Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This Week at UUP: August 31-September 6

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma


(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, September 3: "An Evergreen Tree of Diabolical Knowledge" Speaker: UUP member David Dodd
Libraries are a foundation of democracy. Are they also sacred spaces? David will explore the thinking of a variety of writers, ranging from John Milton to Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., as he delves into the topic of reading, and the freedom to read what we will.

Sunday, September 10: "Water and Stones Ingathering"
Join us for this very special service as we gather in an all-ages ritual to welcome each other back from summer adventures near and far. Bring a small vial of water and/or a stone gathered from a location where you spent time this summer, and enjoy a service of sharing, music and community.

Hymn of the Month for September and Other Music News -- from David Dodd
Hymn #1 in our hymnal is "Prayer For This House" (entitled, in the hymnal, "May Nothing Evil Cross This Door," which is really just the first line....). It's a beautiful hymn, with words by Louis Untermeyer (1885-1977), who, besides being an excellent poet, was an influential poetry anthologist in the early part of the 20th century, as well as a jewelry manufacturer. "Prayer For This House" is frequently used in house blessing rituals and building dedications, and its position as Number One is surely no accident. It's sort of a doorway into the whole hymnal. The tune is by Robert N. Quaile, a Methodist minister's son from Mallow, Ireland. He composed the tune in 1903. ( I have always wondered if the founder of the Casual Corner clothing store chain got the name for the store from this song. Hmmmm.)

Some members of UUP have expressed a desire for more different kinds of songs, other than hymns, on Sunday mornings. Sounds great! I would certainly welcome suggestions -- some that come to mind are "Imagine," "Blowin' in the Wind" and "Teach Your Children." If you have ideas for familiar, appropriate songs that we could sing as part of Sunday worship services, please let me know.

Remember, Larking About is rehearsing again, on Tuesday evenings at 8 to 9:30 at David and Diana's home. Please come and sing with us!

Gather Ye Water and/or Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water and /or bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10). Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend!

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- Larking About (UUP Singers) will rehearse on Tuesdays (except the second Tuesday of each month) from 8-9:30 pm at David & Diana's house.
- The UUP Board of Trustees will meet on September 10 at 8:30 am at the Woman's Club Fireside Room.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Religious Education Update: September 3

Religious Education Update

September 3, 2006

The Importance of Libraries
I would have a very hard time organizing our Religious Education program without the Sonoma Mountain Elementary School Library and the wisdom of its librarian, Linda Beth Freese. I go to her often, to find resources about the Day of the Dead, or Chinese calligraphy, or just the right folktale for a class on a particular Sunday.. Linda lends me books with strong UU values, inspiring text and beautiful illustrations.' She's also a friend, so she gives me black tea and a willingness to listen to my troubles. Thank you, Linda.

Libraries provide the same service for our children- providing resources to learn about the peoples and cultures in our world, to inspire wonder and awe as the child reads about nature and science, to imagine being a person living long ago or in a faraway land. As a child, I loved the Secret Garden, and Land of Oz, and the Little House in the Big Woods. I would imagine myself in those places, until my mother would insist that I put down my book and go play outside. Librarians can listen to a kid describe a book, "with a pink cover and ballerinas", and find it on the shelf. They know the right book to encourage a struggling reader or challenge the bookworm. They don't provide black tea to kids, but do provide a smile and a listening ear. Thank you, Librarians.

We UU's pride ourselves for having "open minds". However, without the exposure to thoughts and places far different than our own, how would we keep our openness? We need those sacred places, also known as libraries. Thank you, Libraries. We need you.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hymn of the Month for September

Hymn #1 in our hymnal is "Prayer For This House," (entitled, in the hymnal, "May Nothing Evil Cross This Door," which is really just the first line....).

It's a beautiful hymn, with words by Louis Untermeyer (1885-1977), who, besides being an excellent poet, was an influential poetry anthologist in the early part of the 20th century, as well as a manufacturer of jewelry.

"Prayer For This House" is frequently used in house blessing rituals and building dedications, and its position as Number One is surely no accident. It's sort of a doorway into the whole hymnal.

The tune is by Robert N. Quaile, a Methodist minister's son from Mallow, Ireland. He composed the tune in 1903.

(I have always wondered if the founder of the Casual Corner clothing store chain got the name for the store from this song. Hmmmm.)

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Religious Education Update: August 27

Religious Education Update

Share the Plate

I heard some exciting news this week from our Stewardship Committee. Our congregation will be sharing our offerings on Sunday mornings once a month with worthy local non-profit organizations, including the Petaluma People Services Center, COTS, the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance, the Redwood Empire Food Bank, and the Petaluma Educational Foundation.

So, why would I find this exciting as DRE? It is exciting to me because we can demonstrate to our children and youth that we are a people of faith who make a difference in our world. By choosing organizations within the county, we can also make our giving tangible. I need to work out details with the RE committee and RE teachers, and most importantly, the children and youth, but I want the children and youth to personally experience our money in action.

So, how do we make these groups real? We could have a Family Walk and Picnic at Shollenberger, and learn about why the wetlands are vital for migrating birds. Our children and youth could take a tour of the Food Bank. We could volunteer at a Saturday lunch at the Petaluma Kitchen. We could ask these groups to provide speakers to talk with our kids. Other ideas?

One of our strengths as UU’s is our long tradition of living our values Unitarians and Universalists before us fought to free the slaves, to give women the right to vote, for racial equality in the Civil Rights movement, for gay rights, to save the environment, to promote a living wage, and for peace in our world.

I’m excited that we are taking action right here in Petaluma. Thank you, Stewardship Committee for your leadership and vision!

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education, Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma


Friday, August 25, 2006

This Week at UUP: August 23

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: uupetaluma.org

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

August 27: "The Caring Congregation": Guest Speaker: Rev. Barbara Meyers
Many people will not talk about mental illness, even when it affects their lives. The Rev. Barbara Meyers, author of "The Caring Congregation" curriculum, will discuss her personal experience with depression and how a faith community helped her--and can help others--to heal.

September 3: "An Evergreen Tree of Diabolical Knowledge": Speaker: UUP member David Dodd Libraries are a foundation of democracy. Are they also sacred spaces? David will explore the thinking of a variety of writers, ranging from John Milton to Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., as he delves into the topic of reading, and the freedom to read what we will.

Larking About To Sing Again--Please Join Us!

Please come and sing on Tuesday evening with the UUP singing group, Larking About. We'll meet at 8 and sing until about 9:30 at David and Diana's home. Our first piece will be Bobby McFerrin's wonderful arrangement of the 23rd Psalm, for the Water and Stones service on September 10. We welcome new singers at any time--you don't need to read music in order to sing with us.

Volunteer Newsletter Layout Help Sought

"UUPDates," our almost-ready-to-be-launched newsletter, needs the skills of a graphic designer / layout artist who would like to create the look of our in-house publication. We have most of the article written for a September newsletter, so it would mean putting together this four-page publication. If you have these skills, and would like to contribute them to UUP, please contact email David Dodd at weaverly at earthlink dot net.

Gather Ye Water and/or Stones
As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and/or bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10). Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend!

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, August 28 from 7:30-9:30 pm at Hope's house.
- Larking About (UUP Singers) will rehearse on Tuesdays (except the second Tuesday of each month) beginning August 29 from 8-9:30 pm at David & Diana's house.
See our calendar of events each month.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Religious Education Update: August 19

Religious Education Update
August 20, 2006

Lima beans and Cattails

We have become, by the power of a glorious evolutionary accident called intelligence, the steward of life's continuity on earth. We did not ask for this role, but we cannot abjure it. We may not be suited to to it, but here we are.
Stephen Jay Gould, Harvard University

Of all the seven principles of Unitarian-Universalism, the seventh is one of the most valued in our congregations, “ We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. Whatever an individual UU’s theological stance, whether agnostic or theist or atheist, most find inspiration in nature.

How do we teach our children to respect the interdependent web? I believe that the necessary first step is to teach awareness. To quote Stephen Jay Gould again, “We will not protect what we do not love”. Before children can love the web, they need to understand that they are connected to all the species on our planet, and that our planet is a wondrous place.

Last Sunday, the children studied the wonders of plants. I had soaked some lima beans overnight, so that they had swelled to several times their dry form. The children then dissected the now more pliable beans, discovering the seed root and seed leaves inside each bean. We discovered that each bean already contains a baby plant, ready to grow once placed in a warm and wet environment.

The children then examined the cattail which I had plucked from a nearby creek. The cattail was brown and fuzzy, and felt surprisingly like a tail of an animal. They were amazed to break off a chunk of the cattail, and discover very, very tiny seeds attached to bits of white fluff. Applying the lesson learned from the lima beans, they realized that each teeny cattail seed already contains a living baby plant, ready to grow into a cattail 6 or 7 feet tall.

Our natural world to full of such miracles, and I think that the kids “got it”. They were excited to share their lima beans’ and cattail’ discoveries with their parents. But perhaps more importantly, they were enthusiastic about their Sunday’s explorations. In Rosemary’s words, “That was fun!”

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This Week at UUP: August 16

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, August 20: "The Waters of Walden": Guest Speaker: Jeremy Elliott
Beneath the wakes of Walden Pond, one finds the sacred currents of early American Transcendentalism and Hindu thea/ology. This service will explore the historical connection of early Unitarian thought and Hindu spirituality. What wisdom did our religious foremothers, forefathers, and elders encounter in the great teaching of ancient India? Do their voices and the chorus of these great souls and seers still speak to us today?

Following the service, we'll have a "lunch bunch" gathering at the Tea Room Cafe--meet up on the front steps!

Sunday, August 27: "The Caring Congregation": Guest Speaker: Rev. Barbara Meyers
Rev. Meyers is the author of a new curriculum called The Caring Congregation which focuses on mental health and what congregations can do to help our congregations be more welcoming and intentionally supportive to people with mental health problems and their families. She will discuss her own experience with depression and how a faith community helped her to heal.

This Saturday! Family Potluck & Swim

On Saturday, August 19 Carol and Steve West will be hosting their third (and final) family potluck from 2-5 pm. The Wests have a spacious, kid-friendly backyard (see the picture on our website to get an idea what a great place this is!). Bring swim suits, towels, and a dish to share.
Parents, please be prepared to lifeguard for your own children if they go in the pool. RSVP to Carol West.
Welcome to Our New Administrator!

Jennifer Newman will be taking on the responsibilities of UUP's Administrative Assistant beginning this month. Jennifer lives in Petaluma, has a 2-year-old daughter, and also works part time for Slide Mountain Ranch in Marin.
Volunteer Newsletter Layout Help Sought

"UUPDates," our almost-ready-to-be-launched newsletter, needs the skills of a graphic designer / layout artist who would like to create the look of our in-house publication. We have most of the article written for a September newsletter, so it would mean putting together this four-page publication. If you have these skills, and would like to contribute them to UUP, please email David Dodd at weaverly at earthlink dot net.

Gather Ye Water and/or Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and/or bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10). Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend!

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- The Women's Group will meet on August 21 from 7:30-9:15 pm at a KC's house.
- The Stewardship Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 23, from 8-9:30 pm at David Dodd's house.
- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, August 28 from 7:30-9:30 pm at Hope's house.
- Larking About (UUP Singers) will rehearse on Tuesdays (except the second Tuesday of each month) beginning August 29 from 8-9:30 pm at David & Diana's house.
For a calendar of events each month, visit our website.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Religious Education Update: August 12

Religious Education Update
August 13, 2006

Summer ends early this year. While my calendar says that summer continues on its pages until September 23, school districts and schoolchildren are already preparing for opening day. I miss the “good old days” when Labor Day was the last hurrah before the kids’ return to the classroom.

I believe that the value of summer for children is greatly underestimated in our rush to get them all back at their school desks. Summer is a time to get in touch with the natural world, whether by attending camp, or hiking or watching a garden grow. Summer is a time for being “bored”, a much unappreciated condition which forces children to use their imaginations, to be creative and resourceful, and to find their own interests and passions. Summer is a time to explore, whether that exploration happens at a nearby seashore or faraway lands. Summer is a good time to reconnect with distant family. Summer is a time to relax somewhere in nature, whether in the backyard or some more exotic place and think about the big questions, “Why am I here?” or “How was this vast universe created?”

Parents in some states are already protesting the early school start dates, and four states have already passed laws tying the start of school to Labor Day. Parents argue that schools are adjusting their calendars to create more instructional days before high stakes testing dates, rather than considering the needs of children and families.

However, faced with the current reality of short summers here in California, I believe that our best remedy is to continue to keep the benefits of summer alive, by continuing to connect with nature and by making time to relax and recreate. I realize how difficult it is to keep a balance in children’s lives with the beginning of soccer season and back to school activities.

Just remember, my calendar tells me that it is still August.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This Week at UUP: August 9

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, August 13: "On Ritual": Guest Speaker: Meredith Guest
Rituals can help frame our lives, give context, meaning and preserve memory. Even though some rituals (especially the religious variety) are laden with baggage, they can sometimes be reinterpreted, recreated or replaced with others that can be liberating and life affirming. Come prepared to share in a dialogue sermon rituals that hold meaning in your life and in the life of your family, community and culture.
Note: Meredith's Father's Day sermon in our This I Believe series of member sermons is now available online.

Sunday, August 20: "The Waters of Walden": Guest Speaker: Jeremy Elliott
Beneath the wakes of Walden Pond, one finds the sacred currents of early American Transcendentalism and Hindu thea/ology. This service will explore the historical connection of early Unitarian thought and Hindu spirituality. What wisdom did our religious foremothers, forefathers, and elders encounter in the great teaching of ancient India? Do their voices and the chorus of these great souls and seers still speak to us today?

Save the Date! Family Potluck & Swim

On Saturday, August 19 Carol and Steve West will be hosting their third family potluck from 2-5 pm. The Wests have a spacious, kid-friendly backyard (see the picture on our website to get an idea what a great place this is!). Bring swim suits, towels, and a dish to share.
Parents, please be prepared to lifeguard for your own children if they go in the pool. RSVP to Carol.

UUP Toolbar Available For Download
What's a toolbar? It's the horizontal gray thingy at the top of your web browser that lets you do stuff like link to certain sites automatically, search Google, and see the weather. At least, that's what the new UUP toolbar will do for you--go take a look! It's kind of neat. And it's free, too! (I haven't had much luck getting it to run in Firefox, but it seems just fine in Explorer. Any feedback greatly appreciated!--David D.)


Gather Ye Water and/or Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and/or bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10).

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am in Woman's Club Fireside Room on Sunday, August 13.
- The Women's Group will meet on August 21 from 7:30-9:15 pm at a KC's house.
- The Stewardship Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 23, from 8-9:30 pm at David Dodd's house.
- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, August 28 from 7:30-9:30 pm at Elaine's house.
- Larking About (UUP Singers) will rehearse on Tuesdays (except the second Tuesday of each month) beginning August 29 from 8-9:30 pm at David & Diana's house.
For a calendar of events each month, visit
our web calendar

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com


Monday, August 07, 2006

UUP Toolbar Available For Download

I've created a toolbar for UUP members and friends, with a built-in google search box, and links to sites of interest, both Unitarian-Universalist and Petaluman. You can download it for free by clicking below:

UUP Toolbar

The site that allowed me to make the toolbar (free!) can be found at www.effectivebrand.com.

Now I wonder if anyone will try it out? If you have ideas for how it should be improved or adjusted, or additional sites it should provide instant links for, please let me know.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

This Week at UUP: August 2

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma

For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: www.uupetaluma.org *

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00, at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service at 10:30)

Sunday, August 6: "Indigenous Wisdom": Guest Speaker: Marty Falkenstien
Guest Speaker Marty Falkenstien was a cultural interpretive park ranger at Point Reyes National Seashore and past director of education at the Marin Museum of the American Indian. She will help us step back in time and learn how the cosmology of the indigenous people allowed them to lead complex yet sustainable lives for thousands of years before European contact. See this reverent human culture through their baskets, buckskin, plant cordage, and bone and stone tools.

Sunday, August 13: "On Ritual": Guest Speaker: Meredith Guest
Rituals can help frame our lives, give context, meaning and preserve memory. Even though some rituals (especially the religious variety) are laden with baggage, they can sometimes be reinterpreted, recreated or replaced with others that can be liberating and life affirming. Come prepared to share in a dialogue sermon rituals that hold meaning in your life and in the life of your family, community and culture.
Note: Meredith's Father's Day sermon in our This I Believe series of member sermons is now available online at the website.
Photo Project Well Underway--Biography Sheets Especially Needed!

Hope Stewart, our resident photographer extraordinaire, is taking pictures of members and friends for a photo album. For instructions on how to sign up for a slot to get your photo taken, and for the biography sheet which Hope will include in the album alongside your photo, see the website.

Gather Ye Water and/or Stones

As you embark on travels this summer, or if you stay close to home, remember to gather a small container of water, and/or bring a small stone for our end-of-summer, all-congregation re-gathering of the community Water & Stones service (September 10).

Regularly Scheduled Gatherings

- UUP Board of Trustees will meet at 8:30 am in Woman's Club Fireside Room on Sunday, August 13.
- The Women's Group will meet on August 14 from 7:30-9:15 pm at a KC's house.
- The Membership and Hospitality Committee will meet on Monday, August 21 from 7:30-9:30 pm at Elaine's house.
- The Stewardship Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 23, from 8-9:30 pm at David Dodd's house.
- Larking About (UUP Singers) will rehearse on Tuesdays (except the second Tuesday of each month) beginning August 29 from 8-9:30 pm at David & Diana's house.
For a calendar of events each month, visit the calendar page.

If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com

* (July website statistics: 309 visits, 972 pageviews. 199 of 217 total unique visitors were first-timers to the site. Notable visit points of origin: Okazaki, Japan; Auckland; Singapore; Bucharest; Abidjan; Medellin; Paris; London; Linkebeek; Dumbarton.)
