This Week at UUP: August 23-29, 2007
The Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma
An Oasis for Heart and Mind Every Sunday in Downtown Petaluma
For complete up-to-date info on the Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, see our website:
(Social time with refreshments begins at 10:00 am , at the Petaluma Woman's Club, 518 B Street. Worship service begins at 10:30 am. )
August 26: Obligations of Enlightenment
Guest speaker: Eric Nelson
Worship Associate: Lara Abel
Are Unitarian Universalists obligated to get involved in social, political, and moral issues such as peacemaking, resistance to hate, and advancement of all people? Eric teaches college part time, and works full time as a peace officer. He lives in Davis with three adopted dogs. Eric regularly presents at a half dozen UU churches in the Pacific Central District. He is a member of the UU church in San Francisco.
September 2: Labor Day
Guest speaker: Meredith Guest
On this Labor Day weekend, let's examine the complex and controversial issue of immigration, particularly illegal immigration and its impact on and implications for America's working class and ask ourselves: When compassion and concerns for social justice collide, how do we decide what to think, feel and do?
September 9: TBA
Guest speaker: Tim Locke
Worship Associate: Elisabeth Hathaway
September 16: Water and Stones Ingathering
Our community regathers following our summertime adventures, whether at home in Petaluma or abroad. Bring water and a stone from your travels, to leave in the common vessels as a symbol of our coming back together for the start of a new church year. Worship Associate: Tony Blake
Gather your Water and Stones!
During your summer travels near and far, don't forget to gather a small vial of water or a stone for our traditional early September "Water and Stones" service.
Religious Education Orientation and Planning Meeting
Please join Marlene Abel in a meeting regarding the Religious Education Program for this coming year, immediately after church on August 26 in the Fireside Room, 11:30-12:30. She will provide a light lunch for adults and children, and some our older youth (Amy, Bailey, and Beatrice) will lead the younger kids in games and art activities, and nurture babies and toddlers.
What would you like to see offered for our children and youth this year? Come look at the newly arrived UU Identity Curriculum, the children's songbooks, and plans for social events. Marlene plans to lead a discussion on how we can work together as a community to create the best possible programming for all our kids this year. She'd love to hear your ideas, even if you don't have children in the program. It takes a community............
Larking About (UUP Singers) Resume Rehearsals
If you like to sing, you are warmly invited to come sing with UUP's own choir, Larking About. We will begin meeting on Tuesday evenings starting on August 28, from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the home of David Dodd and Diana Spaulding. We will begin working on a piece for the September 16th "Water and Stones Ingathering" service. Suggestions for group performance material are welcome--Larking About works to select and sometimes to arrange its own material, and we perform a wide range of world music from many eras. Past pieces have included diverse works from such sources as jazz composer Bobby McFerrin, Southern Harmony gospel, spirituals, African chants with drumming, Renaissance madrigals, popular songs--you name it!
Marketing Campaign Launches in September
Donors from 17 Bay Area congregations -- including ours -- raised $300,000 to help others find their faith. Radio commercials will begin airing the week of September 10th and will be followed by TV, direct mail, BART station billboards, print ads in parenting and GLBT-oriented publications, an amazing 4-page, full-color newspaper insert, and more! The ads will direct people to the web site, to learn how to find a congregation near them.
Join in the excitement, and let's get ready for company -- let's all watch for visitors, and do everything we can to help them feel comfortable and welcomed. For more detail, see the full UUP Blog article.
Share your garden
Our October 21st service will be a brunch and sermon about Ethical Eating as a Unitarian Universalist. If you are growing food in your yard and would consider sharing it with UUP for this brunch, please email Stacey Meinzen at stacey at graphicsingreen dot com. Sharing food is a great way to build community and to be sure that your surplus does not go to waste. No food donation is too small.
Regularly Scheduled Gatherings
- Love All (UUP Tennis Group): Friendly drop-in tennis game Sunday from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Petaluma High School courts.
- Membership Committee Meeting: Monday, 7:30 pm at Elaine and Gene Ellsworth's house
- Book Discussion Group: The group discussing "The Left Hand of God" by Rabbi Michael Lerner will meet again Sunday, Sept. 9th.
If you have changed your email address or would like to be added to or removed from the UUP list, please email us at uupetaluma at gmail dot com.
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