This Week at UUP: August 30-September 6, 2008
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.
Singers Sought! UUP's Larking About Starts Singing Again
Do you love to sing? Do you have wide-ranging musical tastes, and an adventurous spirit? Then come sing with the UUP singing group, Larking About. We sing about once per month in the worship service, and we explore a wide variety of sacred and secular music from various traditions. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd.
Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 7 regarding "No on Proposition 8" Campaign
The UUP Board of Trustees has called a congregational meeting for UUP members to vote immediately after the service on Sep. 7 whether or not to take an official stand on Proposition 8, the initiative on the November ballot which if passed would deny the newly-won right to marry to same-sex couples in California. For information on the No on Prop 8 campaign, visit
Gather Ye Water and Stones
When you're out and about on travels, journeys and adventures this summer, remember to gather water and stones to share at our annual Water and Stones participation worship service on September 7th.
Marriage Rights Attorney to Speak on September 14
Therese Stewart, Chief Deputy City Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco, who argued the case for same sex marriage rights before the California Supreme Court, will speak twice on Sunday, September 14--first, in the regular worship service at 10:30 a.m., and then in an afternoon presentation from 1 to 3 p.m. Both events are open to the public. Stewart is the daughter of UUP member Hope Stewart. (Childcare available from 1 to 3 pm for those who RSVP by Sept. 10th to uupetaluma at gmail dot com.)
Dream Workshop on Sunday, September 21
Would you like to get to know yourself better through your dreams? UU Reverend Tristy Taylor, who is a dream professional, has agreed to conduct a Dream Workshop for our UUP congregation in the Fireside Room, following her presentation of our Sunday Service on September 21th. Join us from 12-3 PM. Cost: $15 per person. Sandwiches provided!
Save the Date
Join fellow UUP friends and members as a bunch of us hang out at the annual Petaluma Progressive Festival on Sunday, September 28. Bring a picnic and watch the Mime Troupe perform--a Bay Area legend.
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)
This Sunday, August 31, 2008: This I Believe
Guest Speakers: Barney Blankenship and Sharron Belson, UUP Members
Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
Two UUP members will share the stories of their faith journey to Unitarian Universalism and how their values have been shaped.
Sunday, September 7, 2008: Water and Stones Ingathering: Our Community Re-gathers
This Sunday, bring water and stones that you gathered on your summer peregrinations and share something of their meaning and significance to you in this annual, inter-generational UUP ritual.
Sunday, September 14, 2008: Marriage Equality
Guest speaker: Terry Stewart
The UUP Women's Group will meet Monday, Sept. 15th at T (& David)'s house at 7:30 pm.
Topic: to be determined
Labels: Events, Social Justice, This Week at UUP