The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:********************************************************
SUNDAY SERVICES(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, February 4: "This I Believe" Part of an ongoing series in which two members of our community share their spiritual journey that led them to UUP.
Sunday, February 11: "Is UUism Pertinent Today?"Worship Associate Elisabeth Hathaway
Starr King Ministerial student Alexandra McGee addresses the question: Is Unitarian Universalism pertinent today? We are a denomination that welcomes personal discernment and diversity. But what roots us during storms and gives us light during dark nights of the soul?
Sunday, February 18: "The New Atheism"Worship Associate Mike Iritz
Regular Guest Minister Leland Bond-Upson
As Leland foreshadowed last month in his criticism of the Catholic Church and its pedophilia problem, and his condemnation of fundamentalism in Christianity and Islam, maybe we shouldn't let bad religion get the polite pass any more. What does the new atheism teach? Is more to be gained than lost by its adoption? Is it possible to reject religious nonsense but retain a reverent sensibility, to be a religious atheist? Many in the new atheism movement are saying 'No'! 'Zat right?
Nominate a Local Arts Organization for February's Share-the-Plate Choice! Do you have a favorite local cultural arts organization? Would they benefit from a monetary donation? Nominate your favorite group to receive this month's Share-the-Plate funds from UUP, to be collected on February 11! Send your nominations to David Dodd. The organization receiving the most votes will be our choice this month.
Do You Love a Parade?For three of the last four years, UUP has participated in Petaluma's quintessential small-town event, the annual Butter and Egg Days Parade (we won awards twice!). This year, as always, the parade will wind its way through downtown on the last Saturday in April (April 28). The parade theme will celebrate 150 years of the Petaluma Fire Department. If you'd like to be the point person for UUP's participation, the Membership, Outreach and Hospitality Committee would love to provide backup help in organizing our entry for the year. (Some ideas came up: Red T-Shirts with flaming chalices and a slogan along the lines of "You'll Never Put Out Our Fire!" or something like that...) The entry can be a simple walking group or a float.
Contact Elaine Ellsworth if you are interested! This is a great way to get to know people at UUP, and it gives our community a high profile in the larger community.
"Love All" Tennis Group Starting Up Many see tennis as more than just a strenuous, fun activity. In fact, books have been written about the Zen of Tennis, etc. and for good reason: this sport demands focus and discipline. Not that you'll find much of either among such a group of rank amateurs as we. Several of us have begun playing tennis on Sunday afternoons after church, usually starting around 2 o'clock. We hope to rotate our informal rounds of play between Petaluma High School, Leghorn Park, and the "L" Park in Rohnert Park. Depending on how many of us show up, we can form ourselves into doubles, singles, or French doubles matches. No need to rsvp--just watch this space for the announcement of where we'll be meeting each week and drop by with a racket and balls. This Sunday: 2 p.m. at the Petaluma High School courts.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- Larking About (UUP Choir): Rehearsal Sunday morning at 9:30 am at the Woman's Club and Tuesday evening at 8 pm at David and Diana's home. - Book Club - A Chosen Faith: After the service this Sunday in the Fireside Room of the Woman's Club.- Worship Associates: Monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 5th 8pm.
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