Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Monday, July 31, 2006

"Hymn Of The Month"

This month: "Come, Come, Whoever You Are"

Last month, we began a new practice in our Sunday service, of singing a chosen hymn each Sunday for a month, as a way to truly learn the hymns, and increase the comfort level of singing in our small but enthusiastic congregation. Hymns are often a sore point on many scores, ranging from the sheer stodginess of some of the melodies, to the reminders they bring of the faith practices we have come out of, to the vestigial remnants of language and sensibilities to which we simply cannot relate.

In July, we (that is, Larking About, the UUP singers) chose "Be Ye Lamps Unto Yourselves," a hymn based upon the last words of the Buddha. That seemed to go pretty well.

In August, we have selected "Come, Come, Whoever You Are."

I am so proud to be able to say that I was around when this round was first sung as a round, at the First Unitarian Church of Oakland. Lynn Ungar, a fellow member of that congregation's Chancel Choir, set the (adapted) words of the Sufi poet, Rumi:

Come, come, whoever you are
Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving
Ours is no caravan of despair
Come, yet again, come

We all loved it immediately, and I got to be the person to write it out in musical notation (not to say that Lynn, an accomplished musician, couldn't have done it herself--I just felt like it and beat her to it).

Here's what the book Between the Lines: Sources for Singing the Living Tradition (Skinner House Books, 1998) has to say about the song, which has become hymn number 188:

"Jalal al-Din Rumi, Maulana (1207-1273), Sufi poet, was born in Afghanistan into a long line of scholars, jurists, and theologians. When he was thirty-seven he met a wandering holy man, Sham al-Din of Tabriz. With Shams he discovered the inner Friend, the soul, the Beloved, a constant reminder of Gold's presence. He subsequently wrote some 30,000 verses as well as the epic Masnavi-ye Ma'navi. This text has been adapted.
Lynn Ungar (1963- ) is a Unitarian Universalist minister... She is the author of the 1996 UUA Meditation Manual, Blessing the Bread.

Larking About will gladly accept nominations for future hymns of the month. September is currently under discussion!

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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Father's Day Sermon by Meredith Guest

This I Believe: On Father's Day

A wonderful sermon by Meredith Guest, a member of UUP, from our most recent "This I Believe" series of talks by friends and members has been posted.

Meredith speaks candidly about being a father, against all odds, and concludes very movingly that "the staff work of the Divine is redemption."

Friday, July 28, 2006

UU Group at Library Thing

I've started a UU group at a wonderful book-sharing website called Library Thing. Take a look! Share your thoughts on your favorite books from a UU perspective, or talk about your faith journey and what books have helped you on your way. Cite UU authors! Spread The Word...

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This Week at UUP: July 26

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, July 30: "This I Believe"
David Strange, a long-time friend of UUP, will speak about his own beliefs, in the light of his rich life experiences.

Sunday, August 6: "Indigenous Wisdom": Guest Speaker: Marty Falkenstien
Guest Speaker Marty Falkenstien was a cultural interpretive park ranger at Point Reyes National Seashore and past director of education at the Marin Museum of the American Indian. She will help us step back in time and learn how the cosmology of the indigenous people allowed them to lead complex yet sustainable lives for thousands of years before European contact. See this reverent human culture through their baskets, buckskin, plant cordage, and bone and stone tools.

This Saturday! Larking About (UUP Singers) Host a Singing Potluck For Everyone

On Saturday, July 29, members and prospective members of the UUP singing group Larking About, and anyone else who just likes to sing, or likes to listen to people singing, or likes to socialize, or eat--in short, everyone--is invited to Nancy and Tony Blake's home at 3 p.m. for the second Summer Singing Potluck. We'll work a little bit on upcoming pieces for Sunday services, maybe read through hymns, and just sing for fun. This will be followed by a classic UU potluck, so if you've never experienced one, please come! Call Nancy for directions.

UUP Play Group Meets Every Friday!
Got kids? The UUP Play Group, open to all members and friends and their children, is meeting again this Friday, July 28, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.at McNear Park.


Photo Project Well Underway--Biography Sheets Especially Needed!

Hope Stewart, our resident photographer extraordinaire, is taking pictures of members and friends for a photo album. For instructions on how to sign up for a slot to get your photo taken, and for the biography sheet which Hope will include in the album alongside your photo, see http://www.uupetaluma.org/photoalbum.html

Gather Ye Water and/or Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10).

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"The Capacity of the Heart": Sermon by Lynn Kelly--Posted

The sermon given at UUP on July 16 by Lynn Kelly, a student at Starr King School for the Ministry, entitled "The Capacity of the Heart," has been posted on our website. Many in attendance found her talk to be inspiring and moving. It examines our second UU principle, "Justice, equity and compassion in human relations," with an emphasis on compassion.

You can view a complete list of all sermons posted at www.uupetaluma.org/sermons.html.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Declaration of Peace: Meeting at First Unitarian Church of Oakland This Friday

From the weekly newsletter of the Pacific Central District, "PCD Currents" (you can subscribe here):

You’re invited to an evening to help UUs become active in their support of the Declaration of Peace: a commitment to end the war in Iraq. Join other UUs on July 28, 7 p.m., in the Starr King room of our Oakland Church, for a panel discussion that includes Sureya Sayadi, MD., a Kurdish Iraqi-American activist; Steve Morse of the Committee on Conscientious Objectors, and Eli Painted Crow, an Army veteran with two tours of Iraq. For more information contact Micky Duxbury, (510) 848-2674, and visit declarationofpeace.org to learn more.

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

This Week at UUP: July 16-July 22

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma--An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, July 23: "This Hour is Sacred Because We Make It So"
Worship Associate Stacey Meinzen. "This hour is sacred because we make it so." These are the opening words each week at our service. Come explore what makes something sacred for you personally and for us collectively as a spiritual community. Please bring a poem that expresses something sacred to you.

Sunday, July 30: "This I Believe"
David Strange, a long-time friend of UUP, will speak about his own beliefs.

This Saturday! Family Potluck & Swim

On Saturday, July 22 Carol and Steve West will be hosting their second family potluck from 2-5 pm. The Wests have a spacious, kid-friendly backyard. Bring swim suits, towels, and a dish to share. Parents, please be prepared to lifeguard for your own children if they go in the pool. RSVP to Carol.

UUP Play Group Meets Every Friday!

Got kids? The new UUP Play Group, open to all members and friends and their children, is meeting again this Friday, July 21, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.at Leghorn park (on Sonoma Mnt. Parkway near G&G Market). Please note change of location from printed announcement in this week's Order of Service!

BY POPULAR DEMAND! UUP' s FIRST annual Summer T-shirt!
We'd like to have a t-shirt made up for us to all wear proudly, if there is enough interest. What is planned is a simple, tasteful, three-color (100% cotton) T-shirt. A sketch of the shirt--from an idea submitted at the Memorial Day Retreat--will be at church! Cost is $15 per shirt; kids and adults sizes available.
We will order based on interest, so get your orders and payment to T Hathaway by July 30th.

"Larking About" (UUP Singers) News

We plan to meet up again on Saturday, July 29 at Nancy Blake's at 3 pm, with a pot luck to follow. We were happy to have some folks attend who came to socialize and eat, rather than sing!

We decided that we would begin meeting weekly on Tuesday evenings beginning August 29. If you have an interest in singing, feel free to show up on July 29 at Nancy's, or talk to any of the Larking About members: Nancy Blake, T Hathaway, Stacey Meinzen, Shari Woodbury, Celeste Durrum, Jodi Boyle, David Dodd, David Hathaway, or Earl Cruser.

Gather Ye Water and Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10).
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The Women's Group will meet on Monday, July 17 from 7:30-9:15 pm at KC Greaney's home.
- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, July 24 at Elaine's house.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

This Week at UUP: July 12

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind
Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, July 16: "A Capacity of the Heart"
Ministerial Student Lynn Kelly joins us at the pulpit to look at the roots of our Unitarian Universalist second principle, the practice of compassion. What changes could it bring to your life?

Sunday, July 23: "This Hour is Sacred Because We Make It So"
Worship Associate Stacey Meinzen. "This hour is sacred because we make it so." These are the opening words each week at our service. Come explore what makes something sacred for you personally and for us collectively as a spiritual community. Please bring a poem that expresses something sacred to you.

BY POPULAR DEMAND! UUP' s FIRST annual Summer T-shirt!

We'd like to have a t-shirt made up for us to all wear proudly, if there is enough interest. What is planned is a simple, tasteful, three-color (100% cotton) T-shirt. A sketch of the shirt--from an idea submitted at the Memorial Day Retreat--will be at church! Cost is $15 per shirt; kids and adults sizes available.
We will order based on interest, so get your orders and payment to T Hathaway by July 30th.

UUP Play Group Meets Every Friday!

Got kids? The new UUP Play Group, open to all members and friends and their children, is meeting again this Friday, July 7, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This week, meet up at the new East-side park near G&G Market. Find each other at the playground! (We think the official name of the park is Eagle Park, if you want to look it up on an online map.) Call or email Diana Spaulding if you have questions: weaverly at earthlink dot net; otherwise, just show up.

Photo Project Well Underway

Hope Stewart, our resident photographer extraordinaire, is taking pictures of members and friends for a photo album. For instructions on how to sign up for a slot to get your photo taken, and for the biography sheet which Hope will include in the album alongside your photo, see http://www.uupetaluma.org/photoalbum.html

"Larking About" (UUP Singers) News

We plan to meet up again on Saturday, July 29 at Nancy Blake's at 3 pm, with a potluck to follow. We were happy to have some folks attend who came to socialize and eat, rather than sing!

We decided that we would begin meeting weekly on Tuesday evenings beginning August 29. If you have an interest in singing, feel free to show up on July 29 at Nancy's, or talk to any of the Larking About members: Nancy Blake, T Hathaway, Stacey Meinzen, Shari Woodbury, Celeste Durrum, Jodi Boyle, David Dodd, David Hathaway, or Earl Cruser.

Save the Date! Family Potluck & Swim

On Saturday, July 22 Carol and Steve West will be hosting their second family potluck from 2-5 pm. The Wests have a spacious, kid-friendly backyard (see the picture on our website to get an idea what a great place this is!). Bring swim suits, towels, and a dish to share.
Parents, please be prepared to lifeguard for your own children if they go in the pool. RSVP to Carol.

Gather Ye Water and Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10).
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The Women's Group will meet on July 17 from 7:30-9:15 pm at KC Greaney's home.
- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, July 24 at Elaine's house.

Seeking Calm and Sanity in a Rapid-Paced World?

Read recent guest speaker Matt Alspaugh's sermon, "Slowing Down" at the UUP website.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Monday, July 10, 2006

Revisiting a Sermon from July 2003: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Three years ago this month, Dr. Elisabeth Hathaway preached an excellent sermon at UUP, entitled "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

I thought it might be a good thing to re-read...or read for the first time.

For other UUP sermons on the web, see the listing at www.uupetaluma.org/sermons.html.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

This Week at UUP: July 5

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: http://www.uupetaluma.org *
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, July 9: "Finding the Sacred in Nature"

Many of us find our sense of the transcendent through experiences in the natural world. Today's participation service will elicit our expressions of that sense of wonder, as we share with one another special treasures and moments in our lives. Do you have a special object (rock, shell, branch, favorite flower, etc.) which symbolizes a memorable moment on your spiritual path? Please bring it! A time of contemplation will allow us to re-experience these special moments in our lives and, if we wish, write a haiku to share with others.

Following the service, join up with the Sporty Lunch Bunch

The final world cup game, Italy VS France, will be played and televised at Beyond the Glory family restaurant / sports bar, located in the Kohl's shopping center on North McDowell near Redwood Highway. They have 14 42-inch plasma screen TVs. Our Membership Committee chair, Elaine Ellsworth, has selflessly volunteered to go at 11 a.m. to save a table for us, allowing the rest of us to participate fully in the service, knowing that our World Cup needs will be ministered unto in due course.

Sunday, July 16: "A Capacity of the Heart"

Ministerial Student Lynn Kelly joins us at the pulpit to look at the roots of our Unitarian Universalist second principle, the practice of compassion. What changes could it bring to your life?
Want to PICNIC?

Join other UUP members and friends at the Cotati Pops concert of the Cotati Philharmonic! (Our own Tony Blake is a percussionist in this ensemble.) Family, friends and musical fun al fresco featuring the fantastic Cotati Pops, the Phil's Final concert of the season!
Saturday, July 8, 2006, 7:00 pm, at La Plaza Park, Cotati. If you'd like to coordinate with other UUP'ers, contact Elaine Ellsworth at Elaine_Ellsworth at yahoo dot com, or call her.
They will also play on Sunday, July 9, 2006, 7:00 pm, at Town Green, Windsor.
"Larking About" (UUP Singers) News

We had a fun singing potluck last Saturday, and brought a brief mantram to the service on Sunday, chanting "Om Mane Padme Hum" as opening and closing music. We plan to meet up again on Saturday, July 29 at Nancy Blake's at 3 pm, with a pot luck to follow. We were happy to have some folks attend who came to socialize and eat, rather than sing!

We decided that we would begin meeting weekly on Tuesday evenings beginning August 29. If you have an interest in singing, feel free to show up on July 29 at Nancy's, or talk to any of the Larking About members: Nancy Blake, T Hathaway, Stacey Meinzen, Shari Woodbury, Celeste Durrum, Jodi Boyle, David Dodd, David Hathaway, or Earl Cruser.

Save the Date! Family Potluck & Swim

On Saturday, July 22 Carol and Steve West will be hosting their second family potluck from 2-5 pm. The Wests have a spacious, kid-friendly backyard (see the picture on our website at http://www.uupetaluma.org/events.html to get an idea what a great place this is!). Bring swim suits, towels, and a dish to share.
Parents, please be prepared to lifeguard for your own children if they go in the pool. RSVP to Carol.

Membership, Outreach, and Hospitality Committee Selects Newsletter Name

UUP's upcoming newsletter has a name, selected at last week's Membership Committee meeting: "UUPdates." Hope Stewart wins the grand prize of...well, nothing, except for the honor of having named our newsletter. Thanks, Hope!

Gather Ye Water and Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and bring a small stone for our end-of-summer Water & Stones service (September 10).
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am in Woman's Club Fireside Room on Sunday, July 9.
- The Worship Associates will meet on Monday, July 10 at 8:00 pm at Tony's.
- The Women's Group will meet on July 17 from 7:30-9:15 pm at a location TBA.
- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, July 24 at Elaine's house.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com

* (June website statistics: 207 visits, 636 pageviews. Notable visit points of origin: Makati, Philippines; Lima, Peru; Uberlandia, Brazil; Northmead, Australia; Dubai; Paris, France.)
