Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

The purpose of this congregation is to provide a haven where members can share in a spiritually, culturally, and socially diverse local religious community. We envision a congregation that will be welcoming to all, that values the contributions of each member in shared ministry, and that actively promotes and models individual development of an ethical way of living. We are intentionally intergenerational, and covenant to provide religious education and spiritual growth for children and adults.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

This Week at UUP: August 30-September 6, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Singers Sought! UUP's Larking About Starts Singing Again
Do you love to sing? Do you have wide-ranging musical tastes, and an adventurous spirit? Then come sing with the UUP singing group, Larking About. We sing about once per month in the worship service, and we explore a wide variety of sacred and secular music from various traditions. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd.

Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 7 regarding "No on Proposition 8" Campaign
The UUP Board of Trustees has called a congregational meeting for UUP members to vote immediately after the service on Sep. 7 whether or not to take an official stand on Proposition 8, the initiative on the November ballot which if passed would deny the newly-won right to marry to same-sex couples in California. For information on the No on Prop 8 campaign, visit http://noonprop8.com/home.

Gather Ye Water and Stones
When you're out and about on travels, journeys and adventures this summer, remember to gather water and stones to share at our annual Water and Stones participation worship service on September 7th.

Marriage Rights Attorney to Speak on September 14
Therese Stewart, Chief Deputy City Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco, who argued the case for same sex marriage rights before the California Supreme Court, will speak twice on Sunday, September 14--first, in the regular worship service at 10:30 a.m., and then in an afternoon presentation from 1 to 3 p.m. Both events are open to the public. Stewart is the daughter of UUP member Hope Stewart. (Childcare available from 1 to 3 pm for those who RSVP by Sept. 10th to uupetaluma at gmail dot com.)

Dream Workshop on Sunday, September 21
Would you like to get to know yourself better through your dreams? UU Reverend Tristy Taylor, who is a dream professional, has agreed to conduct a Dream Workshop for our UUP congregation in the Fireside Room, following her presentation of our Sunday Service on September 21th. Join us from 12-3 PM. Cost: $15 per person. Sandwiches provided!

Save the Date
Join fellow UUP friends and members as a bunch of us hang out at the annual Petaluma Progressive Festival on Sunday, September 28. Bring a picnic and watch the Mime Troupe perform--a Bay Area legend.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, August 31, 2008: This I Believe
Guest Speakers: Barney Blankenship and Sharron Belson, UUP Members
Worship Leader: Diana Spaulding
Two UUP members will share the stories of their faith journey to Unitarian Universalism and how their values have been shaped.

Sunday, September 7, 2008: Water and Stones Ingathering: Our Community Re-gathers
This Sunday, bring water and stones that you gathered on your summer peregrinations and share something of their meaning and significance to you in this annual, inter-generational UUP ritual.

Sunday, September 14, 2008: Marriage Equality
Guest speaker: Terry Stewart

The UUP Women's Group will meet Monday, Sept. 15th at T (& David)'s house at 7:30 pm.
Topic: to be determined


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Friday, August 22, 2008

CANCELLED: Theatrical Performance---Fundraiser for UUP

This event has been cancelled--please watch for further details about a possible rescheduled performance.
There will be a fundraiser for the Religious Education Committee and UUP on Friday, September 26th at 7 PM with beverages and dessert served. The play is called "Love Letters" by A. R. Gurney - It is a Pulitzer Prize nominated play about two people who write letters to one another throughout their lives, realizing later that all the while, they were writing love letters. The play will be directed by Leonard Auclair and performed by Mr. Auclair and by Sharron Belson of UUP. The price of a ticket is $10 and it is suitable for 15 and over.


This Week at UUP: August 22-29, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Congregational Potluck for Rev. Ben this Sunday, August 24, 12:00-1:00 pm.
Please stay after the service on August 24 for a potluck lunch, as we thank Rev. Ben for his work with us over the past year. This will be his last Sunday in the pulpit as our consulting minister, so it is time to express our appreciation for all his work with us. This past year has been a time of growth for UUP, both in numbers of members and in the development of a strong infrastructure. Thank you, Reverend Ben! Please bring a potluck dish of your choice to the service with you. We will have refrigerator and freezer space available for your cold foods, and ovens to keep hot foods hot. UUP will provide the place settings, beverages, and a sheetcake.

Religious Education Garage & Bake Sale, Saturday August 23
We will have a wonderful and bountiful assortment of treasures at the garage sale- outstanding books, toys, china, photo printers, small appliances, furniture and even brass beds. Come check it out Saturday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM at 8 Nob Hill Terrace (near Petaluma High). Rummage is still being accepted, and can be dropped off at 8 Nob Hill Terrace Friday or Sat. am. Bring your friends and enjoy the bargains and the yummy baked goods.

Singers Sought! UUP's Larking About Starts Singing Again
Do you love to sing? Do you have wide-ranging musical tastes, and an adventurous spirit? Then come sing with the UUP singing group, Larking About. We sing about once per month in the worship service, and we explore a wide variety of sacred and secular music from various traditions. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd.

Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 7 regarding "No on Proposition 8" Campaign
The UUP Board of Trustees has called a congregational meeting for UUP members to vote immediately after the service on Sep. 7 whether or not to take an official stand on Proposition 8, the initiative on the November ballot which if passed would deny the newly-won right to marry to same-sex couples in California. For information on the No on Prop 8 campaign, visit http://noonprop8.com/home.

Gather Ye Water and Stones
When you're out and about on travels, journeys and adventures this summer, remember to gather water and stones to share at our annual Water and Stones participation worship service on September 7th.

Marriage Rights Attorney to Speak on September 14
Therese Stewart, Chief Deputy City Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco, who argued the case for same sex marriage rights before the California Supreme Court, will speak twice on Sunday, September 14--first, in the regular worship service at 10:30 a.m., and then in an afternoon presentation from 1 to 3 p.m. Both events are open to the public. Stewart is the daughter of UUP member Hope Stewart.

Save the Date
Join fellow UUP friends and members as a bunch of us hang out at the annual Petaluma Progressive Festival on Sunday, September 28. Bring a picnic and watch the Mime Troupe perform--a Bay Area legend.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, August 24: "Who Are You?"
Minister: the Rev Ben Kocs-Meyers
Rev. Ben's last service with us will include inspired music by the Petaluma Brass Quintet (two trumpets, french horn, tuba, and euphonium!). A potluck lunch follows from noon-1:00 PM.

The UUP Board of Trustees will meet Sunday, August 24 at 8:30 AM at the Christian Science Reading Room.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Terry Stewart, Marriage Equality Attorney, in Upcoming Service and Afternoon Event

Therese Stewart, Chief Deputy City Attorney for the City and County of San
Francisco, who argued the case for same sex marriage rights before the California Supreme Court, will speak twice on Sunday, September 14 at the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma (UUP)—first, in the regular worship service at 10:30 a.m., and then in an afternoon presentation from 1 to 3 p.m. Both events are open to the public.
Stewart is the daughter of UUP member Hope Stewart.
Stewart’s afternoon talk, entitled “The California Supreme Court Decision Legalizing Gay Marriage: The Inside Story” will feature a personal description of what it was like to argue such an important case, followed by a question and answer opportunity. A $5 donation is requested.
Stewart was the lead attorney representing the City in the California Marriage Equality Cases. She represented the City in challenging the marriage laws' exclusion of same-sex couples under the State Constitution and argued the case before the California Supreme Court.
“To have the lead attorney on such an historic case come speak in Petaluma is a wonderful opportunity,” said Jean Conrad, UUP’s Board President. “We feel proud and privileged to host Terry.”
The Unitarian Universalist Association has consistently stood for marriage equality, frequently using the phrase coined by Association President, Rev. William Sinkford, that they “stand on the side of love.”

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

This Week at UUP: Summer Ending--Where Did the Time Go?

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


Summer Potluck after the service on August 17, 12:30 to 4 pm.
Join us in the beautiful backyard of Carol and Steve West, 64 Century Lane, off Skillman Lane. Bring a dish to share and your swimsuit! The Wests' home is always a great place to hang out with friends and to get to know people better, and swimming is, of course, optional.

Congregational Potluck for Rev. Ben on August 24, 12:00-1:00 pm.
Please stay after the service on August 24 for a potluck lunch, as we thank Rev. Ben for his work with us over the past year. This will be his last Sunday in the pulpit as our consulting minister, so it is time to express our appreciation for all his work with us. This past year has been a time of growth for UUP, both in numbers of members and in the development of a strong infrastructure. Thank you, Reverend Ben! Please bring a potluck dish of your choice to the service with you. We will have refrigerator and freezer space available for your cold foods, and ovens to keep hot foods hot. UUP will provide the place settings, beverages, and a sheetcake. Questions? Please contact Marlene Abel.

Religious Education Garage & Bake Sale, Saturday August 23
Save the date and save your stuff! Help support religious education programming by donating items and baked goods for our annual sale on August 23rd, 9-2pm, 8 Nob Hill Terrace. Drop-offs prior to 8/18 are at Leslie's home, 10 Dana Street. After 8/18, drop off directly at 8 Nob Hill Terrace. Sign up sheets to help will be on the back table at upcoming Sunday services.

Singers Sought! UUP's Larking About Starts Singing Again
Do you love to sing? Do you have wide-ranging musical tastes, and an adventurous spirit? Then come sing with the UUP singing group, Larking About. We sing about once per month in the worship service, and we explore a wide variety of sacred and secular music from various traditions. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9:30 at the home of Diana Spaulding and David Dodd. Please see David or Diana for more information.

Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 7 regarding "No on Proposition 8" Campaign
UUP members will vote immediately after the service on Sep. 7 whether or not to take an official stand on Proposition 8, the initiative on the November ballot which if passed would deny the newly-won right to marry to same-sex couples in California. For information on the No on Prop 8 campaign, visit http://noonprop8.com/home.

Gather Ye Water and Stones
When you're out and about on travels, journeys and adventures this summer, remember to gather water and stones to share at our annual Water and Stones participation worship service tentatively scheduled for September 7th.

Save the Date--Progressive Festival, September 28
Join fellow UUP friends and members as a bunch of us hang out at the annual Petaluma Progressive Festival on Sunday, September 28. Bring a picnic and watch the Mime Troupe perform--a Bay Area legend.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, August 17: "Making Time"
Minister: the Rev Ben Kocs-Meyers
Worship Leader: Stacey Meinzen
The end of another summer nears but, where did the time go? This is one of the most pressing spiritual questions--not just of our time, but of all time. Time is all we have. It is the essential element of our existence. And religion, as I see it...is essentially about creating greater holiness in our lives and in the world. Addressing our relationship to time is a religious endeavor for it addresses the spiritual dimension--the quality of time we have. Come spend an hour in this holy endeavor!

The Women's Group will meet Monday, August 18th at 7:30 pm at Jean Conrad's house. The topic is "reunions". All UUP women and their guests are welcome.


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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Religious Education Update: August 10, 2008

Heroes at the Tennessee Valley UU Church

This past Sunday, the members of the TVUUC in Knoxville, Tennessee rededicated their sanctuary following an attack the prior week, in which a gunman killed two and wounded eight. The sanctuary last Sunday was filled to overflowing and spilled over to the outside and to the teen center next door.

A past minister of the church, who is also past President of the Unitarian Universalist Association spoke of the history of the TVUUC church. As reported in the blog, Street Prophets, the Rev. John Buehrens noted that,

“TVUUC's congregation was the first in the area to set up racially integrated summer camps, long before Knoxville's schools were forced to do so. The camps had to be moved many times over the years because of harassment by the KKK. The Klan also blew up mailboxes at many of the congregant’s homes, especially those who sat at lunch counters in solidarity with blacks. In the 1970's, the church was one of the first to be a welcoming congregation. Shortly after the first service, all of the church's sanctuary's windows were shot out, while children and teens were downstairs. “

The members of this church are heroes in my eyes, for their continued willingness to speak their truth. Last Sunday, the current minister of the church stood in the very spot where the gunman had stood a week before, and spoke these words, “"A man came in to invoke violence and hate; he unleashed unspeakable amounts of love. A man tried to strike a blow and to divide the community; instead he brought people together."

The Tennessee Valley UU’s are heroes in my eyes, as they reclaim their sacred space and their commitment to their faith. Instead of responding with justifiable anger, Sunday’s service was full of love and hope. I am inspired by their courage.

Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education

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UUP Member Sharron Belson Reads Her Poetry

Our own Sharron Belson will participate in the Marin Poetry Center's Traveling Show tonight (Tuesday, August 5) at the Mill Valley Library at 7:30 p.m.

Sharron will be reading along with several other poets: Bill Eichhorn, Charlotte Melleno, Briana Rose, and Bruce Sams.

Yay, Sharron!


Friday, August 01, 2008

Responding in Faith to the Tennessee Tragedy

As your Director of Religious Education, I am deeply saddened
and troubled by the recent tragedy at the Knoxville UU congregation,
particularly since it happened during a children's musical
performance. The specifics of that worship service make it hit even
closer to home for me. While I understand intellectually that these
events are very rare, and that church attendance is still a safe
activity on a Sunday morning, I'm alarmed that this could happen in
a UU congregation. How can I respond to these events?

What I would say to our UUP children is that they are safe at
church- that this type of incident is very rare. I might also talk
about the courage of the UU's who tackled the gunman and kept the
Tennessee children free from harm. The adults at UUP feel strongly
about keeping our children safe and protected, and we will do
everything possible to keep them out of danger.

I would also tell the kids that prejudice is wrong and
hurtful. The gunman apparently targeted a UU congregation for its
beliefs and for its support of gay and transgender people. One way
to demonstrate support for the folks in Tennessee would be for us at
UUP to continue our efforts towards fighting for equal civil rights
for all people and for fighting against religious intolerance. There
are many ways to show this support locally: we could join efforts to
keep anti-gay marriage initiative out of California's constitution;
we can speak up against hateful speech directed at any group of
people; and we can speak out against the politics of fear and
scapegoating in the upcoming election campaigns.

I feel blessed to live in Sonoma County, a progressive area
which celebrates diversity much more than other places. Yet, even
here, there is much to be done to fight for the rights of many
groups. I would want our children to know that hateful acts committed
against UU's just strengthens our resolve to work towards a better

In Faith,
Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education
Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma

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Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength: Response to Knoxville Tragedy

The Tragedy at the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville and UUP Children
As many of you know, two people were killed and six others wounded last Sunday by a non-member of the Tennessee Valley UU Church during a children's musical performance. This incident has been very disturbing for UU adults nationwide, and many are struggling to comprehend such violence in what should be a safe place. Information about this incident will NOT be shared with the children at UUP this Sunday, as many are too young to process the news. However, if an older child or youth wishes to talk, or to send a card of support to the TVUU Church, I will be happy to work with that young person or persons.
I expect that many UUP adults will need to share their thoughts about the incident during the social hour. I ask that you be sensitive to the presence of the very young within hearing distance of your discussions. Of course, I welcome thoughts and comments from our youth and adults about the tragedy, as I continue to process the incident for myself.
--Marlene Abel, Director of Religious Education

Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength: Response to the Shootings at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Knoxville, Tennessee
It was with tremendous sadness that we learned this week of the shootings last Sunday at our sister congregation in Knoxville, Tennessee, in which a gunman angry at "liberals and gays" entered a worship service in progress and opened fire on the congregation. Two were killed and six were critically injured before a brave group of UUs tackled the shooter. Unitarian Universalists nationwide are called upon to attend their local services this week in solidarity with the Knoxville congregation. Please take a moment to read our UUA Moderator Gini Courter's letter, "Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength."
* For a perspective from our UUA President, Rev. William Sinkford.
* To make a donation online to the Knoxville Relief Fund.
* And, lastly, for a summary of news and the UUA response to this tragedy.

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This Week at UUP: Agusut 1-6, 2008

The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Nurture Your Spirit. Help Heal Our World.


The Tragedy at the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville and UUP Children
As many of you know, two people were killed and six others wounded last Sunday by a non-member of the Tennessee Valley UU Church during a children's musical performance. This incident has been very disturbing for UU adults nationwide, and many are struggling to comprehend such violence in what should be a safe place. Information about this incident will NOT be shared with the children at UUP this Sunday, as many are too young to process the news. However, if an older child or youth wishes to talk, or to send a card of support to the TVUU Church, I will be happy to work with that young person or persons.
I expect that many UUP adults will need to share their thoughts about the incident during the social hour. I ask that you be sensitive to the presence of the very young within hearing distance of your discussions. Of course, I welcome thoughts and comments from our youth and adults about the tragedy, as I continue to process the incident for myself.
--Marlene Abel, Director of Religious Education

Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength: Response to the Shootings at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Knoxville, Tennessee
It was with tremendous sadness that we learned this week of the shootings last Sunday at our sister congregation in Knoxville, Tennessee, in which a gunman angry at "liberals and gays" entered a worship service in progress and opened fire on the congregation. Two were killed and six were critically injured before a brave group of UUs tackled the shooter. Unitarian Universalists nationwide are called upon to attend their local services this week in solidarity with the Knoxville congregation. Please take a moment to read our UUA Moderator Gini Courter's letter, "Called to Gather in Sympathy and Strength."
* For a perspective from our UUA President, Rev. William Sinkford.
* To make a donation online to the Knoxville Relief Fund.
* And, lastly, for a summary of news and the UUA response to this tragedy.

Religious Education Garage & Bake Sale, Saturday August 23rd
Save the date and save your stuff! Help support religious education programming by donating items and baked goods for our annual sale on August 23rd, 9-2pm, 8 Nob Hill Terrace. Drop offs welcome starting Monday, August 11th at the Greaney or Harrison-Lee households. For more information contact Leslie Harrison.

Gather Ye Water and Stones
When you're out and about on travels, journeys and adventures this summer, remember to gather water and stones to share at our annual Water and Stones participation worship service tentatively scheduled for September 7th.

(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am.)

This Sunday, August 3, 2008: "Liberal or Literal? Digging Beneath the Language of Religion and Belief"
Speaker: Andrew Hidas
Most UUs take a mythical or symbolic view of supernatural phenomena in sacred scriptures. Our deep roots in Humanism and critical thinking means we often can't help but roll our eyes at "true believers" in such esoterica as burning bushes, forbidden apples, and entire books transmitted via angels or on golden tablets from a father figure named God. So, is true dialogue (and even—perhaps—shared worship?) possible with literalists of different religious persuasions? Come along as we tour various modes of religious expression, explore an approach that encourages generosity toward other's beliefs, and contend with the challenge to that generosity raised by literalists who may act on their beliefs by attempting to deny our own rights.
Presenter Andrew Hidas is a communications consultant, writer and editor (www.bridgecandc.com), and vice president of the UUCSR Board of Trustees. His (literal) definition of heaven includes the three years he spent in graduate school studying the psychology of religion and theology.

The UUP Men's Group will meet next Friday, August 8st at 7pm at Dick Allen's house.
UUP Worship Associates meet this Sunday, August 3rd at 12:30 pm at T's office.


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