This Week at UUP: December 28, 2007- January 2, 2008
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
~~ Happy New Year! ~~
Religious Education Teacher needed for 3- to 6-year-old Sunday morning class
This teacher would work cooperatively with the Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, the Religious Education committee, and volunteers from the congregation to enrich our program and engage our curious UUP kids. This individual would also help plan and staff special events. Applicant should have experience in working with young children and references. This is a paid staff position. 10 am- noon Sunday mornings. UU curriculum and supplies are provided. For more information, contact Marlene.
Second-ever Men's Group
Topic: Forgiveness
Friday, Jan 4, 7 PM at Dick Allen's house.
Directions: West on Bodega Hwy about 5 miles. Right on King. Go 2 stops to Queen. Right on Queen to end of road. Park carefully. Walk up to #6.
Greenies meet in City Hall Parking lot 6:45 pm to car pool.
~~If you have no one to forgive or nothing to be forgiven for, you may remain home assured of Paradise.~~
Religious Education Planning Meeting with Rev. Ben
Saturday, January 5, 1-3 pm
All members and friends of UUP are warmly invited to meet with Rev. Ben, UUP Director of Religious Education Marlene Abel, and members of the RE committee to discuss our hopes and dreams for children's Religious Education at UUP! Rev. Ben will open the workshop with an icebreaker and singing, then we'll work together towards growing the program. Marlene will speak briefly about current activities that our children and youth participate in, such as worship, music, religious exploration, drama, comprehensive sexuality education (OWL) and social activities, then we'll work together in planning for the future. Rev. Ben has a long history of involvement in RE for both kids and youth, and brings to the meeting lots of enthusiasm for creating intergenerational community. The meeting will be held at a UUP's member home, to be announced soon. Questions? contact Marlene.
UUSC Guest At Your Table
Boxes and donation envelopes were distributed this month for cash and check contributions to the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. Collection of GAYT boxes will occur in early January. A donation box made for us by our children in RE is also available on Sundays for those who prefer. This year you can become a supporting member of the UUSC by including a check in your box (made out to "UUSC"). Please see your GAYT box or envelope for membership options. Information on the humanitarian work of UUSC is available at the UUSC table on Sundays and complete information is available at Questions? Contact Jan Crosby.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, December 30: "Looking Forward, Looking Back"
Worship Associate: Diana Spaulding
Greeters: Come one, come all! All experienced and fledgling greeters are encouraged to adorn the steps for the last service of 2007!
Amid the holiday bustle, we pause to reflect on the end of 2007 and the beckoning New Year. Mother Winter will guide us as we gather our memories, consider the possibilities for our lives in the dawning year, and reflect on what will sustain us as we move forward. The service will be an introspective meditation leading us each in writing a letter to ourselves; these letters will be held and sent in a year for reading on New Year's 2009.
Sunday, January 6, 2008: "To Savor the World or To Save It?" The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers: Speaker
Lara Abel: Worship Associate
Throughout our lives we may be compelled to choose one or the other—to immerse ourselves in the world's beauty or to engage ourselves in some cause on its behalf--to savor or to save it. Can we balance both our longing to 'make a difference' and to 'make the most' of life?
The Rev. Ben Kocs-Meyers is a Unitarian Universalist minister, storyteller and musician, and currently serves as Consulting Minister to the UUP congregation.
REGULARLY SCHEDULED GATHERINGS The next Adult Forum Conversation Cafe session is scheduled for January 6 with "Islam and Us" as the topic.
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