Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

This Week at UUP: December 28, 2007- January 2, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


~~ Happy New Year! ~~

Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.

Second-ever Men's Group
Topic: Forgiveness
Friday, Jan 4, 7 PM at Dick Allen's house.
Directions: West on Bodega Hwy about 5 miles. Right on King. Go 2 stops to Queen. Right on Queen to end of road. Park carefully. Walk up to #6.
Greenies meet in City Hall Parking lot 6:45 pm to car pool.
~~If you have no one to forgive or nothing to be forgiven for, you may remain home assured of Paradise.~~

Religious Education Planning Meeting with Rev. Ben
Saturday, January 5, 1-3 pm
All members and friends of UUP are warmly invited to meet with Rev. Ben, UUP Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, and members of the RE committee to discuss our hopes and dreams for children's Religious Education at UUP! Rev. Ben will open the workshop with an icebreaker and singing, then we'll work together towards growing the program. Marlene will speak briefly about current activities that our children and youth participate in, such as worship, music, religious exploration, drama, comprehensive sexuality education (OWL) and social activities, then we'll work together in planning for the future. Rev. Ben has a long history of involvement in RE for both kids and youth, and brings to the meeting lots of enthusiasm for creating intergenerational community. The meeting will be held at a UUP's member home, to be announced soon. Questions? contact Marlene.

UUSC Guest At Your Table
Boxes and donation envelopes were distributed this month for cash and check contributions to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. Collection of GAYT boxes will occur in early January. A donation box made for us by our children in RE is also available on Sundays for those who prefer. This year you can become a supporting member of the UUSC by including a check in your box (made out to "UUSC"). Please see your GAYT box or envelope for membership options. Information on the humanitarian work of UUSC is available at the UUSC table on Sundays and complete information is available at www.uusc.org. Questions? Contact Jan Crosby.


(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, December 30: "Looking Forward, Looking Back"
Worship Associate: Diana Spaulding
Greeters: Come one, come all! All experienced and fledgling greeters are encouraged to adorn the steps for the last service of 2007!
Amid the holiday bustle, we pause to reflect on the end of 2007 and the beckoning New Year. Mother Winter will guide us as we gather our memories, consider the possibilities for our lives in the dawning year, and reflect on what will sustain us as we move forward. The service will be an introspective meditation leading us each in writing a letter to ourselves; these letters will be held and sent in a year for reading on New Year's 2009.

Sunday, January 6, 2008: "To Savor the World or To Save It?" The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers: Speaker
Lara Abel: Worship Associate
Throughout our lives we may be compelled to choose one or the other—to immerse ourselves in the world's beauty or to engage ourselves in some cause on its behalf--to savor or to save it. Can we balance both our longing to 'make a difference' and to 'make the most' of life?
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers is a Unitarian Universalist minister, storyteller and musician, and currently serves as Consulting Minister to the UUP congregation.

REGULARLY SCHEDULED GATHERINGS The next Adult Forum Conversation Cafe session is scheduled for January 6 with "Islam and Us" as the topic.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Religious Education Update: December 23, 2007

A Christmas Miracle

The worship services at UUP occur regularly each and every Sunday, as predictably as the sunrise. The order of service is printed; the music is rehearsed; a sermon is written; the chairs are set-up; and we gather in community. Worship is something we do very well.

Today’s Christmas Service is, in itself, a story of a miracle. Rev. Ben had planned to preach this service since his first meetings with us at UUP, and plans were going well early in the week. As Ben wrote in an email to me on Dec. 16, he was planning on being here today, “….and yes, I'll be there with bells on!” In another email, dated Dec. 17, he expressed his excitement, “I'm psyched! This should be a fun/great/music-filled service!”

But life doesn’t always cooperate with our carefully made plans. Ben’s email to me on Dec. 18 reads, “Monday morning I had an MRI done on my back. Much to my chagrin I have a severely herniated disc and three out of three docs agreed that I needed emergency surgery.”

Ben’s surgery happened early in the morning, December 19. Meanwhile, the Worship Associates in Petaluma started making alternate service plans. Meredith Guest agreed to preach, and Lara Abel said she’d be the Worship Associate.

On December 20, Ben wrote of his Christmas miracle, “My Christmas, it seems, is indeed coming early. I have been amazed at both the minimal time and impact of the surgery (which, indeed, went quite well--I was home and snuggled in my recovery bed by noon yesterday.) I am euphoric with my good fortune and my sturdy Irish genes. God Bless us, Everyone! Hallelujah, and pass the percocet!”

Ben reports that he appreciates how the leaders of the community rallied to his support. In an email on December 22, he wrote, “Jean Conrad was also a voice of reason and perspective for me.... This greatly relieved my anxiety and allowed me to let it go so I could focus on healing. The wonderful get-well card and all the calls and emails of support I received during the "miraculous" recovery added to my sense of connection, love and support from this wonderful community. They truly were a dose of good medicine for my spirit, mind and body!”

I feel fortunate to hear of two Christmas miracles this week: Rev. Ben’s speedy recovery and his presence with us today, and the cheerful, humor filled, efforts of the Worship Associates, our musician David Dodd and others in planning an alternate service in very little time. Best wishes to Rev. Ben for continued good health, and to the leaders in our community who pulled together with warmth and compassion this week, ensuring that we would worship together today, regardless of life’s complications.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education

(Quotes from Rev. Ben used with his permission.)


Friday, December 21, 2007

Thie Week at UUP: December 20-26, 2007

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


~~ Happy Holidays from all of us at UUP ~~

Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.


(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, December 23: "Christmas Service"
Minister: Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers
Worship Associate: Meredith Guest
Greeters: Phil Boyle, Jodi Boyle, Nancy Blake, Jean Conrad, Ellen Beeler and Bruce Eriksen

Sunday , December 30: "Looking Forward, Looking Back"
Worship Associate: Diana Spaulding
An introspective meditation on the end of 2007 and the beckoning New Year.


The next Adult Forum Conversation Cafe session is scheduled for January 6 with "Islam and Us" as the topic.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Religious Education Update: December 16, 2007

The Power of Music

Jon Carroll, columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, wrote this past week about his experience at a choral concert. After explaining that he is not a “San Francisco Bach Choir kind of guy” and non-religious as well, he describes the moment when the church is darkened and the choir enters by candlelight singing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”. Jon says, “I lost it. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I was surprised by my tears and uncertain how to turn them off. At one point, I was crying like someone who has just lost a relative.”

Music has that kind of power. It can touch the emotions and the souls of the devout and the non-devout, the Christian, the Jew, the Pagan and the Unitarian Universalist. Jon describes his feeling of “wonder that we flawed humans can produce such transcendent sounds.”

Music produced by a group of people also builds connections between the performers themselves and the audience. I was very fortunate to attend a Chanticleer concert on Friday with KC and Matt Greaney and their extended family. The choir produced transcendent music, filling the vast spaces of Petaluma’s St. Vincent Church with their nonamplified voices. The men in the choir were completely in tune with each other musically and in their movements and the appearance of joy and radiance on their faces. The sense of connectedness between the singers was palpable. Afterwards, a member of the choir spoke of the connection between choir and audience in Petaluma as being “like family.”

In today’s service, we are blessed to have the opportunity to create our own music. We will fill the hall with our sounds, as one community celebrating the solstice, our shared humanity and our sacred time together.

Marlene AbelDirector of Religious Education


Friday, December 14, 2007

This Week at UUP: December 13-19, 2007

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


UUP Welcomes New Members this Sunday, December 16
We'll be welcoming new members into our congregation on Sunday during the service. If you have been considering becoming a member, and would like to join on Sunday, or if you have any questions about membership in UUP, please email or call David Dodd, for the UUP Membership Committee.

Questions about Unitarian Universalism or UUP?
On the third Sunday of each month, informal conversations are held after the service (11:45-12:15) about Unitarian Universalism and liberal religion. If you've been wondering about Unitarian Universalism or the UUP congregation, here's your chance to find out! This month's conversation will be held this Sunday, December 16.

Santa Lucia Pageant
All children and youth are invited to be part of the Santa Lucia procession at this Sunday's service. Children/youth who want to participate should wear a plain white shirt or blouse. Boys should wear dark colored pants. All other costuming will be provided. Please arrive at UUP by 10:15 to get into costumes for the procession. The service is intergenerational, so children and youth will remain and be part of the Drum Circle. The Drum Circle is a wonderful experience for all ages, and great fun for the kids. ~ Marlene Abel, Dtr. of Religious Education

Adult Forum
The Adult Forum meeting scheduled for Sunday, December 16 is canceled. The next Conversation Cafe session is scheduled for January 6, with "Islam and Us" as the topic.

Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is the humanitarian arm of our church that reaches out here at home and across the world to put into practice the UU value of service to others.
Guest At Your Table is the annual event that helps to fund the programs sponsored by UUSC.
Your generosity is what makes it possible.
As we continue our focus on GAYT this month, Janette Morrow and her sons, Barrett, Jack and Wil, will share their family's experience with GAYT. Please Join us.
- Jan Crosby, for UUSC.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, December 16th: "Solstice Drumming Celebration"
Worship Associate: Tony Blake
Greeters: Lara Abel, Leslie Balestreri, Beatrice Pool
Many western religious observances are rooted in ancient earth-centered recognitions of seasonal events often marked with celebrations. Ancient cultures, especially those from Northern latitudes, were acutely attuned to seasonal changes related to the longest or shortest days of the year. Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and has been recognized for thousands of years through ceremonies that typically involve welcoming the light back into our existence. Long, ago, the Vikings of Sweden held festivals to mark the first day of winter, the exact middle of winter, and the last day of winter. This ceremony later became known as Santa Lucia. Come join us just prior to the Winter Solstice in a participatory intergenerational service full of song, ceremony, and a UUP community drum circle to celebrate the light coming back into our lives.

Sunday, December 23: "Christmas Service"
Minister: Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers
Greeters: Phil Boyle, Jodi Boyle, Nancy Blake, Jean Conrad, Ellen Beeler and Bruce Eriksen

The Membership Committee will meet Sun., Dec 16 right after service at Peet's Coffee downtown.

UUP Women's Group will meet Monday, Dec 17 at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house. The topic for this month's discussion is "What are we leaving behind in 2007?" facilitated by Linda Elliot.

Have an announcement to include in the UUP "This Week at UUP" email? Send notice of any and all UUP-related activities, announcements and events to Jennifer Newman, UUP Administrative Assistant, at uupetaluma at gmail.com by Tuesday for inclusion in that week's "This Week at UUP" email.

For complete and up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, visit www.uupetaluma.org.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail.com.


Friday, December 07, 2007

This Week at UUP: December 6-12, 2007

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


Share-the-Plate This Sunday with Petaluma's Committee on the Shelterless (COTS)
In this season of sharing, and in the midst of all the commercial hype, we will share our Sunday offering plate with the wonderful local organization, COTS, who do so much to provide for those without a roof over their heads. Please come prepared this Sunday to be a generous supporter of this important effort in our community.

Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.

Guest At Your Table
Our church's GAYT program, which helps support the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's work around the globe, got off to a great start last Sunday as several Guest boxes were "adopted" into UU homes for the month. But don't worry if you missed out - we have more! This Sunday Rosemary Dodd and Ashley West will tell us about Mary and the Rock Women's Group of Nairobi, Kenya. Please join us and learn how you can help UUSC make a difference in the world. - Jan Crosby, for UUSC.

UUP Welcomes New Members on December 16
We'll be welcoming new members into our congregation on Sunday, December 16, during the service. If you have been considering becoming a member, and would like to join on the 16th, or if you have any questions about membership in UUP, please email or call David Dodd, for the UUP Membership Committee.

Lost and Found
A child's red and black "lady bug" umbrella was found after the service last week. To claim it, please call Jan Crosby, or see Jan at church on Sunday.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )

Sunday, December 9th: "Sustainability--For the Holidays and For Ever"
Worship Associate: Lara Abel
Guest Speaker: Stuart Moody
Greeters: Michael Pool, Leslie Harrison, Dennis Zerbo
What are the hidden costs of over consumption? How can we reverse the trends of waste and pollution that threaten the earth? Stuart Moody of Green Sangha will explore with us the intimate relationship between spiritual growth and environmental action. Included will be a simple meditation for clarity, calm, and courage.

Sunday, December 16th: "Solstice Drumming Celebration"
Worship Associate: Tony Blake
Greeters: Lara Abel, Leslie Balestreri, Beatrice Pool
Many western religious observances are rooted in ancient earth-centered recognitions of seasonal events often marked with celebrations. Ancient cultures, especially those from Northern latitudes, were acutely attuned to seasonal changes related to the longest or shortest days of the year. Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and has been recognized for thousands of years through ceremonies that typically involve welcoming the light back into our existence. Long, ago, the Vikings of Sweden held festivals to mark the first day of winter, the exact middle of winter, and the last day of winter. This ceremony later became known as Santa Lucia. Come join us just prior to the Winter Solstice in a participatory intergenerational service full of song, ceremony, and a UUP community drum circle to celebrate the light coming back into our lives.

UUP Board of Trustees meeting Sunday, Dec 9 at 8:30 am at the Petaluma Woman's Club.

Have an announcement to include in the UUP "This Week at UUP" email? Send notice of any and all UUP-related activities, announcements and events to Jennifer Newman, UUP Administrative Assistant, at uupetaluma at gmail.com by Tuesday for inclusion in that week's "This Week at UUP" email.

For complete and up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, visit www.uupetaluma.org.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail.com.
