The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND UPCOMING EVENTS To all UUP Members and FriendsPlease attend the UUP Congregational Meeting this Sunday, December 7, 2008. It will start immediately after the service and will last about an hour. Childcare provided.
Agenda Items include:
- The mid-year report and review of the 2008-09 Budget
- Election of Board Members
- Reports from the Committee Chairs and others involved with coming events
One of the "perks" of membership is participating in the life of UUP by attending these meetings, being informed and voting on decisions that have to be made by the community. I hope to see you there!
Jean Conrad, President of the Board of Trustees Nominations For the UUP BoardThe Nominating Committee for UUP, comprising Lara Abel, Tony Blake, and David Dodd, is seeking nominees for vacant positions on the UUP Board of Trustees, to be elected by congregational vote at the UUP Congregational Meeting this Sunday. The Board is our governing body, responsible for all the business decisions and policies of the congregation. Board members attend monthly meetings, and also serve as liaisons to UUP's committees. We are filling three three-year positions, and may also choose to fill up to two other three-year seats if we find candidates who are qualified to serve.
To be considered for nomination by the Nominating Committee or if you have questions about the job description for UUP Board members, please contact any of the members of the committee: Lara Abel, Tony Blake, or David Dodd. Self-nomination is encouraged.
"Dinner for Eight" or more on Christmas EveWould you like to share Christmas Eve with your church family? Then join us as we gather in each others' homes to share dinner after the service on December 24th.
Here is how it works: Some people agree to host, and they provide the gathering location and usually a main dish. Others sign up to participate and bring other contributions to the meal. Then all gather on Christmas Eve for a community meal and good fellowship.
There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church during the next few weeks.
Questions? Contact KC Greaney.
Children and Youth to perform at UUP Christmas Eve ServiceAll children and youth are invited to participate in singing carols at the Christmas Eve service. No prior singing experience required. Upcoming rehearsals: 12/7, 12/15 and an early arrival on 12/24. Rehearsals led by Elizabeth Nielsen. Please contact Leslie Harrison for more information.
Religious Education Discussion Group prior to Sunday ServiceMarlene will host a discussion group in the fireside room during children's choir practice on upcoming Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15. Anyone is welcome to join on a drop-in basis. Come to one or several. The topics will concern parenting and spirituality with a new topic each week. Coffee and munchies provided.
12/7 - Sing in My Heart: celebrations and rituals
12/14 - The Stirrings of Compassion: caring for one another
Holiday Fundraiser for our high-school-age youth UUP high school youth are selling holiday cards at UUP after the services each Sunday. If you're thinking about buying cards this year, please consider buying from our youth. Our youth are also planning to create gift bags and gift tags, for sale this month. Proceeds from the sales will help pay for their Coming of Age Program, a series of retreats and UUP youth activities.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CORNER Service is our PrayerUnitarian Universalist Service Committee
For over 30 years UU communities have participated in the Guest At Your Table tradition. We come together to give thanks, celebrate UU values, and share our blessings to help change the world. If you have not yet received a gift box for your home, please pick one up at the Social Responsibility table after the service this week. Place it on your dining table and at each meal insert coins or bills into the box as if sharing with guests.
UU principles call on us to raise our voices together to defend justice and human rights. UUSC projects across the world are only made possible by the activism and generosity of our members and supporters. Your participation in Guest At Yout Table makes you part of the moral force through which UUSC moves the world. Please join us!
SRC thought for the week: "The religion that ends with the individual, ends." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
UPCOMING SUNDAY SERVICES(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)
This Sunday, December 7, 2008: This We Do for UUP: The Embodied Prayer of Service Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
Speakers: Marlene Abel, Jan Crosby, David Dodd and Elizabeth Nielsen.
Sunday, December 14, 2008: "Into Darkness"Worship Leaders: Jodi Boyle and Elisabeth Hathaway
As we near the winter solstice we all face the prospect of entering into a place of darkness, the longest night, the darkest hour. Symbolically this is the belly of the whale, a narrow gate, a place of great unknown and unknowing, wihc can be terrifying and lonely, and many of us do much to avoid it. Yet this is also the spiritual symbol of great potential and profound transition, for out of the darnkess into the light is one the central metaphors for growth and rebirth across the ages and cultures: out of the darkness a child is born, a new year, enlightenment. Today we will have an experiential and meditative service, holding this place of darkness collectively, with its mystery, waiting and silence, before we emerge into the light of the celebration next week with the drumming circle.
The UUP Board of Trustees will meet Monday, December 8th at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house.
The Woman's Group meets Monday, December 15th at 7:30 at Jean Conrad's house. All women are welcome! Those attending are invited to bring a reading or a symbol of the season to share.
Larking About, the UUP choir, meets Wednesdays at 8 pm at David Dodd and Diana Spaulding's house, 716 Bassett St.
Labels: Events, Social Justice, This Week at UUP