Friday, June 29, 2007
This Week at UUP: June 28-July 4, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Different people. Different beliefs. One faith.
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, July 1: "A UU Bard"
Guest Poet: Dr. Ric Masten
Composer and writer of the famous song, 'Let It Be A Dance,' Ric Masten is a Unitarian Universalist poet who has been delighting, challenging, and enlightening readers and listeners for decades. Please join us for this extraordinary and rare pleasure, of welcoming a UU legend into our midst.
Sunday, July 8: "Spiritual Independence"
Worship Associate: Tony Blake
Sunday, July 15: "This I Believe"
Two UUP members will share the story of their faith journey.
Ric Masten Poetry Event this Saturday
Ric Masten, who has been delighting audiences and readers for several decades, will be in Petaluma on the weekend of June 30. He will be speaking at UUP at our Sunday service. The day before, he will present an intimate afternoon poetry reading and talk from 3 to 4 pm at the home of David Dodd and Diana Spaulding.
This is a rare opportunity to enjoy Ric's unique vision of life, and the wisdom he has gathered and presented in his poetry.
For details, please email David and Diana (weaverly at earthlink dot com).
New Adult Book Discussion Group to begin this Sunday after service
Led by Earl Cruser and other volunteers, the book selected is "The Left Hand of God: Healing America's Political and Spiritual Crisis" by Rabbi Michael Lerner. It could be the most important book of the decade in that it sets forth a credible, if ambitious, plan for providing a spiritual alternative to the unholy alliance of fundamentalist religion and neo-conservative, unfettered capitalism that has held sway in our country increasingly since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Lerner proposes no less that to change America's "bottom line" from money and power to love and caring.
An outgrowth of his Tikkun community and magazine, the Network of Spiritual Progressives motivates the liberal religious community to put a new face on spirituality and politics. Our study group will consider such topics as: the spiritual crisis of our time, a new Bottom Line for America, the true nature of spirituality and its relationship to social justice, the environment, peace and civil rights. Heavy stuff! But we're going to have an exciting time exploring important issues. Call Earl for more info.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- Love All (UUP Tennis Group): Friendly drop-in tennis game Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Petaluma High School courts.
- UUP Worship Associates: meeting at Diana Spaulding's house Monday at 8:15 p.m.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
Labels: This Week at UUP
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Video Contest to Promote Unitarian Universalism

From our Pacific Central District weekly email newsletter:
Have Fun Spreading the Word
Dateline May 28 - Among the most popular hyperlinks we've published in PCD Currents, are those to the fun stuff on the web that promotes UUism. Among these are Jon Carroll's essay "Unitarian Jihad," and the YouTube video of the Space Alien instructing Earthlings on how to live in peace (by following seven very familiar principles).
Our Regional gUUerilla Marketing Group would like to encourage more of that kind of thing, so they are announcing a fun summer contest for UU youth: produce a video that promotes UUism, and post it on YouTube. Entries submitted by August 1 will be eligible for a $250 prize for the video "most likely to go viral" (translation: most likely to be passed along friend to friend by email because it is so clever or otherwise worth watching). Enter just by sending an email to Cilla Raughley (cilla at pcd-uua dot org), our District Executive, with the link to where the video can be seen.
This will be fun! Please help us spread the word!
Labels: Beyond UUP, Techie notes
Friday, June 22, 2007
New Book Study to Begin on July 1

Submitted by: Earl Cruser
There will be a new adult book and discussion group in the Fireside Room beginning on Sunday, July 1. The time will be as soon as we can begin following the regular Sunday morning service, or about 11:50 A.M. The number of sessions and their frequency will be discussed and decided on at the first meeting.
Led by Earl Cruser and other volunteers, the book selected is: "The Left Hand of God: Healing America's Political and Spiritual Crisis" by Rabbi Michael Lerner. It could be the most important book of the decade in that it sets forth a credible, if ambitious, plan for providing a spiritual alternative to the unholy alliance of fundamentalist religion and neo-conservative, unfettered capitalism that has held sway in our country increasingly since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Lerner proposes no less than to change America's "bottom line" from money and power to love and caring.
The instrument of change he advocates is the NETWORK OF SPIRITUAL PROGRESSIVES, that already has thousands of members across the country. We will also consider how we at UUP can become part of this exciting new movement.
An outgrowth of his Tikkun community and magazine, the Network of Spiritual Progressives unites and motivates the liberal religious community to put a new face on spirituality and politics. This is quite in line with UU teachings and actions, and gives us common cause with progressive Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, Bahais, Wikins, and so forth. Our study group will consider such topics as: The spiritual crisis of our time, a new Bottom Line for America, the true nature of spirituality and its relationship to social justice, the environment, peace and civil rights. Heavy stuff! But we are going to have an exciting time exploring important issues.
Earl will have s supply of the new, revised edition of "The Left Hand of God" in paperback format available at the discounted price of $12.00 each.
Join us beginning after the Service on Sunday, July 1. You can call Earl Cruser for more information.
Labels: Religious Education Updates (Weekly), Social Justice
This Week at UUP: June 21-27, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
Room for Different Beliefs--Yours!
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, June 24th: "John Denver"
Guest speaker: Stacey Meinzen
Worship Associate Lara Abel
Come join us to learn more about song-writer and humanitarian John Denver. Stacey Meinzen will talk about his life as it relates to our UUP principles, and we will sing some of his songs with musicians Karen Mitchell and David Dodd.
Sunday, July 1st: "A UU Bard"
Guest Poet: Dr. Ric Masten
Composer and writer of the famous song, 'Let It Be A Dance,' Ric Masten is a Unitarian Universalist poet who has been delighting, challenging, and enlightening readers and listeners for decades. Please join us for this extraordinary and rare pleasure of welcoming a UU legend into our midst.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- UUP Membership Committee: meeting Monday at 7:30 p.m.--location to be determine.
- Love All (UUP Tennis Group): Friendly drop-in tennis game Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Petaluma High School courts.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
Labels: This Week at UUP
Monday, June 18, 2007
Summer Solstice Sing
For more information, call or email Diana or David.
Ric Masten Poetry Event, Saturday, June 30 at 3 pm

Ric Masten, who has been delighting audiences and readers for several decades, will be in Petaluma on the weekend of June 30. He will be speaking at UUP at our Sunday service, and the day before, will present an intimate afternoon poetry reading and talk from 3 to 4 pm at the home of David Dodd and Diana Spaulding.
This is a rare opportunity to enjoy Ric's unique vision of life, and the wisdom he has gathered and presented in his poetry.
For details, please email David and Diana (weaverly at earthlink dot com).
Labels: Events
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
"Bring Many Names": Hymn of the Month for June 2007
From "Between the Lines:
"Brian Wren (1936- ), a contemporary hymn writer, was born and educated in England. Ordained a minister in the United Reformed Church, he served local congregations, served on the staff of the British Council of Churches, and worked for Third World First prior to 1983, when he chose to devote himself full-time to hymn writing. He is the author of Education for Justice, What Language Shall I Borrow?, and several hymn collections.
The tune, "Westchase," is by Carlton R. Young, who is the editor of the 1989 and 1966 Methodist Hymnals.
Labels: Hymn of the Month
This Week at UUP: June 13-21, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, June 17th: "Ave, Salve, et Vale" (Hail, Hugs, and Farewell)
Guest Minister Leland Bond-Upson
Worship Associate Elisabeth Hathaway
With this service Leland's, 5 years with UUP as our Regular Guest Minister comes to a close, at least in the way we've been doing it. Ward Tabler, Professor of Speech at Cal and Starr King School's long-time preacher-trainer, taught novices "don't try to say it all in one sermon". He will keep that advice in mind as he takes this opportunity to sum up and reflect on what's important, and what it's been like to arrive, be with UUP, and depart.
Sunday, June 24th: "John Denver"
Guest speaker: Stacey Meinzen
Come join us to learn more about song-writer and humanitarian John Denver. Stacey Meinzen will talk about his life as it relates to our UUP principles and we will sing some of his songs with musicians Karen Mitchell and David Dodd. Worship Associate Lara Abel.

Guest Poet: Dr. Ric Masten
Composer and writer of the famous song, 'Let It Be A Dance,' Ric Masten is a Unitarian Universalist poet who has been delighting, challenging, and enlightening readers and listeners for decades. Please join us for this extraordinary and rare pleasure of welcoming a UU legend into our midst.
Series of Summer Sings Kicks Off On Solstice
Any and all who enjoy singing are invited to join us for the first of several evenings of meditation through singing chants and rounds.
Thursday, June 21, at 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Diana Spaulding and David Dodd's home. We will meet in the backyard bungalow (but come to the front door: 716 Bassett St.). Call or email David and Diana for directions or more information. Bring a round or chant to share with the group, if you like!
"New to UUP" Visitors' Orientation - this Sunday
Curious about UUism? About our congregation? Want to ask some questions? Please join a small group of UUP members to hear about our congregation, ask questions about Unitarian Universalism, and generally get acquainted with UUP. We'll hold these sessions on the third Sunday of each month. Meet in the fireside room immediately following the service.
UUA General Assembly Next Week
June 20-24
Portland, Oregon
For more information, visit the UUA's website.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- UUP Women's Group: meeting at Jean Conrad's house Monday at 7:30 p.m. Topic to be decided by the group!
- Love All (UUP Tennis Group): Friendly drop-in tennis game Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Petaluma High School courts.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
Labels: This Week at UUP
Friday, June 08, 2007
This Week at UUP: June 7-13, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, June 10: "Gay Pride"
Guest speaker: Meredith Guest
During Gay Pride Month, I want us to take a look at homophobia and how prevalent, though hidden, it is still. We'll look at homophobia's real and intended victims (not the ones you might have thought) and at some signs of hope that it too might one day be thrown on the trash-heap of human folly, along with racism.
This is a Share the Plate Sunday - see note below
Sunday, June 17th: "Ave, Salve, et Vale" (Hail, Hugs, and Farewell)
Guest Minister Leland Bond-Upson
Worship Associate Elisabeth Hathaway
With this service Leland's, 5 years with UUP as our Regular Guest Minister comes to a close, at least in the way we've been doing it. Ward Tabler, Professor of Speech at Cal and Starr King School's long-time preacher-trainer, taught novices "don't try to say it all in one sermon". He will keep that advice in mind as he takes this opportunity to sum up and reflect on what's important, and what it's been like to arrive, be with UUP, and depart.
Share the Plate Sunday
COTS will be the recipient of this week's share the plate offering, whereby we split our non-pledge offerings (the second Sunday of each month) with a local organization. COTS offers help and hope to homeless persons in Sonoma County by providing safe shelter and housing, helping people develop steady incomes and helping them get back under a roof of their own. We help homeless families become stable and break the cycle of homelessness by teaching homeless parents to make their children's needs a high priority and to provide for them a safe, loving and secure home.
Retreat Photos: First Batch Posted on Web!

Visit Flickr to view the first 50-plus photos from the Memorial Weekend Retreat at Four Springs. Crawdad catching! Butterfly catching! Catching some rays! All the action caught on digital camera. We had a great retreat, and these photos show us having fun, worshiping, singing, playing, eating, and doing as little as possible.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- UUP Board of Trustees: Meeting Sunday at 8:30 am at the Woman's Club.
- Love All (UUP Tennis Group): Friendly drop-in tennis game Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Petaluma High School courts.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP email list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
Labels: This Week at UUP
Thursday, June 07, 2007
This Week at UUP: May 31- June 6, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
Sunday, June 3: "The Empty Chair"
Guest Speaker: Rev. Chris Bell, Minister of the UU Congregation of Santa Rosa
The world is full of people who can make a transformative difference in their own and others lives if they are simply invited to do so. They need to be told that they are trustworthy, powerful and good, and offered partners in their work and companionship in their struggles. Chris will use the symbol of an empty chair to explore how our UU faith calls us to offer and share this gift with others, because there's always room for one more!
Following the service, please stay for the annual UUP Congregational Meeting. See note below.
Sunday, June 10: "Gay Pride"
Guest speaker: Meredith Guest
During Gay Pride Month, I want us to take a look at homophobia, to how prevalent, though hidden, it still is, at its real and intended victims (not the ones you might have thought) and at some signs of hope that it too might one day be thrown on the trash-heap of human folly along with racism.
A Share-the-Plate Sunday
Sunday, June 17: "'Ave, Salve, et Vale' (Hail, Hugs, and Farewell)"
Leland Bond-Upson, Regular Guest Minister
With this service Leland's 5 years with UUP as our Regular Guest Minister comes to a close, at least in the way we’ve been doing it. Ward Tabler, Professor of Speech at Cal, and Starr King School’s long-time preacher-trainer, taught novices "don’t try to say it all in one sermon." He will keep that advice in mind as he takes this opportunity to sum up, and reflect on what’s important, and what it’s been like to arrive, be with UUP, and depart.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- Worship Associates: Meeting Monday at 7:30 at Tony Blake's home.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
Labels: This Week at UUP
Religious Education Update: June 3, 2007
At the annual retreat last weekend, I was greatly honored by being recognized as the Keeper of the Flame for UUP for 2007. Dick Allen and Leslie Harrison were honored as Fire Starters in recognition for their awesome work on the Time and Talent Auction. I was not expecting to be honored, and was speechless at the time. Now that I’ve recovered from the initial shock, I would like to thank the members and friends who so generously gave me the award, the apron with personal messages and the book of essays by Emerson. I love all of you more than you know.
While I was this year’s honoree, I recognize that we all Keep the Flame for UUP. Others of us, such as Dick and Leslie, work as firestarters. Some of the UUP flame keepers and firestarters last weekend include:
** Our fabulous youth who made the pizzas with enthusiasm and love.
** Elisabeth "T" Hathaway, our amazing organizational whiz who handled the retreat logistics and paperwork.
** Tony Blake, omelet and pancake grill chef extraordinaire
** T Hathaway and Diana Spaulding, worship associates, for inspiration
** KC Greaney for her t-shirt project that produced wearable works of art
** David Hathaway and Philip Abel for gourmet treats and BBQ finesse
** Richard Stark for music and hours of dishwashing
** Stacey Meinzen, Lara Abel and Dick Allen for games that raised the roof.
** Mother Nature for beautiful, warm days and nights
** Our children and youth who sang anthems during worship, shucked corn, entertained Peter, baked muffins, and helped cheerfully
** All the dads who did pool duty so that the women could enjoy the Women’s group meeting.
** Michael Pool and Steve West for trips to town for all those items we forgot or suddenly needed
** To Earl Cruser, Meredith Guest, and Ginny Harte for keeping the home fires going in Petaluma, and warmly greeting visitors to UUP.
It takes a village to keep our fires burning, especially on Memorial Day Weekend when UUP is active both here in Petaluma and at Four Springs. Thanks to all who find kindling, provide sparks, or tend the flames.
Marlene Abel
Director of Religious Education