Religious Education Update: June 29, 2008
Today’s service marks the end of the RE year, and the beginning of my two month vacation. You’ll still be seeing me around UUP, except for two weeks in July when I’ll be at Family Camp at the Mendocino Woodlands. The RE Committee is providing fun activities for the kids while I’m gone. As we close down the year, I would like to mention some of the highlights in RE.
**** The RE Committee is back, and stronger than ever. I feel supported and guided. Many thanks to Leslie Harrison, chair, and the dedicated committee members: KC Greaney, Leslie Balestreri, Ellen Beeler, Sharron Belson, Mary Goodenough, Jane McMaster, Janette Morrow and Elizabeth Nielsen.
**** The growth in the kids. The children obviously grow physically, but I also see other growth spurts. It is exciting when a kid volunteers to be in a play for the first time, or when another kid bonds with a new friend. When our UUP kids were able to speak in front of hundreds of adults at District Assembly about UU Principles and why they are happy to be UU, I was thrilled.
**** I love how UUP does intergenerational services. We begin with Water and Stones, continue with Day of the Dead, Stone Soup, Santa Lucia and the Winter Solstice Drum Circle and Flower Communion.
****Our UUP adults spoke to our kids about some of their interests: Phil Boyle on maps and city planning, Hope Stewart on the fight for gay marriage, and Stacey Meinzen on protecting the earth.
****Our regular RE teachers: Jane McMaster, Lara Abel, Sharron Belson, and Kimmy West. Special thanks to KC Greaney, Leslie B. and Leslie H for planning Service Sundays.
With much gratitude,
Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education