This Week at UUP: January 26- February 1, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website: *******************************************************************
SUNDAY SERVICES (Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, January 28: "Work Spirit: The Journey to Work You Love"
Worship Associate Tony Blake. Work Spirit is the spark and vitality people express when they love their work. Our spiritual journey is enhanced by honoring our talents and contributing them to others and the world. Sherrie Connelly has researched the spiritual dimension of work and will invite us to explore our "Work Spirit." Sherrie has been an organization development consultant and career coach for 35 years and is a third-year Master of Divinity student at Starr King School for the Ministry.
Sunday, February 4: "This I Believe"
Part of an ongoing series in which two members of our community share their spiritual journey that led them to UUP.
Sunday, February 11: "Is UUism Pertinent Today?"
Worship Associate Elisabeth Hathaway. Starr King Ministerial student Alexandra McGee addresses the question: Is Unitarian Universalism pertinent today? We are a denomination that welcomes personal discernment and diversity. But what roots us during storms and gives us light during dark nights of the soul? *******************************************************************
UUP Town Hall Meeting
This Sunday, January 28, noon to 2:30 pm Please join us for this all-congregation meeting to discuss the Weekend Minister Program and the Chalice Lighters Grant. Childcare will be provided, along with lunch for a nominal fee. Lucy Sperlin, the former president of the Chico UU congregation will be here to answer questions about their two years of weekend ministry experience. All members and friends are encouraged to come and help chart the future of UUP! *******************************************************************
New Member Ingathering Ceremony
February 4 Have you been attending services for awhile at UUP and thinking about joining as a member? We will have a new member welcoming ceremony on Sunday, February 4, during the service. Please speak with any UUP Board Member or any member of the Membership Committee if you would like to join the congregation, or if you would like to know more about what is involved. We'd love to welcome you as a member!
Do You Love a Parade?
For three of the last four years, UUP has participated in Petaluma's quintessential small-town event, the annual Butter and Egg Days Parade (we won awards twice!). This year, as always, the parade will wind its way through downtown on the last Saturday in April (April 28). The parade theme will celebrate 150 years of the Petaluma Fire Department. If you'd like to be the point person for UUP's participation, the Membership, Outreach and Hospitality Committee would love to provide backup help in organizing our entry for the year. (Some ideas came up: Red T-Shirts with flaming chalices and a slogan along the lines of "You'll Never Put Out Our Fire!" or something like that...) The entry can be a simple walking group or a float. Contact Elaine Ellsworth if you are interested! This is a great way to get to know people at UUP, and it gives our community a high profile in the larger community.
"UUPDates", Winter 2007 Newsletter, Now Available
UUP's quarterly newsletter is ready to be viewed and/or downloaded and printed! Please take a look at the handiwork of a dedicated group of writers and graphic artists, including Stacey Meinzen, who did the layout and design; Dennis Zerbo, Leland Bond-Upson, David Hathaway, David Dodd, Hope Stewart and Elisabeth Hathaway, who all contributed articles. Important calendar dates for the coming months are included, too! And some fun pictures! And inspiring quotes!
Last Notice for Guest at Your Table boxes
If you've been dropping coins and bills into a Guest at Your Table box daily since November your box probably 'runneth over' by now! Diana Spaulding, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee rep at UUP, will collect boxes one more time this Sundays. Although it's fun to hear the boxes chime, checks to 'UUSC' rather than cash cut down on our administrative tasks. Didn't get a box? Envelopes with donations to benefit the UUSC are also available. Membership in UUSC comes with donations of $20 seniors, $40 general, $75 dual, or $10 student, so why not add to your box total to bring it up to a membership level? *******************************************************************
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- Larking About (UUP Choir): Rehearsal Sunday, Jan. 28th, 9:30 am at the Woman's Club.
- Larking About will also rehearse on Tuesday, Jan. 30th, at the home of David Dodd and Diana Spaulding
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