: January 18

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website.
Upcoming Services
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's
Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, January 22: "This I Believe"

Come and join us for the latest installment in our series of participation
services wherein members of the congregation speak about their personal
beliefs. This week we'll be hearing from David Dodd and Mike Iritz. These
services are always informative and often surprising!

Sunday, January 29: "Sustaining Faith"
Rev. Fran Dew, Interim Minister, U. U. Congregation of Santa Rosa

People turn to their faith traditions in troubled times. What is the
sustaining message of Unitarian Universalism that not only helps us through
the night but gives us the strength to continue to be courageous and strong
in the face of adversity?
Spiritual Film Club Continues -TONIGHT

Please join the Spiritual Film Club for "Baraka" TONIGHT
January 18, 7:30pm at the Meinzens'.

See www.spiritofbaraka.com for more details on the film.Please contact Stacey Meinzen to let her know if you plan to
attend:stacey at graphicsingreen dot com .
Stewardship Committee Set to Plan Pledge Drive, Time and Talent Auction:
Members Needed!

Note: This group is meeting tonight--Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 8 pm. Call David Dodd for directions to his home.

The Stewardship Committee is our committee tasked with seeing to the short
and long-term financial well-being of our congregation. We're gearing up to
plan this year's annual pledge drive, which takes place in March, as well as
our annual Time and Talent Auction---a very fun way to raise funds using our
own gifts and resources--which currently has no date set. You don't need to
be a financial whiz to be on this committee, just someone with a commitment
to our congregation. If you would like to know more, please contact either
Naomi Davis, Karen Elliott, or David Dodd.
Building Your Own Theology Group

A spot has opened up in the newly forming Building Your Own Theology group. Our
first meeting is set for Thursday, January 26th, at 7:30 at the Ellsworth's.
This group will be closed after the first meeting, so please email Adee
Swanson at adeeswanson at earthlink dot net if you would like to participate.

Here is a list of goals for participants from the UUA In case you missed
earlier announcements describing the curriculum:

* To build a theology based on the materials of individual life
* To develop a credo statement which reflects the participant's personal
religious beliefs, values, etc.
* To examine one's theological journey and integrate it into an
understanding of where one currently is on that journey
* To explore and develop beliefs concerning some of the key issues in
religious inquiry - human nature, ultimate reality, and ethics
* To look at one's own religious history and the history of Unitarian
Reminder: It's Time to Turn in the Money you Collected as Part of the Guest at Your Table Program

If you've been collecting money in the Guest at Your Table boxes over the
holidays, please don't forget to total up the contents of your box, write a
check for that amount to the UUSC, and get it in to Diana Spaulding by the
end of this month. Remember to fill out the bottom of the box with your
name, address, etc. You will automatically become a UUSC member, or extend
your membership, if you contribute more than $40 ($20 for seniors, and $10
for kids). Contributions of over $75 will be matched by the UU congregation
in Shelter Rock, NY.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The choir will no longer be holding its weekly meetings.

- There will be a Membership & Hospitality Committee meeting on Monday,
January 23, at Stacey's home at 7:30pm. This committee is also
looking for new members. If you are interested please let Stacey Minezen
know (stacey at graphicsingreen dot com).
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This Week at UUP: January 11

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, January 15: "Praying With Our Hands"
Shelley Page, ministerial student

Join us to explore embodied prayer traditions from across the globe and why these ancient techniques are so compelling. Enter the world of embodied prayer and discover its power in group worship and for your own personal spiritual practice.

Sunday, January 22: "This I Believe"

The next installment in our series of participation services wherein members of our congregation share their thoughts about their spiritual journey.
Spiritual Film Club Continues

Please join the Spiritual Film Club for "Baraka" on Wednesday,
January 18, 7:30pm at the Meinzens.

See www.spiritofbaraka.com for more details on the film. Please contact Stacey Meinzen to let her know if you plan to attend: stacey at graphicsingreen dot com.
Stewardship Committee Set to Plan Pledge Drive, Time and Talent Auction: Members Needed!

The Stewardship Committee is our committee tasked with seeing to the short and long-term financial well-being of our congregation. We're gearing up to plan this year's annual pledge drive, which takes place in March, as well as our annual Time and Talent Auction---a very fun way to raise funds using our own gifts and resources--which currently has no date set. You don't need to be a financial whiz to be on this committee, just someone with a commitment to our congregation. If you would like to know more, please contact either Naomi Davis, Karen Elliott, or David Dodd.

A meeting is set for Wednesday, January 18 at 8 p.m.---location TBA, and we'll meet on the third Wednesday of each month if that works for most committee members.
Women's Group

The UUP Women's Group will be meeting at 7:30pm on January 23 at KC's home. This group is open to all the women of this congregation. It's a wonderful way to get to know people. If you've never attended before then now is your chance.
Building Your Own Theology Group

Our Building Your Own Theology Adult Religious Exploration group is set to begin in late January. The date of our first meeting is Thursday, January 26th at 7:30 (assuming the books arrive before then as promised). We will be meeting at the Ellsworth's. If you have not turned in the $16 for your book, you may bring it with you to the first meeting. Updates on the arrival of the books and directions to will be sent to those on the email list for this group. If you have any questions between now and then send them to Adee Swanson at adeeswanson at earthlink dot net. Please let me know if you've been getting the emails regarding this group, but Thursday evenings won't work for you.
Got Opinions?

If you are a UU then chances are you do, and the Worship Committee wants to hear them! Our services are planned with the needs of this community in mind. If there is a service you particularly liked, a subject you want to see addressed, or even some constructive criticism you're itching to give; then stop by the back UU table one Sunday and take advantage of the worship suggestion box to pass your thoughts along to the folks in charge of planning UUP services.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-Larking About (choir) will meet this week at Nancy Blake's from 8 to 9:30pm.

-There is a meeting of the Board of Trustees on Monday, January 16 at 8pm.

-Stewardship Committee meets Wednesday, January 18 at 8pm.

-The UUP Women's Group will meet at KC's home on Monday, January 23, at 7:30.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com


Friday, January 06, 2006

This Week at UUP: January 4

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of
Petaluma, see our website.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

January 8: "A Time to Rest"
Guest Speaker: Jan Ogren

Is Time the friend that sets the natural rhythms of your days, or is it the
foe to be fought because 'there is never enough time to get everything
done'? Wayne Muller explores our relationship to Time in his book; Sabbath,
Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest. I'll be sharing some of his ideas with
you this Sunday as we take some time out of our busy days to reflect on
Time. (Please note: originally scheduled speaker the Rev. Leland Bond-Upson will deliver his scheduled sermon at a later date.)

January 15: "Our Praying Hands"
Guest Speaker: Shelley Page, ministerial student

Thanks to All our New Year's Brunch Volunteers

Our New Year's Day service-brunch entitled "Nourishment for Body and Soul" was indeed that thanks to the contributions of: Marlene Abel (worship research, menu, cooking), Stacey Meinzen (cooking, tablecloths, serving), Naomi Davis (kitchen assistance, clean-up), Richard Stark (piano accompaniment, solo), Jean Conrad and Earl Cruser (singing duet), Scott Meinzen (set-up, kitchen assistance), Christian Boatsman (set-up, dishwashing), Michael Pool (garden decoration, dishwashing), Bailey and Harley Boatsman (set-up), Adee Swanson (gen. assistance), and Walter Marlin-Coole (sound system). A Fulfilling and Prosperous 2006 to All!

Richard Stark played a piece by the composer Handel at Sunday's service, not Bach as stated in the order of service.
The Worship Committee Invites You to Take Part in a Worship Service

Do you have a favorite poem or reading you want included in a worship service, and you think you want to read it?! Do you want to participate in a service by reading an element, or working on a part of the delivery? Come try it out and see how it feels to be a part of creating a worshipful experience. Contact Elisabeth Hathaway for more information (elisabethhathaway at sbcglobal dot net).
From the Pacific Central District Newsletter:
UU Legislative Ministry of CA Serves as Model

The UULMCA has been the leader of UU advocacy efforts throughout California, organizing lobbying efforts on behalf of such things as marriage equality, water justice, and health care reform. Under the leadership of Executive Director the Reverend Lindi Ramsden, this remarkable group has brought our UU congregations together for organized, strategic public witness, and brought our UU values to the Sacramento political agenda. Now ten other states are following this model: New Hampshire, Maryland, and Washington have their groups operating, and new ones are in the planning stage in Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Wisconsin!

Betty McGarvie Crowley, of the UU Church of Annapolis, Md., said, "California was a real inspiration for us in the way they organized and how they seem to be making a difference. It's the kind of thing we should all be doing as UUs." And Jerome Chroman, organizing a similar group in Washington state said, "Liberal religious people are seeing what the religious right accomplished. Some think it''s time that progressive people put our principles into action and take back our country."

"I''m just thrilled about the development of these state networks," says Rob Keithan, director of the UUA''s Washington Office of Advocacy. He credits the UU Service Committee with helping form at least five of the networks. "The UUSC has made it a priority in dedicating both staff time and funding for these networks. The attention given by UUSC to these networks has in some cases made a difference between surviving and thriving. We have a really good partnership going here."
Become a Chalice Lighter

Spread the word on Unitarian Universalism! Would it be great to hear about Unitarian Universalism on local public radio? The Chalice Lighters program was established to "Promote and Strengthen Unitarian Universalism" by facilitating congregational growth.

Individuals participate in Chalice Lighters by making contributions to the Chalice Lighters fund three times a year ($10 basic level). The donated money goes to fund growth projects planned and implemented by congregations in the Pacific Central District.

Right now, they have a call out for contributions towards an innovative media campaign throughout the Bay Area, with radio spots and other publicity that would be of great benefit to our congregation. UUP was started with the assistance of a generous Chalice Lighter grant that enabled us to secure our initial lease on the Woman's Club and to begin to pay guest speakers. We hope to apply for another grant, soon, in order to further our local ministry.

Preference for these grants is given to congregations with a higher proportion of members who participate as Chalice Lighters.

Brochures are available on the table in back at UUP services, or you can visit http://www.pcd-uua.org/chalice-lighters/lighters.htm for further information. Please consider joining NOW, and helping this vital work!
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

-Larking About (choir) will resume its usual Thursday evening meetings this week at Nancy Blake's from 8 to 9:30pm.

-There is a Worship Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, January 9.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email Christian Boatsman at christian at biosearchtech dot com
