This Week at UUP: Oct. 19-24
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
Notes from Prez Jean
As Board President, I am very happy to give you the news that the Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers has agreed to be our Weekend Minister. Ben comes to us with a wealth of skills, talents, experience and knowledge and is highly recommended by Cilla Raughly, the PCD Executive. The board met with him last Saturday, and we are all very excited about working together during the next year. His first Sunday will be Nov. 11th...mark your calendar...come meet him and welcome him to our UUP community!
PCD Leadership Development Day is November 10th at the UU Church of Palo Alto.....we would like to put together a team together to take advantage of this wonderful learning opportunity. There are workshops and great music…snacks and lunch included. So far we have David Dodd, Diana Spaulding, Marlene Abel and me. Early registration closes Monday, Oct.'s $35. Go to the PCD website for more info.
Book Study Group wraps up "The Left Hand of God" Discussion: All welcome!
The last discussion of Michael Lerner's "The Left Hand of God" will be held in the Upper Room on Sunday after the service. Everyone and anyone interested in hearing a summary and discussing the conclusion to this important book is invited to attend, even if you have not read the book.
Considering Becoming a Member of UUP? Orientation for Visitors and Friends on Sunday!
Following the service on Sunday, we will hold our regular monthly orientation for those interested in learning more about UUP and about UUism generally. We'll gather in a circle of chairs in the fireside room area for an informal conversation. A representative of the Board and of the Membership Committee will be present. Hope to see you there!
UUP Halloween Party on Saturday, October 27th!
Adults and children are encouraged to come in costume to this potluck for all at UUP. Bring a dish to share. We'll have Halloween crafts, good company and good food. The party will be in the Greaney's beautiful backyard, 8 Nob Hill Terrace, 4 pm. Rain cancels.
UUP Directory
The 2008 UUP Directory will be available soon. Please check your 2007 edition and confirm that your information is correct. Have you moved? Changed your email address? If you are a new member and would like to be in the directory, please let us know! Please forward all updates and additions to Jennifer Newman, UUP Admin Assistant, at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
Share your garden
Our October 21st service will be a brunch and sermon about Ethical Eating as a Unitarian Universalist. If you are growing food in your yard and would consider sharing it with UUP for this brunch, please email Stacey Meinzen at stacey at graphicsingreen dot com . Sharing food is a great way to build community and to be sure that your surplus does not go to waste. No food donation is too small.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
"Ethical Eating and the Seventh Principle"
Guest Speaker: Grayson James
Worship Associate: Stacey Meinzen
Greeters: Lara Abel, Leslie Balestreri and Beatrice Pool
The food we eat may seem like a quotidian matter that does not merit theological debate. However, how we fill our bowls and our stomachs is a vital ingredient in our spiritual soup. Come hear Grayson James of Petaluma Bounty discuss our local food system, how he feeds the hungry, and how we can move from a culture of culinary profligacy to one of reverence and alimentary abundance for all.
A Local Food Brunch will be a part of the service, so bring your appetite!
UUP Women's Group meets this Monday, Oct. 22, 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house.
UUP Membership Committee meets Monday at 7:30 pm at Elaine and Gene Ellsworth's house
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, visit
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com .
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